Construction Material

bib/ Construction Zone
Diary & Job Jar>

0.0.1 2023-12-04 16:24





The Content Material here was successfully repurposed/preserved/repaved as part of the 2023-08-29 stage of the Site Preservation Project.  Check those pages for additional details of the approach to repurposing/preservation and correction.

in progress 2023-12-03 In the siteserver model, there is the option to check-in a file and leave it checked-out.  There is no such arrangement with git.  I can see the checked-in status in Windows File Explorer (thanks to  TortoiseGit) but there is no counterpart of leaving something checked out.  For HTML pages managed with FrontPage, such as this page, I can have an equivalent by reloading and resaving the page, causing the timestamp to be updated.  There is no counterpart on hybrid and *.md and *.txt files.  I need some sort of toggle that works conveniently while providing me with reminders of where there is work in progress.  This will be mostly in diaries and job jars, so I will see how it works.
in progress 2023-12-03 All repurposing notices moved to bottoms of the pages: index.html, authors.htm, being.htm, cogsci.htm, compsci.htm, funprog.htm, infoware.htm, logic.htm, math.htm, milieu.htm, pc.htm, philosophy.htm, progsys.htm, quality.htm, r000000.htm, r000001.htm, science.htm, softools.htm, swe.htm, sysarch.htm, theory.htm, trust.htm, 2000/, 2001/, 2003/, 2023/
in progress
2023-11-26 On Content pages, the repaving/refactoring notices should be at the bottom above the footer.  Move these whenever such a page is touched-up, or create something more.  These are more construction-oriented and should not be distractions under the title blocks.
  2023-11-26 William H. Burge is a little tough to find.  Beside his book there are,,  The reprogramming paper is instructive because of how it was not appreciated.  Bing copilot associates Burge with University of Illinois in Urbana.  I am uncertain about that.  There is also the possible confusion of another scientist of the same name.  At the time I met Burge and Landin, Burge was a big fan of J. K. Iliffe,, this being in a time where the Feranti Atlas had received much attention, including the introduction of virtual memory.  The use of stacks was also part of the excitement around the Burroughs B5000 (although it was more Algol 58 oriented and did not account for the recursion and lexical scoping support required for ALGOL 60).  The Von Neumann bottleneck was also a factor in Iliffe's thinking.  It is interesting how that has mostly disappeared by some abstraction-raising in the instruction processing on current computers, virtual memory and memory hierarchies being part of it.
  2023-11-25 index.html: Replace with an foyer page
  2023-11-20 Mining Doug Ross's bibliography   I am not so certain about "Automatic Generation of Efficient Lexical Processors Using Finite State Techniques" (Comm. ACM 11, 12 (December 1968), 805-813.  I will prefer steering via vectors, but these may sort out as equivalent.  Free to read, so check it out later.  There is also an earlier, simpler one about vectors somewhere in C.ACM.
  2023-11-20 [Ross1961]  Ross, D. T.  A generalized technique for symbol manipulation and numerical calculation.  Comm. ACM 4,3 (March 1961), 147-150 is worth checcking out.  I also want to find the Ross paper on "reverse indexing," not only for its contribution to using base register indexing to data structures, but for the procedure it exhibits for determining whether a particular Boolean expression is a theorem (not the same as satisfiable).  This is it, although I keep thinking there was a shorter one.  But it does have an implementation of the Wang Algorithm.  PDF Free to download. <>.
  2023-11-20 I wonder if I had seen [Nakata1967] On Compiling Algorithms for Arithmetic Expressions, Comm ACM 8, 10 (August 1967), 492-?, considering about how I employed the terms drag and draw for principles on minimalizing code footprint and the use of temporary locations.  I need to look at this, and its references,
  2023-11-20 With [Ross1967], I am reminded about how this is related to recognizing the term beads for strings as single beads of other strings.  This needs to be pointed out with respect to ALGOL 60 and also ideas about storage management of flexible structures.  The use of plexus is something I borrowed from this treatment, and for a while I used this term for a string-based systems that would be re-imagined as Miser.  Also, the PDF appears to be directly available at the doi.
