
toolNote t060101
C/C++ Programming Resources


0.20 2023-10-30 -11:34 -0700

1. C/C++ Programming for Beginners and the Curious

1.1 These programming resources are recommended for those interested in understanding more about the use of C/C++ programming for development of applications using the Microsoft Windows platform.

1.2 The resources are suitable for someone who is experienced in using a desktop PC and able to download and install software from the Internet (or from a CD-ROM in the back of a book).  No programming and software-development experience is required. 

1.3 It is valuable to have a confident acquaintance with operation of Microsoft Windows.  Willingness to learn how to use command-line/console-mode utilities and software is also important.  These are the easiest kinds of programs to begin constructing using C/C++.  That provides a foundation that all more-sophisticated programming can be built upon.

1.4 This is not a comprehensive catalog.  The suggested tools are ones that are also helpful for verifying and installing software as part of engagement with simple development projects.  They are chosen to be generally useful to newcomers to software development for Microsoft Windows, but we are looking primarily at creating a foundation and avoiding specialized areas, including programming for the Windows Graphical User Interface.

2. Available Materials

     2005-09-08: Inspired by Jaxia's request, Dennis Hamilton develops this and the accompanying notes.  They support confirmation of experiments and construction that are part of the ODMdev setup for ODMref 1.0 development and for further ActiveODMA components.
     2005-09-04: Jaxia blogs about needing a C/C++ compiler for a class, reminding Dennis (via Lisa Williams) that he wants to make it easier for beginners and the curious to get started using command-line/console-mode compilers as part of the TROSTing of ActiveODMA work.
Revision History:
0.20 2007-08-13-15:42 Repave in Toolcraft Location
This folio is moved to nfoWare Toolcraft and repaved along with other material on that site
0.16 2005-10-03-15:29 Move to canonical /faq/2005/09 location
Incorporation in other settings will be accomplished by inclusion
0.15 2005-09-10-17:04 Provide smoother connection
Indicate the value of this material, it's limited focus, and clean up use of permalinks and connections to other material.  Identify the contributors that led to this material.
0.11 2005-09-08-23:08 Proof-Reading Improvements
0.10 2005-09-08-19:44 Reflect availability of initial draft material
The 0.10 draft is linked and a brief introduction is provided.
0.00 2005-09-08-11:09 create  bootstrap placeholder to morph into the necessary material
Incorporate job jar and use it to drive the completion of essential items here, providing an initial skeleton for more content. 

Construction Structure (Hard Hat Area)

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created 2005-06-27-22:06 -0700 (pdt) by orcmid
$$Author: Orcmid $
$$Date: 07-08-13 17:05 $
$$Revision: 95 $