The Miser Project

c071101 Miser Project Construction Material
Site Repaving Project
Diary & Job Jar


0.0.1 2023-11-11 20:16 -0800




done 2023-11-04

The Content Material here was successfully repaved as part of the 2023-11-04 stage of the
Site Refactoring/Preservation Project.  Check those pages for additional details of the approach to correction and upgrade.

2013-10-13 Ensure that the preservation for all content includes correction of URLs and relative links that reflect the migration to The Miser Project on GitHub where case in URLs also matters.
2013-10-13 Percolate the repaving from the Front Porch breadth first and then selectively deeper. [needs new statement for the preservation activity of The Miser Project on GitHub]
2007-11-11 Conduct repaving of the construction structure starting from the front-porch Construction Zone [still needed, but now for the preservation of The Miser Project on GitHub]
  2007-11-11 c071101: There should be a link to the construction structure and construction zone descriptions when they are available.  This is for checking on changes that may be pending or in progress that someone might review when verifying a problem. [2023-08-24 I may have forgotten what this is about, and now I need to consider how it applies to the preservation effort.][2023-08-26 Oh, it's about the c071101 page itself.  And the inserts.  Got it.]
done 2023-11-04 c071101d?: Review and enact
2007-11-11 c071101c: Make a TOC and cleanup the priorities with permalinked sections and titles. [2023-08-24: maybe for the c071101d material]
2007-11-11 c071101: Create a table that shows what modifications were done and when they were done. [2023-08-24 : I am thinking this is not needed for the preservation effort.  There are other ways to accomplish tracking all that for the preserved materials, especially now that GItHub is in the act.]]
2023-08-24 c071101d: Create a set for the preservation of material at The Miser Project on GitHub.
not completed
2013-10-13 Ensure that the repaving for all content includes correction of URLs and relative links that reflect the migration to A2 Hosting's LAMP setup. [2023-08-24 While there may continue to be case-sensitivity issues, the preservation effort on GitHub is now where effort continues]
not completed
2013-10-13 Percolate the repaving from the Front Porch breadth first and then selectively deeper. [needs new statement for the preservation activity of The Miser Project on GitHub]
not completed
2007-11-11 Conduct repaving of the construction structure starting from the front-porch Construction Zone [still needed, but now for the preservation of The Miser Project on GitHub]
done 2013-12-08 c071101c1-c4: The date and links are wrong.  This is the 2007-11-11 Repaving projecct!

The Content Material here was successfully repaved as part of the
2007-11-11 stage of the Site Repaving Project.  Check those pages for additional details of the approach to correction and upgrade.

done 2013-10-13 Update the content of the include pages to reflect this project and what has to be done.
done 2013-10-13 Customize the structure of the boilerplate pages: c071101, c071101a, c071101b, c071101c, c071101b1, c071101c1, c071101c2, c071101c3, an c071101c4
2013-10-13 2007-11-11

Customize this page for immediate usage.  Borrow items from ODMdev c070701 that may be usable here.

Revision History:
0.0.1 2023-08-24T16:40Z Switching to preservation at The Miser Project on GitHub
0.00 2007-11-11-13:47 Create Initial Placeholder
Customize for immediate use in capturing defects and arranging to repair them.

Construction Structure (Hard Hat Area) You are navigating construction material
of the Miser Project

created 2007-11-11-13:47 -0700 (pst)  by orcmid