The Miser Project

Miser Project Overall Construction Zone
Diary & Job Jar



2025-03-06 -08:09 -0800




in progress
Miser Project> preservation> 2023-11-04 announcement>

The Miser Project Is Being Refactored/Preserved on GitHub.

Migration to new servers introduces a number of problems that require repairs.  In addition to those defects, some older pages also need to be modified and reorganized for consistency across The Miser Project on GitHub organization.  While the site is being preserved to accomplish both kinds of improvements and adjustments, you may notice discrepancies and problems with links to site content.  There is also
refactoring underway to blend the separate GitHub orcmid/miser material in alignment with narrative presentations and documentation.

Check the latest Site Preservation Project pages for additional details on the known defects and the approach to correction and upgrade.  Construction Zones will also have information that is specific to particular parts of the construction structure.



in progress 2025-03-06 I need to identify the authoritative texts as such in links from web pages.  I also need to preserve history in tombstones and the related GitHub locations for purposes of provenance.  The authoritative texts to link are oLambda.txt, oSigma.txt, obtheory.txt (Uchar.txt ?), CFob.txt, obaptheory.txt, casep.txt, boole.txt, combinators.txt, Z2adic.txt, oFrugal/casep.txt, ob-exp.txt, oFrugalese.txt, oSigma.txt, sketch.txt,
in progress 2024-12-30 The ClustrMap on hybrid and plain HTML pages is in the wrong place.  It should be directly under the> mousetrack, since it applies at that level.  Update hybridForm to have that.  Setup tasks to remedy all existing hybrid pages to have the same adjustment.
  2024-10-30 I have the feeling that Miser Project Site Preservation is not exactly going as described. I'm not at all clear that Numbering Peano and other materials will be brought across, simply because I am running out of brain cells.  I need to manage the preservation announcement and folio to boil down to exactly what is to be preserved (certainly before I give up the domain.
  2024-10-30 The bottom "banner" comment needs to link to the security-policy page.  Fix this in hybridForm and also go through the current topics to fix the current bottom banners of *.md pages.
  2024-02-26 It does seem to be the case that creation of individuals is an avenue to types of a sort (bad pun).  There is a problem about failure cases.  So far, we have it appear as if nothing has happened, as in the pure-lindy case.  The only other useful case would be to have nothing happen -- i.e., no result, or have a program-point behavior.  There clearly can be program points, although I am uncertain about the environment connection, because oMiser doesn't seem to need one.  I'm also uncertain about how we can reason about programs in the case of such interventions.  My idea in the distant past was to somehow confine the functional to places that could be reasoned about more simply and to isolate them and enlarge them as well as can be done.  Introduction of extensions that go beyond that needs to still afford it.  I don't have any other thoughts today.  Just putting a caution on the track.
  2024-02-24 It appears, for partial-ordering to persist, that composed individuals appear like enclosures where the a-part is covered over to make the individual.  So it still works except that there need to be special rules for that in the definition of precedence.  It turns out, then, that lindies are similar, except sort of in-between precedence-wise.  These are if they always exist already and they don't cover any ob.  Likewise for primitives.  So lindies are a bit between two worlds.  The precedence rules now have to accomplish this.  Is that true?  Ob9 does not say anything to contradict this.  There needs to be additional expression with respect to proc and struct and any other encapsulations as individuals.
  2024-02-24 The original idea was that individuals always preceded any constructions.  So the idea of an individual pinning something that needs to be forwardable does require that such individuals be managed elsewhere, but they do have to pin any ob(s) that they have incorporated.  But we do really want to know forwarding of the individual, because that will also run a forwarding on the pinned obs.  Oh my.  proc and struct are the likely serious perpetrators here.
