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hybridForm Document-Format
Exemplar (customize) |
Superior Structure: | Miser Project Construction
Structure (front porch) Miser Project Construction Zone (front porch) |
Local Infrastructure: |
Immediate Content: |
Home Page (generated from index.md) h000000.htm hybridForm Technical Notes and Diary - customize with distinct prefix (likely) h000001.htm hybridForm Technical Articles Catalog - customize hybridForm.txt hybridForm Manifest and TODOs - customize (optional, with others) |
Subordinate Structure: | yyyy/ Articles Initiated in yyyy - customize, expand from year to year | |
Status: |
You've reached hybridForm/
, a portion
of the Miser Project web site.
This area is part of the engineering, construction management, maintenance, and infrastructure for the Miser Project web presence. You are welcome to explore this and other construction-information pages. You'll need your hard hat and safety shoes.
When there is more content for this area, the entrance to this section
will have a "home page" that provides access to that content.
Sometimes the "home page" (usually an index
page) is removed to block access while the construction crew is blasting in
the area. If you are looking for the content, try again later or, if
you are losing patience, encourage orcmid
to provide it.
Exemplar Customization
This area is an annotated exemplar, a kind of template this in the form it specifies, for use as boilerplate in creation of a topic section and also subordinate accession-numbered articles and components. The practice is to copy (in the file manager, not FrontPage) as much of the entire hybridForm/ folder as needed to a new destination at the appropriate level in a project. Then modify that copy, by renaming the files and editing in FrontPage (for HTML pages) or text editor (for Markdown pages) to start a new topic and subordinate material at the "topic/" location. That should be at the same level as this hybridForm/ and construction/. Subordinate exemplar portions can be copied repeatedly to expand subtrees on "topic/yyyy/mm/" paths.
IMPORTANT: This scheme is workable because relative URLs are used for cross-reference to templates and other materials under construction/. The congruence among Construction Material templates and other articles allows project-dependent features to be connected automatically using the same relative references. Additional guidance on the customization of hybridForm exemplar pages is provided on the Construction Structure and on the exemplar pages under the hybridForm topic. Editing of the extracted copies must then be done. After there is some initial material, it may be easier to clone existing already-customized subordinate folders as boilerplate.
WARNING: Over time, different Construction Material, construction/, folders have variations in their construction/yyyy/mm/ additions that are sources for included components into web pages. The key variations are for ClustrMap inclusion and the revision/refactoring notifications. This is resolved on GitHub by employing the organization of orcmid.github.io/construction/ as the standard arrangement, with appropriate adjustments for images/.
For customizaion of this exemplar page,
You are navigating Miser Project construction structure. |
created 2024-02-11T23:15Z by orcmid |