Shelves of Technical Books

By-Author Bibliographic Citations>

2024-10-05 -14:24 -0700

This is a complete list of bibliographic citations that were housed previously on Orcmid's Lair and   The Miser Project.  This listing ensures unique citation codes (e.g., [Knuth1974]) used consistently wherever these bibliographic entries are cited in (and other) locations.  This is also an useful place, using page search, to find citations for  particular authors (e.g., "Knuth, Donald E.").

-- Dennis E. Hamilton
2002 March 28
updated 2023 November 25


Abel, Reuben.  Man is the Measure. A Cordial Invitation to the Central Problems of Philosophy.  Free Press (New York: 1976).  ISBN 0-684-83636-X pbk.  Philosophy
Abelson, Harold., Sussman, Gerald Jay., Sussman, Julie. Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs. ed.2. MIT Press (Cambridge, MA: 1996). ISBN 0-07-000484-6 (McGraw-Hill hardcover).  Functional Programming Systems
Abrahams, Paul W.  A World Without Work.  Chapter 11, pp. 135-147 in Denning, Peter J., Metcalfe, Robert M. (eds.)  Beyond Calculation: The Next Fifty Years of Computing.  Copernicus Springer-Verlag (New York: 1997).
Acar, Tolga., Michener, John.  Risks in Features vs. Assurance.  Inside Risks column.   Comm. ACM 45, 8 (August 2002), 112.  Trust and Trustworthy Computing
Adler, Mortimer J.  Ten Philosophical Mistakes.  Macmillan (New York, London: 1985).  ISBN 0-02-500330-5 pbk.  Philosophy
Agarwal, Ritu., De, Prabuddha., Sinha, Atish P., Tanniru, Mohan.  On the Usability of OO Representations.  Comm. ACM 43, 10 (October 2000), 83-89.  Systems Architecture and Design
Albahari, Ben., Drayton, Peter., Merrill, Brad.  C# Essentials.  Programming the .NET Framework.  O'Reilly (Sebastopol, CA: 2001).  ISBN 0-596-00079-0 pbk.  Programming Systems and Languages
Anderson, Ross.  Security Engineering: A Guide to Building Dependable Distributed Systems.  John Wiley & Sons (New York: 2001).  ISBN 0-471-38922-6 pbk: alk.paper  Trust and Trustworthy Computing
Appleman, Daniel.  Always Use Protection: A Teen's Guide to Safe Computing.  Apress (Berkeley, CA: 2004).  ISBN 1-59059-326-X pbk.  Trust and Trustworthy Computing
Ashenhurst, Robert L., Graham, Susan L. (eds.).  ACM Turing Award Lectures: The First Twenty Years 1966-1985.  ACM Anthology Series.  ACM Press (New York: 1987).  ISBN 0-201-07794-9.  Computer Science
Astels, David., Miller, Granville., Novak, Miroslav.  A Practical Guide to eXtreme Programming.  Foreword by Scott W. Ambler.  Prentice Hall PTR (Upper Saddle River, NJ: 2002).  ISBN 0-13-067482-6.  Software Engineering
Austin, J.L., Urmson, J.O.(ed.)., Sbisà, Marina (ed.).  How To Do Things with Words,  ed.2. Harvard University Press (Cambridge, MA: 1962, 1975).  ISBN 0-674-41152-8 pbk.  Philosophy
Backus, J. W.  The Syntax and Semantics of the Proposed International Algebraic Language of the Zurich ACM-GAMM Conference.  Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Processing (UNESCO, 1959), 125-132.  Available on the Internet (typewritten preprint).  Computer Science
Backus, John.  Can programming be liberated from the von Neumann style?  a functional style and its algebra of programs.  Comm. ACM 21, 8 (August 1978), 613-641.  Turing Award Lecture.   Available on the Internet at doi:10.1145/359576.359579Computer Science
Baklarz, George., Wong, Bill.  DB2 Universal Database v8.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Database Administration Certification Guide.  ed. 5.  Prentice Hall Professional Technical Reference (Upper Saddle River, NJ: 2003).  ISBN 0-13-046361-2 pbk + CD-ROM.  Information Processing
Barendregt, Henk P.  The Type Free Lambda Calculus.  Chapter D.7 in The Handbook of Mathematical Logic, Jon Barwise, editor.  Elsevier (Amsterdam: 1977).  ISBN 0-444-86388-5 pbk.  Logic
Barendregt, Hendrik Pieter. The Lambda Calculus: Its Syntax and Semantics. North-Holland (Amsterdam, 1981). ISBN 0-444-85490-8.  Logic
Barker, Jacquie.  Beginning Java Objects.  Wrox Press (Birmingham, UK: 2000).  ISBN 1-861004-17-6 pbk. Programming Systems and Languages
Barwise, Jon (ed.).  Handbook of Mathematical Logic.  Elsevier Science BV (Amsterdam: 1977).  ISBN 0-444-86388-5 pbk.  Logic
Basili, Victor.  Foreword to Humphrey, Watts S.  A Discipline for Software Engineering.  SEI Series in Software Engineering.  Addison-Wesley (Reading, MA: 1995).  ISBN 0-201-54610-8.  See [Humphrey1995].