  2024-02-24 In any interchange formats for oMiser/oFrugal, there must be a normalization required for lindies conveyed in persistent forms, such as XML, whether or not in packages or compressed in other manners.  The platform-independent (?) hashing must work properly, and the hashing of lindy UTF-8 expression must be included.  This is also the reason that the UTF-8 expression must be retained with the lindy in some manner, one that allows lindies to be garbage-collected.  This can work.  lindies, as literals, have no applicative interpretation (except as pure lindy symbolic forms) and the link could be to something that has the UTF-8 lindy identfier.  This does raise some considerations about garbage-collection though.  The generational scheme would usually not do anything but sweep away unreachable lindies in the discarded generation.  The only way out of that is to have lindies somewhere else.  This may be a problem with non-primitive individuals generally.  We need to know when an individual is caught in a Cheney copy operation and copied to another generation.  Unfortunately, that tells us nothing about ones that are not swept out of the to-be deleted generation.  So the definition, wherever it is kept, must be re-forwarded to the literal, or else the lindies are all managed in a different space.  Having to reference count them is no help because we won't ever know when they become unreachable if we do generational collection.  This is the case for all non-primitive individuals and we need a generic solution.  We need to be watchful of precedence also.  We'd like that to be implicitly preserved.  If a non-primitive individual is forwarded, we do know that.  If it is not forwarded but in the scrubbed generation, we know to remove it from wherever we are pinning from.  If it is forwarded into a new generation, we can know that.  The problem, now, is that we may need to somehow know what generation an individual was established in and when that generation is scrubbed without forwarding the individual into an older generation.  This gets messy.  At the same time, the generation collection scheme for getting rid of short-lived obs is very important. 
  2024-02-24 I need a folio on lindies and how the spellings are normalized for beyond-ASCII characters.  The problem is going to be with arabic scripts and other RTL caligraphies.  There are also matters of glyph compositions that need to be normalized, ideally to the correct single Unicode code point.  I need to stage this.  Part of this is a Frugal matter, since it is responsible for feeding the desired form to oMiser and also extracting the printable form.  This is an oFrugal/oMiser straddling situation, as is the pinning of ^lindy forms.  Well, not exactly.  I do have the need to normalize there, just as I need to do so for lindies generally.  So the same normalization holds, although the ^lindy has nothing to do with the lindy as an individual. They also must not be confused at the oMiser level, since ^lindy can be redefined in the oFrugal input stream and there is no such thing for the oMiser lindy.  At the oMiser run-time interface, there must be defensive normalization in the handling of a UTF-8 string though, since we can't count on the view-controller being oFrugal.  Until we can get the Unicode rules down pat, we will limit lindies to the C Language locale alphanumerics, plus "-" and "_".  It would be nice if the filtering of UTF8 were straightforward, such as that defined for \uxxxx and \Uxxxxxxxx.  We will also allow these, so we need to be cautious in filtering in either direction.  That is definitely a future provision and not something we'll entertain at first.  The hard part is going to have to do with font capabilities with oFrugal output of lindies.  So the introduction of \u-forms is going to be messy.  We have to manage that along with the allowance of UTF8 beyond the ISO-648 alphanumerics.  IMPORTANT: This also matters for how enclosures are presented in CFob.  OK, this is already an ob/ topic because of CFob.  We need to address this in conjunction with CFob and the ability to near-literal ability of CFob to distinguish obs in a precise manner.
  2024-02-11 It would be helpful if docEng/ had a master version of this for customization of other projects.
in progress 2024-02-11 hybridForm: Create a template for hybrid forms with article structure that can be used as boilerplate of topics and subordinate structure.  It is having off the construction/ path that allows the references to construction/templates/ work relatively without requiring adjustment.  The presumption is that a hybrid forms are in a project that is published below, so that relative references above the hybrid will work.
  2024-02-08 accession-code letters will be about: a, construction: c, cs: cs, ct: ct, dev: d, lambda: L, ob: ob, obap: ap, obapx: x, obreps: r, oFrugal: oF, oMiser: oM, vision: v.
  2024-02-08 Create folio structures for the established topics, providing a review of tombstoned/repurposed repository content as that is done: cs, ct, dev, lambda, ob, obap, abapx, obreps, oFrugal, oMiser, vision.  The initial source of a model at the correct levels is construction/2007/11/c0711mmx.htm style.  I will start
  2024-02-02 "shadow" is the wrong term for some .txt files here.  Shadowing is used in programming languages to describe a lexical scoping declaration that obscures a global one.  So def ob ^mumble will shadow any previous !def ob ^mumble for the same ^mumble.
in progress
2024-01-31 Improve the first sentence and consider addition of a 3rd bullet-point about the model being demonstrable (demonstrability?), or manifest.  A synonym for manifest is visibility.  Maybe that's what I want.
in progress
2024-01-21 For material that has been tombstoned in non-web folders, ensure that the repurposed material points back to its tombstone in case of more refactoring.  Review all such materials for this purpose.
  2024-01-16 LICENSE.txt and NOTICES.txt are needed here.
  2024-01-16 I need to figure out what to do with models/, models.txt, and the other files at the root of GitHub/miser.
  2024-01-13 The climbing around in the construction structure reminds me of students rumored to be living in the steam-pipe tunnels under the University of Washington campus.