  2023-11-14 I'm uncomfortable with [Knuth1986] being in Software Engineering.  [dh:2023-11-14 This might be in Software Tools though.  There is also a story around this and the work of Knuth, Joseph Speroni, and Bill Lynch.  There's minimum latency, there's the linking loader and there's the assembler that was used and then what we did to make it maintainable, providing documentation flow-charts as part of it.  Being called a liar at a Users conference.] 
  2023-11-10 There may be a similar matter (as in Knuth citations) for items published by Goedel and others, especially via ASL.
  2023-11-10 For the Knuth citations, I wonder if there is a scheme that is already used that I could have adopted.  If I'm going to change that, I must do it NOW
  2023-11-08 ACM citations and some others might have DORs to include.  Also, if there is a downloadable version.  This applies to some of my efforts as well.
  2023-09-29 funprog: Cite John Allen's "Anatomy of Lisp" and comment on (1) having given up a copy and (2) what it tought me about M-Lisp versus S-Lisp.  I don't recall the further topics described at  The ISBN is 0-07-001115-X. 
  2023-09-16 In the repurposing here, I need to have some citations appear in multiple bibliographies, because of topical cross-over.  I think the key thing is to choose a primary one, and put cross-references from other pages.
  2023-09-16 swe: Need to feature "The Ethics of Belief" 1 Clifford, W.K. (1877). The Ethics of Belief. Contemporary Review, 29, 289-307. Reprinted  In Levin, Noah (ed.). Philosophy of Western Religions. N.G.E. Far Press. pp. 18–21.Chapter 5.   Also in Dancing with bears.  On the general topic: .
  2023-09-16 swe: Figure out when I wrote my note on [Glass2003] so I can confess that I no longer have that book
  2023-09-16 swe: Does the gamma book belong here?  If not, where does treatment of design patterns go?
  2023-09-16 swe: Beside [Crichton1996], add the Petroski books, the Ariane 501, and the engineering of Intel chips.  Also McConnell
  2023-09-16 softools: Do something about the introductory statement concerning reorganization between programming languages and software tools, somehow
  2023-09-11 Figure out how UTF-8 is not getting through into the HTML.  Or maybe something else is messing it all up?
  2023-09-11 funprog.htm: Do TOCs and updated commentary
  2023-09-10 Add Winograd and Flores to cogsci.htm
  2023-09-10 With permalinks all adjusted, now go through and test all of the cross-references and external links (some of which may be obsolete)
  2023-09-10 Make warnings about deep-linking into these materials.  That should maybe be on construction.htm here.
  2023-09-09 Continue adding to bibliographies from my bookshelves and from citations I have created elsewhere and that need to appear here.
  2023-09-09 When all of the lower cases are completed, wrap up with completion at the top-level for bib/ and redirect the two readings/ folders to here.
  2023-09-09 As individual pages are repurposed and repaired, create redirects to them from the original locations.
  2023-09-08 working through individual topic pages, ensure that links from authors.htm are correct, page at a time.
  2023-08-31 What should I do about the Orcmid's Lair readings/ ?.  Should I leave tombstones? [2023-09-07 I can use redirects]
  2023-08-31 construction.htm Update for the merged structure here on bib/, adjusting the entire construction structure.
  2023-08-31 Review existing incomplete items and reflect their status for the merged bib/ of Orcmid on GitHub
  2004-02-15 Clean up all 2003 job jar items and then split them off into an archive version that is linked from this one.
  2004-02-13 Make a FrontPage template that works for an annotated bibliography page here.
  2004-02-13 Make a FrontPage template that works for a "reading" page here.
  2004-02-13 The logic page is becoming impossible to edit.  There is something in the size of the page and the use of Unicode that causes keyboard entry to become painfully slow and error-prone.  I need to look at what would provide a remedy for that.  One thing I can do is move some of the annotations and the tables of content to "readings" pages for faster loading as well as faster editing.
  2004-01-11 Beside adding R000000 to this set, there is the opportunity to add additional articles about the structure of bibliographies and readings.  This is also grist for nfoWare at some point - computer-assisted operation, tie-in to the feuding lexicographers, and so on.
  2004-01-11 Update the Science page to the HTML 4.01 style
  2004-01-11 Include a See Also in the Science Page
  2004-01-11 Include Science in the Philosophy See-Also
  2004-01-11 Verify that this is a proper construction zone and that the linkages work, once this is all figured out for nfoCentrale.
started 2004-01-01

