
The Miser Project
‹ob› Universal Computation Function

miser> obap>

0.0.2 2024-01-24T16:42Z

Initial Placeholder

The elaboration of a universal computational function on ‹ob› = 〈Ob,Of,Ot〉 is provided here. The essential characteristics of obs and reasoning (in Ot) about functions (thereby in Of) on obs is explained and expanded upon here.

Catalog (Specimen, apYYMMNN Content TBD)

This placeholder links to raw materials and notes, including text files. There will be organized folios of content as consolidation of documentation on the web progresses. The file obaptheory will remain the authoritative definition.

ID Status Started Topic
obaptheory 1.2.3 2023-12-18 2017-09-11 ‹ob› Universal Applicative Functions
Diary & Job Jar undated 2024-01-08 Notes until there is better narrative material

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created 2024-01-14 by orcmid