  2024-01-13 vision/ may not supplant what had been intended for by having a sketch/ folder.  Maybe yes, maybe no.  Figure it out and determine if there are some "not done items" that are not "done" items.
  2024-01-13 With regard to the names, Miser and Frugal are related, and, while I might never explain the origin of Miser as an initialism, there is also Scrooge to consider.
  2024-01-12 index.htm: Fix the docs.txt Local Infrastructure.  I think it should be Immediate Content.
in progress
2024-01-12 I need bibliographic entries and then citations of Burge, Landin, and John Backus Functional Programming.
  2024-01-06 I've also been musing about satisfiability and how one can determine the satisfiability of formula F by disproving that ~F is a theorem, and exhibiting a counterexample.  It's negation is a satisfaction of F.  I wonder if the Davis-Putnum-Logemann-Loveland idea, versus the simple version that Doug Ross published as an example of inverted indexing (1960?) would stand up enough.  I still want to do a simple one, mainly to distinguish operational from symbolic handling of the logical connectives and expressions.  The connection to interpretations, or serving as interpretations can be muddle and I want to do this in a careful, revealing manner.  The historical information in Knuth's volume 4B, subsection Satisfiability History in 7.2.2, pp. 313-317 is interesting and daunting.
  2024-01-06 I've been thinking about Boole, how he used integers modulo 2 and got it all working.  This is an interesting separate/side-topic.  In a way, this gets to truth-value semantics of propositional logic and Tarski.   That's a nice progression to draw.
in progress 2024-01-06 It is important to use ‹ob› = 〈Ob,Of,Ot〉consistently.  I trust that FrontPage will not be too disturbed about it.
  2024-01-06 there are notes on moving inside the (COM) interfaces to run raw.  That is going to be important.  It has to work without messing up reference-counting though, and it is not at all clear whether this is the proper granularity for COM objects -- maybe too close to small leafs (my complaint about Smalltalk yet I am looking at similar solutions).
  2024-01-06 forms: I need to think about forms around data structures and whether one can deal with type compatibility without intrinsic types (and ints, arrays).  The Trenchard More work is relevant here, although we are talking about rather different underlying structures.
  2024-01-06 dev will include everything about accelerators and also the jitter scheme for applicative interpretations.  [dh:2024-01-11 Maybe not that.  That might be under oMiser with dev/ devoted to release-level documentation.  But the bigger design and usage matters can be under oMiser, since we mean for that to be the subject-matter, with ob/, obap/ and any obapx/ being the formal stuff, plus oFrugal for the REPL/calculator.]
in progress
2024-01-06 lambda (and rec) are definable and that might need a topic of its own.  This will be along with idioms and some other matters.  It will help to have oFrugal up and running.  These will all be in a category of utilities/idioms/etc. [dh:2024-02-16 I think utilities and idioms are a separate matter.  Lambda is important enough to delve into as a topic on its own.
in progress 2024-01-03 about/ bring up to hybrid basic format
  2023-12-30 At the end of 1.2, we can point out that a key factor is that if there is an interpretation of a structure in ob, and there is a computational interpretation of ob, that qualifies as a computational interpretation of the former.
  2023-12-30 At the end of 1.1 Abstraction, maybe point out that Obs will be treated entirely as abstract structures and their relationship to other mathematical structures be done without concern about computation directly.  The representation of one abstract structure in another (namely, Ob) and the mathematical consideration of functions in ob are carried out without it.
  2023-12-29 Since I am using pure and hybrid HTML on now, there may be more prospects for LaTex or KaTex formulas and the necessary JavaScript.  Check that out.
  2023-11-27 When obreps/ construction zone is in place, ensure that there is discussion about implementations and simulations and also the transitivity of computational interpretation.  We will illustrate the representations in ob and the computational interpretations.  The difference needs to be emphasized, akin to the differences among algorithms and (specific) programs.
  2023-11-27 Get us to where most repaving notices are not required and the satisfaction of them is not emphasized on content pages.
  2023-11-27 On the front page, mention lambda-calculus and combinators as interpretations with respect to the applicative nature of operation and how that is at a lower level that allows for simulations (because there is no identity in this case), and there cannot be. [dh:2023-12-29 I am unclear what I meant by front page in this case.  This situation does need to be explained.
in progress 2023-11-09 I moved some *.txt files into docs/ and I need to figure out what to do with them.  I also need to put tombstones back in the places of their removal.  cs/, dev/mockups/, ob/, obap/, obreps/, oFrugal, vision/
  2023-11-09 A topic with regard to recursive function theory over <ob> would be some organization and predicates on the same pattern with regard to the recursive-function scheme for the natural numbers or the integers.  Then there is the motivation with regard to effective computability and Church-Turing.
