Dennis E. Hamilton

Construction Materials Zone
Documentation Construction Material>

0.1.8 2023-12-11T01:15Z

Construction Material sections are part of the construction structure and other scaffolding used to manage web site presence. Document-engineering consistency is established.

This Construction Material portion of provides definition of the tools and techniques by which the overall web site and its immediate subfolders (i.e, bib and orcmid) are formatted and published.

Other Orcmid’s GitHub projects (e.g., Miser and nfoTools) provide GitHub Pages (docs/ folders) of documentation that are published as sections of Those sections follow the same document-engineering pattern; they have separate Construction Material subsections for their separate customization and maintenance.

Each Construction Material section has a construction structure and a top-level construction zone. There is a catalog of materials and a job jar & diary.

Much of the web content is created and managed directly as HTML, often with the aid of Microsoft FrontPage. There is also an increasing number of “hybrid” pages (such as this one) generated from Markdown with in-line HTML inserts for the top and bottom banners.

Discussion about is welcome at the Discussion section. Improvements and removal of defects in this particular documentation can be reported and addressed in the Issues section. There are also relevant projects from time to time.

Construction Structure (Hard Hat Area)

You are navigating material

originally created 2023-08-17T17:21Z by orcmid