Add Cognitive Science to the default entry and the "see also" of compsci, logic, philosophy, and theory[?]

  2003-08-01 Look at how to catalog/organize non-book/-article resources and link them too.  These will be topical items and they might only be in See-also lists here.  But I do need to find a cataloging of useful links and resources.
  2003-08-01 Create pages for WinDev and WebDev development materials.
2023-12-03 index.html: See how to keep the notice from having an extra blank line.
2023-12-02 authors.htm: Add translations to the titles of [vonNeumann1925] and [Zermelo1908a].  Fix the cross-references if necessary.  Likewise in logic.htm.
done 2023-12-03 index.html: Get the repurposing banner to appear properly at the bottom of the page
2014-05-03 On updating of the hosted-site folder, verify all links and cross-references.  There may need to be adjustment of to have everything work properly.  [2023-09-07 I am making breaking changes to anchors in order to have legal HTML.  This will
break deep links from elsewhere, including ones redirected from and]
2007-04-30 This section requires careful repaving to deal with the case-sensitivity of the current site.
2007-02-20 Review all of the philosophy.htm entries for corrected fragment reference from authors.htm
2004-02-07 On the author entries for authors who are not listed first, be consistent about providing grounding links, and providing complete citations.  Do a review starting with authors.htm and get the job done.
won't fix
2004-01-11 Change all uses of computing milieu to milieux, but don't change the file-name of the page.  [dh:2023-09-16 I am not doing it that way.  I am going back to milieu everywhere because that is apparently the American English borrowing of the term].
2004-02-07 The authors.htm links to logic.htm beyond last-initial B need to be replaced by use of fragment identifiers without "[" and "]".  Do that.
2004-01-11 The construction structure here is a bit of a shambles and I need to do a systematic overhaul to have (1) clean construction structure applied to everything in this heavily-used section and (2) correct use of URLs and fragment identifiers.  I used inadmissable characters and I am now slowly rooting them out.  I need to do it more systematically.
done 2023-11-25 authors.htm Fix links in Church1936, Fromm1971
done 2023-11-21 Create 2023/ for new readings/notes/reviews
2023-11-08 authors.htm Work through and verify/correct anchors at the entries..
done 2023-11-20 Work through the entries at the end of obtheory.txt into bibliography here.  Identify (r000000.htm) prospects for essays and precis on some of these.  Church1936, McCarthy1960, ...
done 2023-11-17 Work through all of the see-alsos for corrected links to the materials here.
2023-11-15 Create redirects fom to the pages and commentaries moved here.
2003-06-27 Reorganize the Software Tools page to be about tools and to organize the language material differently.  Do it in a way where existing links still work.