  2023-11-09 [Rogers1987] goes not go into interpretation or models, but gives attention to Church, Kleene, and few references to Goedel and one to Turing.
  2023-11-09 [Mendelson1999] (4th edition) has some things to say about interpretations and models that we might want to look at, in the index and some of the text.  There is also an observation about Turing machines and references to its suitability, with reference to Kleene.
in progress 2023-11-09 c000000: I need to separate the TODO, Diary, and Job Jar items among site construction, theoretical considerations, and computer-science/software engineering.  ob/ and ap/ deal with the key 1.0 items, and I suppose apx for extensions.  This will all be in elaboration of the <ob> structure.  Then there are obreps/ items for the interpretation/simulation/representation of other structures in <ob>.  A theory/ topic might be useful.  But maybe cs/ more than that.  Then there is the prospect of swe/.  Here, theory/ is short for computation theory.  Oh, but that's toc/.  Better yest, ct/ which sneeks into Church-Turing.  So we have cs/ for the computer science, on the development and engineering side.  And we can use eng/ or swe/, but maybe just eng/.  OK, we get short stuff. 
  2023-11-05 oMiser.txt: Scavenge this for refactoring the same as was done with docs.txt.
Figure out what to do with the historical notebooks and information from those.  [dh: This refers to my collection of "engineering" notebooks filled out over the years.]
in progress docs.txt
NOTE: Although GitHub orcmid/miser/docs is set as the VSS working folder for MiserGitHub, I have only done Get Latest on images/, readings/, and construction/ so far. There is no collision with material that was already there. The extra folders that FrontPage creates are included in .gitignore to prevent check-in at GitHub. Other pages have dependencies (relative, fortunately) on the construction materials so there needs to be preservation for now. [also DocEng]
If a framework is to be adopted at some future time, especially to be able to use LaTex formulas, we'll just have to see. The mingled FrontPage may endure except where I do require a modern form, such as some sort of JavaScript reliance.
Likewise, determine what to do with notes/.
Determine whether and how much astraendo/ to transpose and preserve. Models and theory can be handled here, and the applied mathematical logic employed with the Miser Project
Prepare to bring and especially the Miser Development blog pages into a folio structure here. This will borrow "tutorial" materials and also have some application-development folder structure.
Create more folio structure for the migration of the text folders to here. I will need to place tombstones at the previous locations.
in progress
2023-11-05 Have entries in bib/ that support the mentions of Strachey, McCarthy, and Landin, any others.  Some of these can be extracted from *.txt files here.
  2023-11-05 We need reviews and updates at with regard to functional programming, logic, and computer science/computation theory.
  2023-11-05 Determine what to do with about/ and vision/.  
in progress
2023-11-05 construction: Distinguish Construction Structure as mainly Document Engineering with mix of editorial.  Subject matter Diaries and Job Jars will be about content and editorial at that level.  Motivate this.
  2023-11-05 The license, the whole business about code in the open, can be inserted on the front page just as other content is linked into narrative sections.
  2023-10-27 Once the Construction Material has been refactored and a new repaving established, commence migration of the text-based materials to here.
  2023-10-26 Redirect to the continuation on orcmid/  Use the technique begun on
in progress
2023-10-25 Switch to repurposing/preservation using construction/2007/11/c071101d1.htm now.  index.htm, construction.htm, c000000.htm.  Also images/ and construction/
  2017-06-25 Convert to Apache License.  That means we need a LICENSE and a NOTICE at the root of this content.  [dh:2023-11-05 explain this along with code in the open]
  2013-12-14 Review the entire front porch after the repaving top levels are complete.
  2013-12-14 When all of the "propogate repaving" work items are closed, the top level Construction Structure/Zone repaving notices and work items can be replaced with completion notices.
  2007-05-04 Turn the Synopsis into a folio and work through the progressions.  I can capture the issue of defining the items to be demonstrated more extensively as work items for the folio. [2023-10-25 this is now vision/ but it will need some repairs]
in progress
2006-10-29 In moving to Apache, there is a lot of breakage around case sensitivity.  There are also some bad links (See #55.69).  There is a lot to work out here. [2023-10-25 This will be part of repurposing to]
in progress
2006-07-11 Change construction office to use nested template and construction-note format.  Rename to Construction Material
2024-11-07 Use the non-support of independent releases statement from on this project as the version in the Sandbox security policy. [2024-11-09 I gave preference to the simpler statement, smoothed slightly]
2024-10-30 Fix the security policy and tie to the sandbox security policy when that is available.  Start by introducing hybridForm.  Once that is found usable, update the content to coordinated with the Security Sandbox information and simplify the current statement. [2024-11-07 The hybridForm of cannot have a ClustrMap because it is not served from the correct place.]
done 2024-02-08 In a personal lumpers vs. splitters conflict with myself, I was wondering if I am cutting the Miser Project topics too fine.  I had to remind myself that there is much to discuss and manage in getting there.  So the current split of topics will remain.