Sierra, Kathy., Bates, Bert.  Head First Java™.  O'Reilly (Sebastapol, CA: 2003).  ISBN 0-596-00465-6 pbk.  See [Sierra2003]
Beck, Anatole., Bleicher, Michael N., Crowe, Donald Warren.  Excursion into Mathematics: The Millennium Edition.  With a foreword by Martin Gardner.  A. K. Peters, Ltd. (Natick, MA: 2000).  ISBN 1-56881-115-2 pbk: alk. paper.  Mathematics
Beck, Kent.  Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change.  Addison-Wesley (New York: 2000).  ISBN 0-201-61641-6 (alkalyne paper).  Software Engineering
Bell, Eric Temple. Men of Mathematics.  Simon & Schuster (New York: 1937).  Touchstone edition ISBN 0-671-62818-6 pbk.  Mathematics
Bell, Gordon., Gray, James N.  The Revolution Yet to Happen.  Chapter 1, pp. 5-32 in Denning, Peter J., Metcalfe, Robert M. (eds.)  Beyond Calculation: The Next Fifty Years of Computing.  Copernicus Springer-Verlag (New York: 1997).
Berlinski, David.  A Tour of the Calculus.  Random House Pantheon Books (New York: 1995).  Random House Vintage edition ISBN 0-679-74788-5.  Mathematics
Berlinski, David.  The Advent of the Algorithm: The Idea That Rules the World.  Harcourt (New York: 2000).  ISBN 0-15-100338-6.  Philosophy
Bernays, Paul.  Axiomatic Set Theory.  With a historical introduction by Abraham A. Fraenkel. 2nd edition.  Studies in Logic and The Foundations of Mathematics.  North-Holland (Amsterdam: 1958, 1968).  Unabridged and unaltered republication by Dover Publications (New York: 1991).  ISBN 0-486-66637-9 pbk.  Logic
Biagi, Enzo.  Lettera d'amore a una ragazza di una volta.  Italian (Love Letter to a [young] woman of another time).  Rizzoli (Milano: 2003).  ISBN 88-17-99506-1.  Being and Empowerment
Biermann, Alan W.  Great Ideas in Computer Science: A Gentle Introduction.  ed.2.  MIT Press (Cambridge, MA: 1990, 1997).  ISBN 0-262-52223-3 pbk. alk. paper.  Computer Science
Biermann, Alan W., Ramm, Dietolf.  Great Ideas in Computer Science with Java.  MIT Press (Cambridge, MA: 2002).  ISBN 0-262-02497-7 pbk. alk. paper.  Computer Science
Bird, Richard., de Moor, Oege.  Algebra of Programming.  Prentice-Hall (Harlow, England: 1997).  ISBN 0-13-507245-X.
Birrell, N.D., Ould, M.A.  A Practical Handbook for Software Development.  Cambridge University Press (Cambridge: 1985).  ISBN 0-521-25462-0.  Software Engineering
Beck, Anatole., Bleicher, Michael N., Crowe, Donald Warren.  Excursion into Mathematics: The Millennium Edition.  With a foreword by Martin Gardner.  A. K. Peters, Ltd. (Natick, MA: 2000).  ISBN 1-56881-115-2 pbk: alk. paper.  See [Beck2000].