2023-11-10 There is a clash between softools.htm and progsys.htm.  Some programming-language material needs to move from softools.htm to progsys.htm.  Then I wonder what is left for softools.  If I do something about this, I need to do it quickly. (See 2003-06-27 observation about this too :).
2007-04-30 I need to review everything here for correct and valid fragment identifiers of bibliographic entries
2023-11-14 authors.htm Continue review of cross-links and permalinks from "N": [Perry1997] ref to [Russel1997], [Plato-400a] link , [Plauger92], [Russell1997b] link to [Whitehead1997], [Shaw1996], [Solovay1986], [Solovay1995], [Steele1995] anchor, [Sussman1996], [SussmanJ1996], [Todorov1996], [Turkle1997] milieu reference to [Denning], [Unicode2000] anchor, [vanHeijenoort1990] URL, [Winograd1997] milieu.htm reference to [Denning]
done 2023-11-14 Be consistent and rank closed items by status date closed, not date started.
2023-11-13 author.htm: Continue verifying permalinks and cross-referencs from "H":  Fix [Harbison95], [Josuttis99], [Jourdain1915] reference to [Cantor1915], [Kent2000] permalink, Lewontin2000], [Lewis1981], [Lifschitz1991],  through "M".
2023-11-12 authors.htm glitches: [Basili1995] link to Humphrey1995: [Boehm1988] link to [Gilb1988], [Boehm1996] reference to [Shaw1996], [Dawson1990] reference to [Godel1990], [Feferman1986] reference to [Godel1986], [Flores1986] mispelled link, being.htm [Fromm1971] anchor, [Gamma1998] link, [Gardner2000] reference to [Beck2000], [Garlan1996] and reference to [Shaw1996].
2023-11-08 authors.htm Work through and fix indirections to the permalink places: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z
2004-01-02 Clean up the bookmarks in philosophy.htm and then add Abel's "Man Is the Measure" to the collection.
2003-08-04 Create a systematic review of the styles and page formats and status for all of the reading notes pages: R000001-log, R030800, R030300, ...
2003-08-04 Make sure that the bottom Hard Hat image links are not to index.html.  Include in a link review of all pages that have been conformed to HTML 4.01 so far.  In readings: authors.htm, being.htm, compsci.htm, construction.htm, default.htm, index.htm, logic.htm, math.htm, milieu.htm, philosophy.htm, progsys.htm, quality.htm, science.htm, softools.htm, swe.htm, sysarch.htm, and trust.htm. [dh:2023-11-12 I don't know why the construction structure rules don't fit here.  I am assuming that the current refactoring satisfies this, whatever it is.]
2003-08-03 Make sure there are no anchor-relative links here from other than include pages.  index.htm done, default.htm, construction.htm, C000000.htm done.  [dh:2023-11-12 I am uncertain what this condition is about and consider it concluded.]
2003-12-14 I must change all of the links to in-page fragments to use fragment identifiers that don't use "[" and "]" characters.  I must systematically do this, correcting the authors page as I do so.