2024-01-31 oMiser/construction.htm: Complete customization - it still reflects the obap/construction.htm boilerplate
done 2024-02-02 construction.htm: Bring subordinate zones current
done 2024-02-02 Add obapx
done 2024-02-02 index.htm: Add obapx/
done 2024-02-02 Move notes about shapes and the proc/def "trick" to obapx/
2024-01-31 Based on the two notes below, I think it may be time to create obapx, even though it might be better to have that on the blog or even the wiki, if I am prepared to invest in setting up either of those.  I should definitely appeal to the related discussions for Miser on GitHub, for starters.  I will move items from here to obapx/c000000.htm.  Then take it from there.
2024-01-12 index.htm: The links to subordinate structure should be to index.htm pages.
2024-01-12 index.htm: It is obreps/, not obrep.
done 2024-01-30 docs.txt: Include in and adjust for its current role
2024-01-16 I need to bring over and tombstone miser.txt, omiser.txt (maybe not, maybe it's here)
done 2024-01-30 miser.txt: Treat as an island of the original and salvage any TODOs, etc., that apply to the web-side aspects of the project
done 2024-01-30 index.htm: Add miser.txt to immediate content
done 2024-01-30 index.htm: Correct obrep/ to obreps/
2024-01-24 Add oMiser/ and lambda/ to the Topics list.
2024-01-23 lambda/ is needed as a special topic.
2024-01-06 There really does need to be an oMiser topic, although I don't know how to square it with dev/.  I think dev/ is for release and development matters.  [dh:2024-01-11 Yup.  The oMiser topic is about the interface and such, including versions and maybe different flavors, such as .net versus in-process x64 COM.  The docs/dev/ folder will be about releases in the manner of nfoTools.  [dh:2024-01-13 This makes sense in that there is treatment of oFrugal -- the parsing and such, and also engineering topics around oMiser (such as accelerators, maybe tail recursion, that sort of thing). 
done 2024-01-24 Fix typo in the top banner version and date HTML
2024-01-21 Add oMiser and also Miser.txt or anything like that to be refactored/repurposed.
2024-01-21 Fix broken-up second pararaph on Available materials.
2024-01-12 The reference to Doug Ross and the stratisfied strings is clumsy
2024-01-18 oMiser/ introduction with design, API, and discussion of performance, various algorithms.  This is not about the code, but the interface, contracts, and various acceleration schemes. [dh:2024-01-21: This is more algorithmic and any kinds of proofs/demonstrations but not the code directly.  It gets close though, just as coming up with precedence processing for the oFrugal REPL is.]
2024-01-13 Create hybrid entrances for the major topics, even if only placeholders: about/, construction/, cs/, ct/, dev/, ob/, obap/, obreps/, oFrugal/, vision/
2024-01-15 in section 4, adjust the first sentence with "essence and power".
2024-01-15 in section 3, add a sentence in front of the diagram to say that the API to oMiser serves to ensure a computational manifestation of ‹ob›, its navigation and its computational functions.
2024-01-15 in Section 2, bullet on Run-time, Change "The o-name form" to "The o in oMiser"
2023-08-22 Complete the remaining relevant items and then determine whether to perpetuate this scheme or let it all fall into GitHub.  [2023-10-25 the viability of FrontPage will be used with GitHub Pages here, so it becomes preservation/repurposing.] [dh:2023-11-05 With the construction structure established, the remaining case is whether to continue using Markdown, the hybrid with Markdown, or a flavor of the nfoWorks professional appearance.] [dh:2024-01-15 I have been making hybrid pages consistently now.  Construction Structure/Zones will be fully HTML and not a big concern that the pages are only viewable in a browser.
2023-11-05 I am a little torn about organization around ob, ap, theory, logic, and structures.  I have some ideas about how to do that.  [dh:2023-11-11 I have chosen ob/, obap/, obreps/ (for the representations), cs/ (Computer Science), and ct/ (Computation Theory or Church-Turing :).
2024-01-13 Now that I have been pointing folks to I need to stitch in the "authoritative" definitions at ob, obap, and maybe obreps.