Schneier, Bruce.  Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms, and Source Code in C. ed.2.  With a Foreword by Whitfield Diffie and Afterword by Matt Blaze.  Wiley (New York: 1966).  ISBN 0-471-11709-9 pbk.  See [Schneier1996]
Plato.  The Republic of Plato.  Translated with notes and interpretive essay by Allan Bloom.  Basic Books (1968, 1991).  ISBN 0-465-06934-7 pbk.  See [Plato-400b]
Boehm, Barry W.  Foreword to Gilb, Tom., Finzi, Susannah (ed.).  Principles of Software Engineering Management.  Addison-Wesley (Wokingham, England: 1988).  ISBN 0-201-19246-2 pbk.  See [Gilb1988].
Boehm, Barry.  Foreword to Shaw, Mary., Garlan, David. Software Architecture: Perspectives on an Emerging Discipline. Prentice-Hall (Upper Saddle River, NJ: 1996). ISBN 0-13-182957-2.  See [Shaw1996]
Boole, George.  An Investigation of the Laws of Thought on which Are Founded the Mathematical Theories of Logic and Probabilities.  Macmillan (Toronto, London: 1854).  Dover edition (New York: 1958) with all corrections made in the text.  ISBN 0-486-60028-9.  Logic
Boolos, George.  The Logic of Provability.  Cambridge University Press (Cambridge: 1993).  ISBN 0-521-48325-5 pbk.  Logic
Boolos, George.  Burgess, John P., Jeffrey, Richard (ed.).  Logic, Logic, and Logic.  Harvard University Press (Cambridge, MA: 1998).  With Introductions and Afterword by John P. Burgess.  ISBN 0-674-53767-X pbk.  Logic
Boolos, George S., Burgess, John P., Jeffrey, Richard.  Computability and Logic. ed.4.  Cambridge University Press (Cambridge: 2002).  ISBN 0-521-00758-5 pbk.  Logic
Borg, Anita.  Universal Literacy--A Challenge for Computing in the 21st Century.  Comm. ACM 44, 3 (March 2001), 139-141.  Computing Milieu
Joy, Bill (ed.)., Steele, Guy L.,Jr., Gosling, James., Bracha, Gilad.  Java Language Specification.  2.ed.   Addison-Wesley (Boston: 2000).  ISBN 0-201-31008-2 pbk.  See [Joy2000]
Bray, Tim., Paoli, Jean., Sperberg-McQueen, C.M., Maler, Eve (eds.).  Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Second Edition).  W3C Recommendation.  2000 October 6.  See [XML2000]
Brogden, Bill.  Java 2 Exam Cram.  Coriolis (Scottsdale, AZ: 1999).  ISBN 1-57610-291-2 pbk. Programming Systems and Languages
Brooks, Frederick P., Jr.  The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering.  Anniversary edition.  Addison Wesley Longman (Boston: 1975, 1995).  ISBN 0-201-83595-9 pbk.  Software Engineering
Brookshear, J.Glenn.  Computer Science: An Overview.  ed.7.  Addison-Wesley (Boston: 2003).  ISBN 0-201-78130-1 pbk.  Computer Science
Burge, William H. A reprogramming machine.  Comm. ACM 9, 2 (February 1966), 60-66.  Available on the Internet at <>.  Functional Programming Systems
Burge, William H. Recursive Programming Techniques. Addison-Wesley (Reading, MA: 1975). ISBN 0-201-14450-6.  Functional Programming Systems
Burgess, John P.  Introductions and Afterword in [Boolos1998]
Boolos, George S., Burgess, John P., Jeffrey, Richard.  Computability and Logic. ed.4.  Cambridge University Press (Cambridge: 2002).  ISBN 0-521-00758-5 pbk.  See [Boolos2002]
Campione, Mary., Walrath, Kathy., Huml, Alison.  The Java Tutorial: A Short Course on the Basics. ed.3.  Addison-Wesley (Boston, MA: 2001).  ISBN 0-201-70393-9 alk.paper 580pp plus CD-ROM.  Programming Systems and Languages
Cantor, Georg.  Contributions to the Founding of the Theory of Transfinite Numbers.  Translation, Introduction and Notes by Philip E.  B. Jourdain.  Open Court (London: 1915). Unabridged and unaltered republication by Dover Publications (New York: 1955).  ISBN 0-486-60045-9 pbk.  Logic