2007-02-20: philosophy.htm corrected internallly.
trust.htm corrected.  Bookmarks on Author Page not corrected, but links are.
milieu.htm corrected and the cross-referencing from R030800.  No change to Author Page.

2003-08-01 Create a systematic review of the styles and page formats and status for all of the annotated-bibliography pages: authors.htm, being.htm, compsci.htm, logic.htm, math.htm, milieu.htm, philosophy.htm, progsys.htm, quality.htm, science.htm, softools.htm, swe.htm, sysarch.htm, and trust.htm.  Then do the same on miser-theory.
2003-08-01 Create a systematic review of the styles and page formats and status for all of the readings notes and logs in this section
2003-07-17 For multiple authors, on Reading authors.htm, the secondary citations should also link to the corresponding citation on the appropriate web page and there should probably be a subject category too.  Do this in a systematic review of the author.htm page. [dh:2023-11-12 I don't know which way this was intended, but all citations on authors.htm refer to citations on one of the category pages.  If the secondary references are not there, those will have to be corrected..
done enough
2004-03-28 Make sure that the center title-block titles are all in Sans Serif and the same red color.  Then elevate this to the overall construction and titles on all pages.
2003-06-27 I don't need to say Orcmid's Readings on pages that have the site logo in the corner.  Just use Readings.  Go review the ones that I have updated to HTML 4.01 already and make sure I continue that practice on new Readings (and other site pages).
2023-09-09 Work through the r000000-r000001 materials and apply the same procedure, introducing redirects as repurposed/repaired pages are ready..[2023-09-16 These can be done before I make a pass through the pages that may refer to some of those.]
2023-08-31 Decide how to handle the readings/reviews as folios versus strung out in the r business.  [Since these are new here, not to be confused with those at, I can reorganize without fuss, except I'll need to have a corresponding construction-structure nest.  I do have places to handle this.
2023-09-11 Fix the mouse-tracks and page title for the additional repairs. funprog.htm, index.htm, index.html, infoware.htm, logic.htm, math.htm, mileau.htm, pc.htm, philosophy.htm, progsys.htm, quality.htm, science.htm, softools.htm, swe.htm, sysarch.htm, theory.htm, trust.htm
2023-09-10 First, fix the permalinks on all of the pages.  Done: being.htm, cogsci.htm, compsci.hrm, funprog.htm, infoware.htm, logic.htm, math.htm, milieu.htm, pc.htm, philosophy.htm, progsys.htm, quality.htm, science.htm, softools.htm, swe.htm, sysarch.htm, theory.htm, trust.htm
2023-09-10 Insert ClustrMap on each bib/ page.  Done: authors.htm, being.htm, cogsci.htm, compsci.htm, funprog.htm, index.html, infoware.htm, logic.htm, math.htm, milieu.htm, pc.htm, philosophy.htm, progsys.htm, quality.htm, science.htm, softools.htm, swe.htm, sysarch.htm, theory.htm, trust.htm
2004-08-09 Conform all title blocks to the <p>-style of entries along with the changes specified earlier. author.htm, trust.htm, c000000.htm, being.htm, cogsci.htm, compsci.htm, funprog.htm, infoware.htm, logic.htm, math.htm, milieu.htm, pc.htm, philosophy.htm, progsys.htm, quality.htm, science.htm, softools.htm, swe.htm, sysarch.htm, theory.htm, trust.htm
done 2023-09-11 authors.htm, being.htm, cogsci.htm, compsci.htm Ensure that bib/ mouse-track is to ./.  Fix titles as needed.
done 2023-09-11 construction.htm: clean-up links, mousetracks
2023-09-07 authors.htm: Replace anchors with unbracketed correct forms of the identifiers.  [2023-09-07 a-b done][2023-09-08 c-g] [2023-09-09 h-m done]
won't fix
2004-02-26 To be consistent, it looks like each Bibliography page should also have a "Reading" number and be included in the Reading Log.  I should go back and do that as I audit the pages.  This allows the pages to be backed up with support/appendage pages using the reading identification scheme. [2023-09-10 Although a good idea, I think that horse is out of the barn.  Backing up with readings is fine, if needed for authors.htm or others, some suffixing will be needed.  Although authors.htm is quite large and will get larger, and deep links to  its entries should not be done, I hope not to have to make a division of authors.htm any time soon..
2004-02-07 Correct the gap between the I's and J's on author.htm.  Review all of the entries for proper separation and then sight-check the page that they are all presented correctly. [Good through H]
2014-04-30 Create work items for managing the transposition of content to Orcmid's Lair and elsewhere on the Miser Project.
2014-04-30> preservation> 2023-08-29 announcement>

Orcmid Materials Are Being Repurposed/Preserved/Repaired on GitHub.

Migration to new servers introduces a number of problems that require repairs.  In addition to those defects, some older pages also need to be modified and reorganized for consistency across The organization.  While the site is being preserved to accomplish both kinds of improvements and adjustments, you may notice discrepancies and problems with links to site content.


