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hybridForm: Construction Diary & Job Jar |
Status |
Date |
Description |
done |
2024-02-11 |
2024-12-30 | There is no reason not to use hybrid forms at the hymmnnx level except that the page-insertion mechanism for hymmnnb[n].htm won't work. Since this progression is generally about version history, I need to rethink this. The hymmnnb.htm could be a redirect to the latest rather than being a transclusion. There would then be no subordinates, because that's all at the correct level. This does raise difficulties when the subordinate is to be transcludable. We can figure that out. A weird way to set this up might be side-by-side, since any *.md will become *.html and not collide with the *.htm maintained materials. Keep thinking, orcmid. | ||
2024-12-30 | The ClustrMap at all of the topic levels needs to be elevated to just below the orcmid.github.io> mouse track, since that is the level of the ClustrMap connection. index.md, yyyy/mm/hymmnn.md. Review the *.htm files for ones with ClustrMap inserts and provide the same adjustments. Take this adjustment to docEng and anywhere else hybridForm has been introduced. | ||
exemplar 2024-03-02 |
Adapt the exemplar construction structure: topic/index.htm. If calendarized accession structures are being employed, adapt topic/yyyy/index.htm, and topic/yyyy/mm/index.htm as well. If the accession scheme exemplar is not being employed, ensure the removal of yyyy from the topic/index.htm subordinate structure.. | ||
exemplar 2024-03-02 |
Adapt the exemplar construction zone: topic/construction.htm, topic/c000000.htm. If no Construction Zone is being employed, delete those files and adjust topic/index.htm accordingly. | ||
2024-02-26 | I am uncertain what the drill will be around having site refactoring/preservation notices built into this material. | ||
2024-02-26 | hybridForm: On abstraction to docEng, preserve this history as part of it in a manner that makes some sense when that one is customized for other projects, if ever. All of these notes about the creation of hybridForm will not be preserved here in the application of hybridForm under the Miser Project. GitHub does not provide an useful history in this case, one of the incentives for having these diary & job jar pages in the first place: have material be available separate from requiring access-to and preservation-of the source-control system used.. I am reminding myself why this trip is necessary for me. | ||
2024-02-26 | I am having some concern that the establishment of hybridForm at this point is a large distraction from focus on the Miser Project, except I want it to aid myself. Since I am probably the only person left on the planet still using Microsoft FrontPage, this is a very odd thing. | ||
2024-02-25 | Blast! I could be doing this at the orcmid.github.io level except that wouldn't get the project level right. It does, sort-of, in that topics work there too. Too late, and I think it makes more work than having this at the individual repository level after primed from docEng (when that happens). | ||
2024-02-25 | I need to figure out where the first steps in introducing a topic in hybridForm are specified. That needs to be linked from some of the key pages so that we have the initial pump-priming assumed in place. | ||
2024-02-25 | When this is elevated to the template for exemplars on docEng, there will be additional customizations that will then be deleted when priming a new orcmid.github.io project. | ||
2024-02-25 | When there is treatment on orcmid.github.io/docEng, provide a link to that here in customization item 7. | ||
2024-02-21 | There need to be links to docEng details on the use of FrontPage and the handling of tables, the treatment of styles, etc. | ||
2024-02-21 | images/ use of an expanded set of images and also the additional sets of images for alternate inclusion on the top banner needs to be introduced for handling in hybridForm. This involves reliance on an appropriated Construction Materials version that hybridForm forms will expect. Needs careful thought. | ||
2024-02-21 | c000000: Before scrubbing this back to an exemplar of itself, preserve hybridForm/ as a topic on docEng/. Then deal with any preservation as well as creation of a meta-hybridForm for transport to projects other than miser. | ||
2024-02-21 | There is much about how FrontPage and HTML work that need to be understood in applying hybridForm, whether the hybrid .md files or .htm files that are adapted. I think most of this needs to be handled in docEng/ and accounted for there. This is a bit archaic, relying on a long-unsupported application for which the installers are probably no longer available anywhere. That's a docEng topic too, related to preservation of digital media and software. | ||