Chaitin, Gregory J.  The Limits of Mathematics: A Course on Information Theory and the Limits of Formal Reasoning.  Springer-Verglag Singapore (Singapore: 1998).  ISBN 981-3083-59-X.  Computation Theory
Chaitin, Gregory J.  The Unknowable.  Springer-Verlag Singapore (Singapore: 1999).  ISBN 981-4021-72-5 (hardcover).  Computation Theory
Cheatham, T. E. Jr., Sattley, Kirk.  Syntax-Directed Compiling.  Proceedings of the April 21-23 1964 Spring Joint Computer Conference (AFIPS: April 1964), 31-57.  Computer Science
Cheng, Eugenia.  The Joy of Abstraction: An Exploration of Math, Category Theory, and Life.  Cambridge University Press (Cambridge: 2023).  ISBN 978-1-108-47722-2. Mathematics
Church, Alonzo.  An Unsolvable Problem of Elementary Number Theory.  American Journal of Mathematics 58 (1936), 345-363.  Reprinted in pp. 88-115 with supplemental notes in [Davis1965Logic
Church, Alonzo.  A formulation of the Simple Theory of Types.  J. Symbolc Logic 5, 2 (June 1940), 56-48.  DOI: 10.2307/22661700 available on JSTOR <>. Logic
Church, Alonzo.  The Calculi of Lambda-Conversion.  Annals of Mathematics Studies 6.  Princeton University Press (Princeton: 1941).  1951 Second printing with bibliography addenda ISBN 0-691-08394-0 pbk.  Logic
Church, Alonzo.  Introduction to Mathematical Logic.  Princeton University Press (Princeton, NJ: 1944, 1956).  ISBN 0-691-02906-7 pbk.  With 1958 errata.  Logic
Combinatory Logic.  Wikipedia Article.  Accessed on 2018-05-15. Re-accessed on 2024-07-25Logic
Codd, E.F.  A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks.  Comm. ACM 13, 6 (June 1970), 377-387.  Computer Science
Codd, E.F.  Normalized Data Base Structure: A Brief Tutorial.  Proc. 1971 ACM SIGFIDET Workshop on Data Description, Access, and Control.  San Diego, California, November 11-12, 1971.  Computer Science
Codd, E.F.  Further Normalization of the Data Base Relational Model.  in Rustin, Randall J.(ed.).  Data Base Systems.   Courant Computer Symposia Series, vol. 6.  Prentice-Hall (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: 1972).  Computer Science
Codd, E.F.  Relational Completeness of Data Base Sublanguages in Data Base Systems.  pp. 65-98 in Rustin, Randall J.(ed.).  Data Base Systems.   Courant Computer Symposia Series, vol. 6.  Prentice-Hall (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: 1972).  Computer Science
Codd, E.F.  Interactive Support for Nonprogrammers:  The Relational and Network Approach.  in Proc. ACM SIGMOD Workshop on Data Description, Access and Control, vol. II.  Ann Arbor, Michigan, May, 1974.  Computer Science
Codd, E.F.  Extending the Data Base Relational Model to Capture More Meaning.  ACM Trans. on Database Systems 4, 4 (December 1979), 397-434.  Computer Science
Codd, E.F.  Data Models in Database Management.  ACM SIGMOD Record 11, 2 (Feb. 1981).  Computer Science
Codd, E.F.  The 1981 ACM Turing Award Lecture: Relational Databases -- A Practical Foundation for Productivity.  Comm. ACM 25, 2 (February, 1982).  Computer Science
Colwell, Bob.  Ground Bounce.  At Random department.  IEEE Computer 36, 3 (March 2003), 11-13.  Trust and Trustworthy Computing
Constantine, Larry L.  Beyond Chaos: The Expert Edge in Managing Software Development.  ACM Press Addison-Wesley (Boston: 2001).  ISBN 0-201-71960-6.  Software Engineering
Copi, Irving M.  Introduction to Logic,  ed. 5.  Macmillan (New York: 1953, 1961, 1968, 1972, 1978).  ISBN 0-02-324880-7.  Logic
Rob, Peter., Coronel, Carlos.  Database Systems: Design, Implementation, and Management, ed.5.  Course Technology (Boston: 2002).  ISBN 0-619-06269-X.  See [Rob2002].
