Construction Material

c071101 Orcmid on GitHub
Construction Material

2023-08-29 Preservation Announcement>

0.0.2 2023-12-04 13:26 -0800


1. Preservation Insertions

1.1 Announcement Insert> preservation> 2023-08-29 announcement>

Orcmid Materials Are Being Repurposed/Preserved/Repaired on GitHub.

Migration to new servers introduces a number of problems that require repairs.  In addition to those defects, some older pages also need to be modified and reorganized for consistency across The organization.  While the site is being preserved to accomplish both kinds of improvements and adjustments, you may notice discrepancies and problems with links to site content.


This insert is used as long as this particular set of activities is underway.  It is shown in areas that are subject to these activities and others.  When a new set of activities are initiated (along with an update announcement), the new insert will fill in where a preservation insert is still in place.

1.2 Construction Structure Completion Insert

This Construction Structure was successfully repurposed/preserved as part of the
2023-08-29 stage of the Site Preservation Project.  Check those pages for additional details of the approach to repurposing/preservation/repair. 

This insert is used where the Construction Structure has been preserved, replacing any changes-needed announcement insert there.  In some places, such as construction zones, a construction structure completion and a content repaving completion will both be inserted.

1.3 Content Repaving Completion Insert

The Content Material here was successfully repurposed/preserved/repaved as part of the 2023-08-29 stage of the Site Preservation Project.  Check those pages for additional details of the approach to repurposing/preservation and correction.

This insert is used where the Content Material has been repaired and preserved, replacing the announcement insert there.  Note that this is about content, not the underpinning construction structure and other site scaffolding.

1.4 Content Original Paving Assertion

When new sections and content is introduced and the material is paved correctly from the beginning, the following insert is appropriate:

The Construction and Content Material here was created in conformance with the style and location requirements of the
Site Preservation Project.  Check that folder for additional details of the approach to correction and upgrade.

2. Current Activity 

  1. The first priority is to have the construction structure of the site be current and properly connected. 

    • This is accomplished by performing a review starting with the "front porch:" the root materials at Work items and their completion will be reported as part of the front-porch Construction Zone.

    • After the front porch is adjusted, the construction structure of each subfolder is reviewed, extending recursively through all of the construction-structure elements only.    Additional items that happen to be noticed will be added to the work items of the applicable construction zone. 

    • The construction structure and the related construction zones can be located by navigating the construction structure provided at the front porch.

    • When the construction structure is reviewed and adjusted as necessary, a completion message will be inserted to avoid wondering which structures have and have not been reviewed.

  2. The second priority is to have the content be consistent, reachable, and properly linked.  Correction of links is crucial because some material is in different (relative) places, whether external or at other transpositions to 

  3. These activities will be carried out in parallel, with primary content adjusted as quickly as possible.

  4. In addition to percolation of consistent construction structure throughout the site, there is also attention to these particular problems:

    • Assuring consistent HTML 4.01 conformance of all pages, with Unicode UTF-8 character sets.

    • Ensuring that links and the their targets agree in case.

    • Having all fragment identifiers be NCNames (always starting with alphabetic characters)

Revision History: 
0.0.0 2023-08-29T21:57Z Create Initial Preservation Boilerplate
This is adapted from the corresponding folder under

Construction Structure (Hard Hat Area)

You are navigating construction materials

created 2023-08-29T21:57 by orcmid