Provide a dev/ folder here for the release of oMiser and oFrugal code.
2023-11-11 Initiate Construction Zones in the top-level project folders: about/ cs/, ct/, dev/, ob/, obap/, obreps/, oFrugal/, vision/  [dh:2023-12-29 I think that might be all right, although having content directories will also matter at those levels.  I think there will be substructures that can have hybrid folios and yyyy/mm/ nesting now that I know how to make that work with hybrid pages and also pure HTML.
2023-11-11 Populate Construction Structure to images/ ob/, obap/, obrep/, oFrugal, /cs, and /ct/.  Include about/, dev/, and vision/ at least tentatively.  A separate eng/ seems unnecessary.
2024-01-08 Add Construction Zone to local infrastructure of dev/ and ob/, propogate beyond obreps/ [dh:2023-01-11: I don't understand this note, unless I have already done it and not checked it off.  Oh, maybe it applies to index.htm.  Hmmm]
done 2024-01-03 ct/ construction zone touch up and use as model for additional construction zones and exemplar of construction structure index.htm.
done 2024-01-03 Small adjustment in the top banner location block spacing for consistency among these.
done 2023-11-27 Change obrep/to obreps/.
2023-10-25 fix the top-strip logo to link to ./ as part of construction material repair [dh:2023-11-05 I am not liking the hacking of a Markdown Table.  It looks like adding an HTML table works just fine, as it does for the bottom strip.  I will attempt to do that, since the HTML insert is handled by Visual Studio Code even though the linter objects to embedded HTML.
done 2023-11-05 migrate docs.txt construction items to here.  Migrate subject-matter items to some other preserved TODO organization.
2023-10-27 There needs to be a new Refactored/Repurposed/Preserved notification based on the Repaved announcement.
done 2023-10-26 Delete readings/ now that the material is consolidated on
2006-06-06 Repave the notes section too.  Figure out what to do with the Readings and Projects sections too.  [2014-05-03 The Readings section is handled.][2023-10-25 The Readings section is replaced by and there is no projects section so far.
done 2023-10-25 index.htm: Delete readings/
2017-07-22 Ditch movable type.  I need a different static-page blogging arrangement, with handling of images here and also with use of Discus for comments, so they are not actually on the static site.  This creates an archive issue and I'll have to deal with that another way.  Bill Anderson gave me some pointers.
not done
2017-07-22 Besides the 2004-05-30 concerns for HTML 4.01-transitional identification, there are now breaking HTML 5 changes that newer browsers (such as Edge and Chrome) are making.  I need to figure out a responsive solution.  This is going to be a pain in the tuckus.
not done
2017-07-22 Change notations.htm to a document-engineering professional appearance page.  This should probably not be the primary location, but only maintained to preserve existing links that others may have made, however unlikely. [223-08-22 not doing this.  There will be better treatment in the main content.]
not done
2017-07-22 Replace with a tombstone and keep a version of the file somewhere else.  [2023-08-22 this is removed from The Miser Project on GitHub]
not done
2017-07-22 Replace binsearch.cpp by a tombstone and keep a version of the file somewhere else. [2023-08-22 this is removed from The Miser Project on GitHub]
not done
2013-10-15 Propagate repaving to sketch/ with construction zone? [dh:2013-12-06 The Construction Zone will be eliminated.  Sketch will become a professional-appearance structure with its document engineering in n020600 in the Notes section.  There will be a hierarchy of default.htm pages that unfold the sketch.][2023-08-22 I have forgotten what this is about and think I have accomplished the sketch idea in a different manner since this.]
not done
2013-10-15 Propagate repaving to projects/ [2023-08-22 That isn't the approach any longer.  GitHub mechanisms are used.
not done
2013-10-15 Propagate repaving to omiser/ with construction zone?
not done
2013-10-15 Propagate repaving to ofrugal/
not done
2013-10-15 Propagate repaving to ob/
not done
2013-10-15 Propagate repaving to astraendo/ with construction zone
not done
2013-10-15 In construction, review the default standby pages in c000010 for folio and document-engineering structure.  Double-check their construction-structure links and dependencies.