Courant, Richard., Robbins, Herbert.  What is Mathematics, ed. 2.  Revised by Ian Stewart.  Oxford University Press (New York: 1941, 1996).  ISBN 0-19-510519-2 pbk.  Mathematics  
Crichton, Michael.  Travels. Alfred A. Knopf (New York: 1988).  HarperCollins Perennial edition ISBN 0-06-050905-8 pbk.  Being and Empowerment
Crichton, Michael.  Airframe.  Ballantine (New York: 1996).  ISBN 0-345-40287-1 pbk.  Software Engineering
Crichton, Michael.  Prey.  HarperCollins (New York: 2002).  ISBN 0-06-621412-2.  Computing Milieu
Beck, Anatole., Bleicher, Michael N., Crowe, Donald Warren.  Excursion into Mathematics: The Millennium Edition.  With a foreword by Martin Gardner.  A. K. Peters, Ltd. (Natick, MA: 2000).  ISBN 1-56881-115-2 pbk: alk. paper.  See [Beck2000].
Curry, Haskell B.  Foundations of Mathematical Logic.  Dover Publications (New York: 1963, 1977).  ISBN 0-486-63462-0 pbk.  Logic
Denning, Peter J., Dargan, Pamela A.  A Discipline of Software Architecture.  ACM Interactions 1, 1 (January 1994), 55-65.  See [Denning1994]
Date, C. J., Darwen, Hugh., Lorentzos, Nikos A.  Temporal Data and the Relational Model: A Detailed Investigation into the Application of Interval and Relational Theory to the Problem of Temporal Database Management.  Morgan Kaufmann (San Francisco: 2003).  ISBN 1-55860-855-9 pbk.  See [Date2003]
Date, C.J., Fagin, Ronald.  Simple Conditions for Guaranteeing Higher Normal Forms in Relational Databases.  ACM Trans. Database Systems 17, 3 (September 1992), 456-476.  Information Processing
Date, C.J.  The Database Relational Model: A Retrospective Review and Analysis. Addison-Wesley (Reading, MA: 2001).  ISBN 0-201-61294-1 pbk. Computer Science
Date, C. J., Darwen, Hugh., Lorentzos, Nikos A.  Temporal Data and the Relational Model: A Detailed Investigation into the Application of Interval and Relational Theory to the Problem of Temporal Database Management.  Morgan Kaufmann (San Francisco: 2003).  ISBN 1-55860-855-9 pbk.  Information Processing
Davis, Martin (ed.). The Undecidable: Basic Papers on Undecidable Propositions, Unsolvable Problems and Computable Functions. Raven Press (New York: 1965). ISBN 0-911216-01-4. Logic
Davis, Martin. Computability and Unsolvability. Dover (New York: 1958, 1973, 1982). ISBN 0-486-61471-9 pbk. Computation Theory
Davis, Martin.  Engines of Logic: Mathematicians and the Origin of the Computer.   W. W. Norton (New York: 2000).  ISBN 0-393-32229-7 pbk.  Logic
Glass, Robert L.  Facts and Fallacies of Software Engineering.  Foreword by Alan B. Davis.  Addison-Wesley (Boston, MA: 2003) ISBN 0-321-11742-5 pbk (recycled paper).  See [Glass2003]
Gödel, Kurt., Feferman, Solomon (editor-in-chief), Dawson, John W. Jr., Kleene, Stephen C., Moore, Gregory H., Solovay, Robert M., van Heijenoort, Jean (eds.).  Kurt Gödel: Collected Works, vol.1: Publications 1929-1936.  Oxford University Press (New York: 1986).  ISBN 0-19-514720-0 pbk.  See [Gödel1986]