done 2014-05-03 r010800a: Normalize the internal fragment identifiers
done 2014-05-03 Review this folder in VSS, the hosted-site mirror, and the public site to ensure correct alignment on case-sensitive identifiers.
done 2014-05-03 default.htm: Add warning about Case Sensitivity
2014-04-30 Upgrade the immediate content to current Construction Structure styles and formats: funprog.htm, progsys.htm, theory.htm, r000700.htm, r000800.htm, r001000.htm, r010800.htm, r010800a.htm
done 2014-04-30 Splice into the front porch Construction Structure and Construction Zone Hierarchy
done 2014-04-30 Share the new material to the hosted-site mirror.
done 2014-04-30 Upgrade index.htm, default.htm, and construction.htm in repaved form.
done 2014-04-30 c000000: Establish this initial Construction Zone Diary & Job Jar to get us going.
done 2007-04-30 Add notice about possible breakage to the section default page.
done 2007-02-20 Corrected the internal permalinks on philosophy.htm to use legal fragment identifiers
done 2004-07-20 Correct [Crichton1996] on the SWE page to be bookmarked and grounded.  Also correct sequence on the author's page.
done 2004-02-28 On the mathematics page, create unbracketted fragments and make grounded links to them in the citation codes.
2004-02-15 Add version numbers to this page and start providing history items below the table for finding any archive pages having completed items.
2004-02-07 The computer science page has extra indentation at the left.  I don't need that.  Find a way to have the citation codes (e.g., [Knuth1990]) be at the left margin.  Create a review of all pages for this, and look at what it takes to have a template or something similar for this.
2004-01-11 Add an R000000 Job Jar and Diary to the readings set so that notes on those, separate from construction zone remarks, are managed appropriately.
2003-08-04 Create a job jar for readings, along with the log.  There may be initial non-chronological structure just like a construction structure.  Just remember that a readings notes job jar is about content, not construction.
done 2004-02-19 Eliminate the extra indentation on the logic page, rearrange the top rule and the "see also," and get the Sans Serif to show through in the title (though maybe I don't want that?).
done 2004-02-15 Delete the redundant, out-of-order occurence of [Kurose2003] in authors.htm.
2004-02-07 In the [Kurose2003] entry under computer science, make a link to nfoWare and also add links to the Addison-Wesley site for the book.
done 2004-02-07 Add [Kurose2003] to Information Systems, for now.  Oops, it's under Computer Science.  Add [Kurose2003] to authors.htm.  [Ross2003] was already there!
done 2004-02-07 In authors.htm, the M link goes to the first N listing.  Verify the Letter links on the author.htm page and correct and have them all go to the same place.  [The anchor for V was misplaced too.]
done 2004-01-11 Add Personal Computing to the index and refer to it from Computer Science and Computing Milieux
done 2004-01-11 Make a Personal Computing / Computing for Everyone bibliography for the not-so-techie, not so scientific take on computers and computing.
done 2004-01-11 Add a "see also" to the Philosophy page.
done 2004-01-11 Change the title on this page to reflect that it is a construction zone job jar and diary.
2004-01-01 Create a citation and links for Winograd's Moving the Semantic Fulcrum between cogsci and R030800.  [2004-01-12: I also want this for reference from nfoWare]
done 2003-08-01 On the swe page, correct the separation between Davis2003 and its predecessor.
done 2003-08-01 Review the construction structure and confirm that styles are updated and links are as desired for index.htm, default.htm, and construction.htm.
2003-05-30 Add construction zone to readings and carry things like remembering to refactor and reidentify the citations in softools.htm, etc.
2003-07-17 Put a construction zone in the readings section, so it has a job jar of its own.  Then it may be desirable to have a project page if the readings-log is not enough for what I am up to.
2003-06-27 Correct link to [ECMA] JavaScript specification from the JavaScript book on the Programming Systems and Languages pages.  Double check all within-page links to be page-relative and not whole page.
done 2003-06-27 Reorganize the entrance to Readings to provide a top-down progression into software development.  The route "out" through quality processes and being/empowerment is preserved, however.  There's something fitting about that tension.
done 2003-06-27 Add link from the readings entrance to the software engineering and development page.
0.0.1 2023-08-31T19:40Z Blend Orcmid;s Lair and Miser Project readings into /bib here
The combined structure has an overlapping history
0.00 2014-04-30-17:37 Setup and Build Initial Job Jar (orcmid)
Complete a Construction Zone for the Miser Project readings section.  Set up for managing the retirement of this section in favor of consolidation on Orcmid's Lair.  The notes, such as they are, shall be transposed to Notes or Astraendo sections, as appropriate.

Construction Structure (Hard Hat Area)

You are navigating construction materials

created 2003-08-01-10:52 -0700 (pdt) by orcmid