not done
2013-10-15 notations.htm move to document-engineering folio
not done
2013-10-15 synopsis.htm move to document-engineering folio [updating n011101 to that purpose]
not done
2013-10-15 notations.htm construction-structure and style cleanup
not done
2013-10-15 synopsis.htm construction-structure and style cleanup
not done
2013-10-15 mt-static/ Create private construction structure for this add-on domain subfolder [2023-08-22 obsoleted]
not done
2013-10-15 cgi-bin/ Create private construction structure for this add-on domain subfolder [2023-08-22 obsoleted]
not done
2013-10-04 The /ob folder is where Ot should be handled.  It currently has the synopsis (not the sketch).  There needs to be folio structure throughout this site.  The question is whether or not /ob is like a narrative folder and the details are in notes or whether /ob has a folio substructure.  The same question applies to /omiser and /ofrugal, which could be documentation.  The question becomes one of document engineering and whether the /projects folder should be replaced by a /dev folder or not.  I think I might retire the /projects folder.  Well, maybe not.  I could have used a separate projects folder on OdmDev.  The sketch is in n020600 and that is a challenge.  I am leaning toward the use of notes, dev, and projects.  The sketch folder is perhaps the overview that I want, but it needs to be structured better.  Document engineering needs to be set up across the entire site, and that comes with construction structure first.  So repaving counts.  If I have enough construction pages,  I can capture work items.  [dh:2013-03-17 The notes folder will be where content, including document engineering is produced, and the ob/ folder will have the professional-appearance structure.  It could have a construction zone, though, although a notes/ folio might be the best way to handle that.] [2023-08-22 see if this should be siphoned off somewhere]
not done
2007-11-09 Implement the first repaving based on the folio.  Cover Construction structure, Notes, and Astraendo.  Catch other folders as we move through the construction-structure propagation.  [dh:2013-10-13 Maybe do projects folder early in this as well.][dh:2013-10-15 the first propagation is construction/.][2023-08-22 transposition to The Miser Project on GitHub obsoletes this.]
not done
2007-05-04 Make a web review and catalog broken places.
not done
2007-04-29 Incorporate Creative Commons material here. 
not done
2007-04-29 Add construction structure to the notes/ subfolder so that I can continue to reorganize my material on programs vs. algorithms and what algorithms are.
not done
2006-07-11 Add version number to this page. 
not done
2004-08-27 During a slamdown at the root or at a blog default page, the index may show through while swapping is happening.  Make the index.htm pages appropriate for being leaked onto.
not done
2004-06-04 Clean up the table-of-content style and formatting on the default entry
not done
2004-06-04 Conform the additional root material to the structure, including <p>-form title blocks.
not done
2004-05-30 Bring Construction Structure of existing sections up to nfoCentrale HTML 4.01 style: _private, astraendo, construction, images, notes, ob, ofrugal, omiser, projects, readings, sketch, front porch [dh:2013-10-04 double-check on construction and also the repaving for modern Construction Structure.]
not done
2004-05-30 Document link to anchor-site construction and also the use of /miser mirror-relative shortcuts.
not done
2004-05-30 Remove link to the anchor-site construction section from the index.htm page
not done
2004-05-30 Repopulate and clean up the compagno root after disrupting it with the miser renaming
not done
2003-12-09 Have all sections of the sketch be bookmarked and grounded.  These should be in the archive copies (that is, the note versions).  The top level of the sketch may actually be an include-page use of a note body, though I have to worry about top and bottom bars.  Something to think about in terms of having the sketch work like a W3C versioned specification.  This applies to other specifications too.  Think about it.  Start using cross-references everywhere.
not done
2003-12-09 Move all of the sketch material to the sketch section.  Create a job jar there and continue its construction work. [dh:2024-01-13 Although this was declared not to be done on 2023-08-22, I relented and created a vision/ folder that seems to serve that exact purpose.]
2013-10-15 Propagate repaving to construction/ with construction zone
2007-05-04 Make a paned default.htm and front porch on the model of NuovoDoc.
2014-04-21 Make the new front page, once under document engineering, on the model of the NuovoDoc or ODMA Development Framework pages.  De-emphasize the repaving and make a simpler default page.
2013-10-15 default.htm move to document-engineering folio
2013-10-15 default.htm construction-structure and style clean-up
2014-03-28 Correct the templates so that the ClustrMap is not brought in as part of the bottom control block but is included on a customized basis. [dh:2014-03-28 It would also work to have two versions of the footer.  I also need to deal with the Creative Commons Attribution International 4.0 migration.  The ClustrMap should be available only for Default and maybe Construction Material pages.  It is also done differently with professional-appearance document engineering.][dh:2017-06-22 I am going to change this to Apache License v2.  But the ClustrMap change should go through now.  We don't need visit counts on construction materials.]
done 2017-06-25 make n170601 on the model of note n080201.
done 2017-06-25 Create notes/2017/06/ construction structure
2013-10-15 Propagate repaving to readings/ and decide about construction structure, whether to keep local material [dh:2104-05-03 The pages are repaved to current styles and formats, with possible staged transposition of the bibliographies to Orcmid's Lair to be done later.]