Gödel, Kurt., Feferman, Solomon (editor-in-chief), Dawson, John W. Jr., Kleene, Stephen C., Moore, Gregory H., Solovay, Robert M., van Heijenoort, Jean (eds.).  Kurt Gödel: Collected Works, vol.2: Publications 1938-1974.  Oxford University Press (New York: 1990).  ISBN 0-19-514721-9 pbk.  See [Gödel1990]
Gödel, Kurt., Feferman, Solomon (editor-in-chief)., Dawson, John W. Jr., Goldfarb, Warren., Parsons, Charles., Solovay, Robert M. (eds.).  Kurt Gödel: Collected Works, vol.3: Unpublished essays and lectures.  Oxford University Press (New York: 1995).  ISBN 0-19-514722-7 pbk.  See [Gödel1995]
Dawson, Christian W.  The Essence of Computing Projects: A Student's Guide.  Pearson Education (Harlow, England: 2000).  ISBN 0-13-021972-X pbk.  Computer Science
Agarwal, Ritu., De, Prabuddha., Sinha, Atish P., Tanniru, Mohan.  On the Usability of OO Representations.  Comm. ACM 43, 10 (October 2000), 83-89.  See [Agarwal2000]
Deitel, Harvey M., Deitel, Paul J.  Java How to Program.  ed.5.  Prentice Hall (Upper Saddle River, NJ: 2003).  ISBN 0-13-101621-0 pbk + CD-ROM.  Programming Systems and Languages
DeMarco, Tom., Lister, Timothy.  Waltzing with Bears: Managing Risk on Software Projects.  Dorset House (New York: 2003).  ISBN 0-932633-60-9 pbk.  Software Engineering and Development
Bird, Richard., de Moor, Oege.  Algebra of Programming.  Prentice-Hall (Harlow, England: 1997).  ISBN 0-13-507245-X.  See [Bird1997]
Denning, Peter J., Dargan, Pamela A.  A Discipline of Software Architecture.  ACM Interactions 1, 1 (January 1994), 55-65.  System Architecture and Design
Denning, Peter J., Metcalfe, Robert M. (eds.)  Beyond Calculation: The Next Fifty Years of Computing.  Copernicus Springer-Verlag (New York: 1997).  ISBN 0-387-98588-3 pbk.  Computer Milieu
Denning, Peter J. (ed.)  Talking Back to the Machine: Computers and Human Aspiration.  Introductions by James Burke.  Copernicus Springer-Verlag (New York: 1999).  ISBN 0-387-98413-5.  Computer Milieu
Deutsch, David.  The Fabric of Reality: The Science of Parallel Universes--and Its Implications.  Penguin Putnum (New York: 1997).   ISBN 0-14-027541-X pbk. Science
Devlin, Keith J.  The Language of Mathematics: Making the Invisible Visible.  W. H. Freeman (New York: 1998, 2000).  ISBN 0-7167-3967-4 pbk.  Mathematics
Schneier, Bruce.  Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms, and Source Code in C. ed.2.  With a Foreword by Whitfield Diffie and Afterword by Matt Blaze.  Wiley (New York: 1966).  ISBN 0-471-11709-9 pbk.  See [Schneier1996]
Dijkstra, Edsger W.  The Tide, Not the Waves.  Chapter 4, pp. 59-64 in Denning, Peter J., Metcalfe, Robert M. (eds.)  Beyond Calculation: The Next Fifty Years of Computing.  Copernicus Springer-Verlag (New York: 1997).
