Shelves of Technical Books

Bibliography Readings/Reviews
Job Jar & Diary>

2023-11-20 -09:59 -0800





The Content Material here was successfully repurposed/preserved/repaved as part of the 2023-08-29 stage of the Site Preservation Project.  Check those pages for additional details of the approach to repurposing/preservation and correction.

  2023-11-20 Create a discussion of [McCarthy1960], include mention of Anatomy of LISP, Talking about Ivory Snow LISP, and also what I found discouraging about how LISP and the LISP reader were used.  This needs other references.  There are also the inspirations of LISP into a particular approach to natural language processing, knowledge representation, and languages such as Scheme inspired by LISP.  Also Common Lisp and Interlisp.  Also, both the MIT and the Stanford Handbooks on AI, the blur between AI methods (such as search schemes) and what would simply be algorithms and methods of Computer Science and programming.
  2023-11-17 r030300: Need  bibliographic entries for [Checkland1981] and [White1993]
  2023-11-17 r020100b: See if the Microsoft paper on Trustworthy Computing is still accessible.
  2023-11-17 r020100b: Move LeBlanc, Writing Secure Code to the bibliographies
  2023-11-17 r010101a: Has references (with links) to Miser Notes.  This is something that needs to be looked at for
  2023-11-17 r000800: The diagonal argument conclusion must be incorrectly stated.  The conclusion is that the functions are not enumerable.  So there are functions that cannot be computed because there are only a denumerable number of function definitions.  Look at this some more and also look at what Edward says about this.
  2023-11-13 There's a nice entry on Strachey on WIkipedia:  It provides a link (dor) on McG.  There is also a connection on the M4 processor that was a Unix tool.  I will refer to that, although I need to verify whatever the similarity is, apart from the inspiration by Kerighan and Ritchie in 1977.  The connection to RATFOR is also cool from a Software Tools pespective.  Rhapsodize about this, Dennis.  Also, Strachey is a great example of Burge's observation that computer programmers and computer scientists are people who were almost something else.  I need to tie this to Edward's observations about Strachey and the existence of non-computable functions. I wonder where I saw that argument by Strachey, and if it was in-person or not.  This will be interesting to tie in.  Also that Peter Landin was Strachey's assistant at one point. 
  2023-11-13 After adding the Strachey McG citation, add a note that accounts for my experience with the paper, the two fixes, and the idea of shrinking it to purely applicative.  How this was used by the FP team, but I don't think it was done for ISWIM at Speryy Univac.  Connect to the Unix Macro utility also.   I eventually realized that using LISP-style representation was much easier with regard to constructions for Miser and, although I knew about LISP, the coin didn't drop until I saw a Dr.Dobb's description of LISPX for microprocessors..
in progress 2023-10-23 Review all for UTF8 character-encoding: philosophy.htm, r000000, r000001,
2023-10-22 philosophy.htm: Space before [Austin1975]
  2023-10-22 r000700: Fix the title
  2023-10-22 r000001.htm r010800a link has typo in the hyperlink.
  2023-10-22 r000001.htm r020701 Link to Körner has broken umlaut fragment reference
  2023-10-12 r020100b: Check the external reference for broken links provide additional links that can be located
  2023-10-12 r020100a: Check the external reference for broken links provide additional links that can be located
  2023-10-12 r020100: Check the external references for broken links, potential replacement links
in progress 2023-10-10 When these repurposes are complete, change the corresponding pages on and to redirects.
  2023-10-10 r010101: There's a cross-link to Miser in the text that will need to be repaired.
  2023-10-10 r010101a: Fix the links to Miser Project Notes when there is a better location under GitHub
  2023-10-01 r010101 Has references to that must be repaired once the relevant material is repuposed at
  2023-10-01 r010101: The implementation of the binary search has a bug that is not required in expression of the algorithm.  The bug has to do with possible overflow of l+u in (l+u)/2.  This is remedied with l + (u-l)/2 fudged as necessary.  This is also very important, and a significant difference between an algorithm and a program.
  2023-09-20 r000800: I definitely have more to say about Church and also Models and model-theoretic matters
  2023-09-20 r000700: There is also Church's Paper and What was made of it by Scott.
  2023-09-20 r000700: Review this, make for sense of it and/or add later thoughts.
  2004-02-07 It would be interesting to see if a "Great Principles" categorization would work here, and whether I can get to that without too much mess.
  2003-12-14 I have a promise to create a link to other System Architecture pages as resources.  I guess I can treat that as a form of readings, but I do need to somehow segregate.  Maybe I can use reading notes for the resource pages.  However I do it, there is need for a page of System Architecture Resources.  [dh:2023-09-17 I think System Architecture and Design has some of this. What else might I have had in mind.  Performance Architecture?[.
2023-10-22 philosophy.htm Sbisa in [Umson1975] entry.
2023-10-22 philosophy.htm [Sbisa1975] special character/spelling
2023-10-22 philosophy.htm [Putnam1979] special character - chapter 6
2023-10-22 philosophy.htm [Plato-400b] Figure out the Book1 link
2023-10-22 philosophy.htm [Hart1996] make Mathematics link to [Hart1996] there.
2023-10-22 philosophy.htm [Eco1997] Fix special characters, maybe specify UTF8 for the page
2023-10-22 philosophy.htm: [Berlinsky2000] Repair special characters in text and Chapter 6 title.
kept subordinate
2023-09-20 Determine whether to include r020100a-c in r000001.  Or are they meant to be working drafts but not offered as drafts to be viewed?
won't fix
2004-02-28 The catalog needs to be updated accordingly and also made more presentable.  Borrow a style from nfoWare.
won't fix
2004-02-28 The named pages in this section should also be viewed as readings and have R-accession numbers.  This allows systematic expansion (e.g., when the authors page or another needs to be split up, etc.)  What I will not do, at least for now, is do anything to alter the named pages, because I do not wish to break any shortcuts that there already are to any of them.  [dh:2023-09-17 Well, I may have created a ton of breakage in cleaning up all of the permalinks.  The redirects to bib/ from the previous locations will be iffy.].
not needed
2004-02-28 Once the nfoWare/projects section is cleaned up, apply the template ideas here [dh:2023-09-17 This may be no longer relevant.]. 
2023-08-31 Walk through the notes/reviews for transposition/repair/preservation.  r000700, r000701, r000702, r000800, r010100, r010101, r010101a, r010300, r010400, r010800, r010800a, r011000, r011100, r020100, r020100a, r020100b, r020100c, r020200, r020700, r020701, r030300, r030800
2004-04-06 Create a systematic procedure to revert to valid #fragment identifiers for all bibliographic entries.  Do it here or under this section's construction zone.
done 2023-10-10 Change the title of all Ryymmnnx.htm files to ryymmnnx.htm
2023-08-31 Add construction structure to the annualized folders and determine whether deeper structure required
2023-09-19 r000001: Update the Index entries and links to folders: 2000, 2001,2002,2003 
done 2004-04-06 Clean up swe.htm enough so that references to it as part of the Ariane 5 Flight 501 Failure article can use legal #fragment identifiers.

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