t060501 |
To assure backup to on-line resources that have been relied upon and recommended to readers here, some on-line pages have been preserved in caches as Microsoft .mht pages. This preservation is in order to be accountable for the material as it was, in the place where it was located, when it was recommended for use in articles here. Keep in mind that
- The pages are covered by copyright and other rights and restrictions placed on them by their owners and sources.
- The pages are not covered by the Creative Commons License that applies to pages that are the original works (such as this page) offered as part of nfoWare.
- Cache pages should not be linked to. Always link to the original source with suitable qualification (e.g., the version and date as it was when it was accessed, if known, and when it was accessed).
- If you require a cached version for your own purposes, create your own from the authentic source.
Because it is also inappropriate for some cached pages to be indexed by search engines, many cache links are omitted or are set as rel="nofollow" links.
- t060501c1:
- <>, accessed 2006-05-22
- t060501c2:
- <>, accessed 2006-05-22
- t060501c3:
- <>, accessed 2006-05-22
- t060501c4:
- <>, accessed 2006-05-22
- t060501c5:
- <>, accessed 2006-05-22
- t060501c6:
- <>, accessed 2006-05-22
- t060501c7:
- <>, accessed 2006-05-22
- t060501c8:
- <>, accessed 2006-05-22
- t060501c9:
- <>, accessed 2006-05-22
- t060501c10:
- <>, accessed 2006-05-22
- t060501c11:
- <>, accessed 2006-05-22
- t060501c12:
- <>, accessed 2006-05-22
- t060501c13:
- <>, accessed 2006-05-22
- t060501c14:
- <>, accessed 2006-05-22
- t060501c15:
- <>, accessed 2006-05-22
- t060501c16:
- <>, accessed 2006-05-28
created 2006-05-27-15:51-0700 (pdt) by
orcmid |