2024-02-21 | c000000: When I complete tasks for the customization-to-exemplar and its application to miser/ topics, I will rename the Job Jar elements that apply to future repurposings with dates of form hybridForm and with Status open for use in copies being repurposed. | ||
2024-02-20 | The .htm, .html differentiation needs to be emphasized as a dependency with respect to index.htm, index.html as default pages on folders. This applies wherever there is an index.md and an index.html. | ||
2024-02-20 | Provide the comparison of W3C version progressions and the hyymmnna/hyymmnnb fixed arrangement as a job jar & diary, and a "latest" progression. There can be multiple progressions, but the hybridForm is arranged for at least one. | ||
2024-02-20 | I am reminded of the expression, "just turn the crank" from my Freshman college days. It came to me while thinking of the idea of simply routinely following a construction structure and topical treatments so that the expansion on a topic comes systematically. | ||
2024-02-20 | It looks like yyyy/mm/folio hyyymmnn could be an example about its own construction techniques. | ||
2024-02-20 | topic/index.md: This is always expected to be a hybrid page. However, there are decisions to be made about whether there are topic catalogs and topic-specific job jar & diary (the h000001 and h000000l). | ||
2024-02-20 | hybridForm.txt Update to reflect the essential decisions that go with applying a hybridForm. Also indicate whether this should be renamed and adjusted. That will be interesting with regard to getting the meta- versus topic- down properly. An option is to delete this file in the topic/ clone instead of renaming and adjusting it. So it will need an Exemplar Customization portion.. | ||
in progress 2024-02-25 |
2024-02-20 | I am losing track of the customization of all the pages and their Exemplar Customization entries. I am going to start doing that here because that's the normal situation, then reduce this to being an exemplar page. I might leave special entries here but distinguished by having indefinite dates, or exemplar dates. [dh:2024-02-25 The *exemplar" dates will be used.] | |
2024-02-18 | The location of a ClustrMap insert must also require a consistent construction article location, even though the insertion is done manually in hybrid pages. | ||
2024-02-18 | The repurpose/refactor notices and the coincidence of that material needs to be normalized. This may require convergence on consistency of construction article location. | ||
2024-02-12 | When customization as a template is complete, transpose this to docEng/hybridForm for generic usage as well as usage there :). | ||
in progress 2024-02-25 |
2024-02-11 | Capture the customization tasks that are needed when introducing a topical section to the site. Do not mark them complete even though they may have been accomplished as part of setting up this template. Ideally, capture them as the action is taken for the template. [dh:2024-02-25 Now that I have "Exemplar Customization" sections, that will take care of the situation for this page. The entries in this table that provide a checklist for the overall customization of a hybridForm topic structure will have "Exemplar" and date in the "Date" entry. | |
done 2024-03-20 |
2024-02-20 | Complete the exemplar construction structure: topic/index.htm, topic/yyyy/index.htm, topic/yyyy/mm/index.htm | |
done 2024-03-02 |
2024-02-20 | Complete the exemplar construction zone: topic/construction.htm, topic/c000000.htm | |
done | 2024-02-14 | Employ the term "exemplar" for what hybridForm is. | |
done | 2024-02-11 | Introduce a clean construction zone | |
Exemplar Customization
hybridForm is a template and exemplar for repurposing as miser project web topic sections with their own article subsections. This current Article Diary & Job Jar page is the exemplar for topic/ Construction Zones. The practice is to have the topic/c000000.htm and construction.htm always provide a Construction Zone for the introduced topic/. This c000000.htm exemplar provides initial checklists of work items and additional ones that arise in establishment of a customized topic/ subdirectory of web pages. If there is to be no such (preserved) Construction Zone, this material should be deleted and also removed from the immediate infrastructure on the topic/index.htm page after customization is completed. The portable practice is to keep things familiar and always have the Construction Zone present. Usage will require employment of an HTML editor. Customization is as follows.
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construction material of the Miser Project |
created 2024-02-11T19:01Z by orcmid |