White, Ron.  How Computers Work, ed.7.  Illustrated by Timothy Edward Downs.  Que (Indianapolis, IN: 2004).  ISBN 0-7897-3048-0 pbk.  See [White2004]
Albahari, Ben., Drayton, Peter., Merrill, Brad.  C# Essentials.  Programming the .NET Framework.  O'Reilly (Sebastopol, CA: 2001).  ISBN 0-596-00079-0 pbk.  See [Albahari2001]
Spinosa, Charles., Flores, Fernando., Dreyfus, Hubert L.  Disclosing New Worlds MIT Press (Cambridge, MA: 1997).  ISBN 0-262-69224-4 pbk.  See [Spinosa1997]
Durant, Will.  The Pleasures of Philosophy: A Survey of Human Life and Destiny.  Simon and Schuster (New York: 1929, 1953).  Philosophy
ECMA International.  ECMAScript Language Specification, ed.3.  Standard ECMA-262.  ECMA (Geneva: December, 1999).  Available on-line in PDF format.  Programming Systems and Languages
Eco, Umberto.  Kant e l'ornitorinco.  Italian (Kant and the Platypus): Bompiani (Milano: 1997).  ISBN 88-452-2868-1 pbk.  Philosophy
Einstein, Albert., Infeld, Leopold.  The Evolution of Physics: From Early Concepts to Relativity and Quanta.  Simon and Schuster (New York: 1938, 1966).  ISBN 0-671-20156-5 pbk.  A Touchstone Book.  Science
Einstein, Albert.  Sidelights on Relativity.  Dover Publications (New York: 1922, 1983).  ISBN 0-486-24511-X.  Science
Enderton, Herbert B.  A Mathematical Introduction to Logic.  ed.2.  Harcourt/Academic Press (Burlington, MA: 1972, 2001).  ISBN 0-12-238452-0. Logic
Park, Jack (ed.)., Hunting, Sam (tech.ed.).  XML Topic Maps: Creating and Using Topic Maps for the Web.  Foreword by Douglas C. Englebart.  Addison-Wesley (Boston, MA: 2003).  ISBN 0-201-74960-2 pbk.  See [Park2003]
Ershov, Andrei P.  Aesthetics and the Human Factor in Programming.  Comm. ACM 15, 7 (July 1972), 501-505.  Computer Science
Evans, A., Perlis, A.J., Van Zoeren, H.  The Use of Threaded Lists in Construction of a Combined ALGOL and Machine-Like Assembly Processor.  Comm. ACM 4, 1 (Jan. 1961), 36-41.  DOR <>.   Computer Science
Evans, Arthur, Jr.  PAL - Pedagogic Algorithmic Language: A Reference Manual and A Primer.   (MIT Department of Electrical Engineering: February 1968).  185 pp., typescript.  Available on the Internet at <>. Functional Programming
Date, C.J., Fagin, Ronald.  Simple Conditions for Guaranteeing Higher Normal Forms in Relational Databases.  ACM Trans. Database Systems 17, 3 (September 1992), 456-476.  See [Date1992]
Gödel, Kurt., Feferman, Solomon (editor-in-chief), Dawson, John W. Jr., Kleene, Stephen C., Moore, Gregory H., Solovay, Robert M., van Heijenoort, Jean (eds.).  Kurt Gödel: Collected Works, vol.1: Publications 1929-1936.  Oxford University Press (New York: 1986).  ISBN 0-19-514720-0 pbk.  See [Gödel1986]
Feferman, Solomon.  Theories of Finite Type Related to Mathematical Practice.  Chapter D.4 in The Handbook of Mathematical Logic, Jon Barwise, editor.  Elsevier (Amsterdam: 1977).  ISBN 0-444-86388-5 pbk.  Logic
Gödel, Kurt., Feferman, Solomon (editor-in-chief), Dawson, John W. Jr., Kleene, Stephen C., Moore, Gregory H., Solovay, Robert M., van Heijenoort, Jean (eds.).  Kurt Gödel: Collected Works, vol.2: Publications 1938-1974.  Oxford University Press (New York: 1990).  ISBN 0-19-514721-9 pbk.  See [Gödel1990]
Gödel, Kurt., Feferman, Solomon (editor-in-chief)., Dawson, John W. Jr., Goldfarb, Warren., Parsons, Charles., Solovay, Robert M. (eds.).  Kurt Gödel: Collected Works, vol.3: Unpublished essays and lectures.  Oxford University Press (New York: 1995).  ISBN 0-19-514722-7 pbk.  See [Gödel1995]
Friedman, Daniel P., Felleisen, Matthias. The Little Schemer. ed.4. MIT Press (Cambridge, MA: 1974, 1986, 1987, 1989, 1996). ISBN 0-262-56099-2 (pbk: alk. paper).  See [Friedman1996]
Felleisen, Matthias., Friedman, Daniel P.  A Little Java, A Few Patterns.  Foreword by Ralph E. Johnson.  MIT Press (Cambridge, MA: 1998).  ISBN 0-262-56115-8 pbk: alk. paper.  Programming Systems and Languages
Flanagan, David. JavaScript: The Definitive Guide. ed.4. O'Reilly (Sebastabol, CA: 1996, 1997, 1998, 2002). ISBN 0-596-00048-0 pbk.  Programming Systems and Languages
Winograd, T., Flores, F.  Understanding Computers and Cognition: A New Foundation for Design.  Addison-Wesley (Reading, MA: 1986, 1987).  ISBN 0-201-11297-3.  See [Winograd1986]
Flores, Fernando.  The Leaders of the Future.  Chapter 14, pp. 176-192 in Denning, Peter J., Metcalfe, Robert M. (eds.)  Beyond Calculation: The Next Fifty Years of Computing.  Copernicus Springer-Verlag (New York: 1997).