2013-12-14 Create a dev/ and Construction Zone for development work.  This does not replace projects/, which is more about the project-management level of work, if used at all.
2013-10-15 Add dev/ with construction zone for managing development and deployment of Miser Project artifacts.
done 2014-04-19 Add keybase.txt to index.htm local content
2014-04-15 Add keybase.txt and site proof after updating the site.
2013-11-03 Get enough top-level repaving going to update the mirror and the site.  There is too much unpublished material accumulating on Quadro.
2013-10-15 Accomplish a minimum necessary for updating the site and continuing.
2004-01-06 Create notes structure in the notes section (after HTML 4.01 style established here), and systematically bring the notes into conformance.
2013-10-17 Delete _private/construction.htm from the mirror and the hosted-site.
2013-12-14 _private/index.htm Correct "any comment there might be" to "any content there might be"
to c000006
2006-07-11 Add ClustrMap to Miser and to Numbering Peano [dh:2007-11-09 Figure out when this was done with addition of c000006.  dh:2013-10-13 There still needs to be propogation throughout the site.  dh:2013-12-14 The propogation is managed from c000006.]
2013-10-04 Review the Construction Materials and see what in c071101 an c071102 is working here.  Do the Front Porch and then work through Construction Material in preparation for complete repaving. [dh:2013-10-13 c071101 is the Repaving Project, c071102 is the Creative Commons license, and c000006 is the ClustrMap.
2013-10-15 Propogate repaving to notes/ with construction zone
done 2013-10-23 Add notes/ and /astraendo to front porch Construction Zone hierarchy
done 2013-10-23 Add notes/ and /astraendo to front porch Construction Structure
2013-10-15 Propogate repaving to images/
done 2013-10-17 In the Construction Structure bottom message block, fix the link to Construction Structure to go to the top.
2013-10-15 Propogate repaving to _private/
2007-04-30 Correct title-block styles and text sizes for this construction zone material: c000000, default, construction,  index.htm, default.htm
2006-07-11 Introduce latest styles and include pages. [dh:2010-10-15 Front Porch only]
2007-05-04 Implement construction-structure links for the front porch pages: default.htm, c000000.htm, construction.htm
2013-10-04 construction.htm: This is an ODMdev clone.  It is not fully customized.  It needs to be revamped as well to be part of the construction structure.  It can be marked for repaving first, if necessary.
2006-07-11 Use the Construction Structure Style for this front porch and put propagation into construction project.  [dh:2007-04-27 This involves using the Construction Structure model being slowly propagated on other sites.  ODMdev is currently the best model.  dh:2013-10-04 This is now hung off of c071101 and it can proceed here.]
2007-05-04 Make index.htm into a construction structure page on the model of
2007-11-09 Create a ClustrMap insertion folio (template c000006)
2007-11-09 Create a repaving folio
2007-11-09 Set up for repaving  Create template sections 00 and 10 and set up catalog and annualized material.  [dh:2007-11-11 This is handled in the Construction Material section]
2007-05-04 Create a hardhat-thumb.gif version and use it as the direct image in construction blocks on the front porch.  Create its replication elsewhere.
2006-10-29 Add warning notice about repaving, broken links, etc.  Link to the treatment on clueless or [dh:2013-10-13-13:53 The repaving project mus include attention to broken links as the result of migration to A2 Hosting.]
done 2007-05-04 Review and correct links from the default.htm page.
done 2007-05-04 Fix default.htm to link to Construction Structure.
done 2007-05-04 The incorrect title block was added to default.htm.  Correct the anchor link and make into "Provisional Entrance."
done 2007-05-02 Add the ClustrMap to the left sidebar of Numbering Peano.
done 2007-05-02 Change the caption on the ClustrMap on c000005c.
done 2007-04-30 Add the ClustrMap to the you-are-here strip for ordinary pages.
done 2004-06-04 Connect to astraendo/
done 2004-06-04 Clean up the default page for updated entrance style
done 2004-06-04 Adjust the index for presence of a Construction Zone, if necessary
done 2004-06-04 Convert the construction.htm page here to a Construction Zone introduction.
done 2004-06-04 Add Construction Zone Diary & Job Jar (this page).
Construction Structure (Hard Hat Area) You are navigating construction material
of the Miser Project

created 2004-06-04-16:11 -0800 (pst) by orcmid