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see also:
Readings in Computing Milieu
Readings in Computer Science
Readings in Logic
Readings in Philosophy

Garfield, Jay L.(ed).  Foundations of Cognitive Science: The Essential Readings.  The Paragon Issues in Philosophy Series.  Paragon House (New York: 1990).  ISBN 1-55778-257-1 pbk.
(Jay L. Garfield)
     Part I.  Critical Distinctions
          1. Jay L. Garfield.  Convention, Context, and Meaning: Conditions on Natural Language Understanding
          2. Zenon W. Pylyshyn.  Computation and Cognition: Issues in the Foundations of Computer Science
          3. Alvin I. Goldman.  Epistemics: The Regulative Theory of Cognition
          4. Daniel Dennett.  Three Kinds of Intentional Psychology
     Part II. Computation Theory in Cognitive Science
          1. Allan Newell and Herbert A. Simon.  Computer Science as Empirical Enquiry: Symbols and Search
          2. Thomas Tymoczko.  The Four-Color Problem and Its Philosophical Significance
          3. G. Lee Bowie.  Lucas' Number is Finally Up
          4. Thomas Tymoczko.  Why I Am Not a Turing Machine: Gödel's Theorems and the Philosophy of Mind
     Part III.  Artificial Intelligence
          1. John R. Searle.  Minds, Brains, and Programs
          2. Bruce Bridgeman, Daniel Dennett, Jerry A. Fodor, John Haugeland, Douglas Hofstadter, William G. Lycan, and Zenon W. Pylyshyn.  Selected Replies to Searle from Behavioral and Brain Science
3. Jerry A. Fodor.  Modules, Frames, Fridgeons, Sleeping Dogs, and the Music of the Spheres
          4. Daniel Dennett.  Artificial Intelligence as Philosophy and as Psychology
     Part IV.  Human Intelligence
          1. J. J. Gibson.  Ecological Optics
          2. Jerray A. Foder and Zenon W. Pylyshyn.  How Direct Is Visual Perception?  Some Reflections on Gibson's "Ecological Approach"
          3. Stephen Stich.  Grammar, Psychology, and Indeterminacy
          4. Noam Chomsky and Jerrold Katz.  What the Linguist Is Talking About
Part V. New Frontiers
          1. Michael G. Dyer.  $RESTAURANT Revisited or "Lunch with BORIS"
          2. Michale G. Dyer.  The Role of TAUs in Narratives
          3. Terry Winograd.  Moving the Semantic Fulcrum [1985]
          4. John L. Tienson.  An Introduction to Connectionism
          5. John Haugeland.  Understanding Natural Language

Winograd, Terry.  Moving the Semantic Fulcrum.  Linguistics and Philosophy 8, 1 (1985), 91-104.  Publication of Report CSLI 84-17.  Reprinted in [Garfield1990], pp.368-380.
Winograd, Terry.  Is Realism for Real? A Response to John Perry's seminar.  CSLI Monthly 2, 5 (February 1987).  An electronic report, available on the web at <>.

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