Spinosa, Charles., Flores, Fernando., Dreyfus, Hubert L.  Disclosing New Worlds MIT Press (Cambridge, MA: 1997).  ISBN 0-262-69224-4 pbk.  See [Spinosa1997]
Fogel, Karl.  Open Source Development with CVS.  Coriolis (Scottsdale, AZ: 1999).  ISBN 1-57610-490-7 pbk.  Software Tools & Programming
Michalewicz, Zbigniew., Fogel, David B.  How to Solve It: Modern Heuristics.  Corrected Second printing.  Springer-Verlag (Berlin: 2000).  ISBN 3-540-66061-5 alk.paper.   See [Michalewicz2000]
Forster, T. E.  Set Theory with a Universal Set: Exploring an Untyped Universe.  ed.2.  Oxford University Press (Oxford: 1992, 1995).  ISBN 0-19-851477-8.  Logic
Forster, Thomas.  Reasoning About Theoretical Entities.  Advances in Logic - vol.3.  World-Scientific Publishing (Singapore: 2003).  ISBN 981-238-567-3.  Logic
Fraenkel, Abraham A.  Zu den Grundlagen der Cantor-Zermeloschen Mengenlehre.  Mathematische Annalen 86, 230-237.  Logic
Fraenkel, Abraham A.  Part I.  Historical Introduction.  pp. 1-35 in [Bernays1968].
Frankel, David S.  Model Driven Architecture: Applying MDA to Enterprise Computing.  Wiley (Indianapolis: 2003).  ISBN 0-471-31920-1.  System Architecture
Frankston, Bob.  Beyond Limits.  Chapter 3, pp. 43-57 in Denning, Peter J., Metcalfe, Robert M. (eds.)  Beyond Calculation: The Next Fifty Years of Computing.  Copernicus Springer-Verlag (New York: 1997).
Friedman, Daniel P., Felleisen, Matthias. The Little Schemer. ed.4. MIT Press (Cambridge, MA: 1974, 1986, 1987, 1989, 1996). ISBN 0-262-56099-2 (pbk: alk. paper).  Functional Programming Systems
Felleisen, Matthias., Friedman, Daniel P.  A Little Java, A Few Patterns.  Foreword by Ralph E. Johnson.  MIT Press (Cambridge, MA: 1998).  ISBN 0-262-56115-8 pbk: alk. paper.  See [Felleisen1998]
Introduction to Illich, Ivan.  Celebration of Awareness: A Call for Institutional Revolution.  Marion Boyers Publishing (London: 1971, 1972, 1976, 1998, 2001).  ISBN 0-7145-0838-1 pbk.  See [Illich2001]
Gamma, Erich., Helm, Richard., Johnson, Ralph., Vlissides, John.  Design Patterns CD: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software.  Addison-Wesley (Boston: 1998).  ISBN 0-201-30952-1.  Software Engineering
Beck, Anatole., Bleicher, Michael N., Crowe, Donald Warren.  Excursion into Mathematics: The Millennium Edition.  With a foreword by Martin Gardner.  A. K. Peters, Ltd. (Natick, MA: 2000).  ISBN 1-56881-115-2 pbk: alk. paper.  See [Beck2000].
Garey, Michael R., Johnson, David S.  Computers and Intractability: A Guide to the Theory of NP-Completeness.  W. H. Freeman (New York: 1979).  ISBN 0-7167-1045-5 pbk.  Computation Theory
Garfield, Jay L.(ed).  Foundations of Cognitive Science: The Essential Readings.  The Paragon Issues in Philosophy Series.  Paragon House (New York: 1990).  ISBN 1-55778-257-1 pbk.  Cognitive Science
Shaw, Mary., Garlan, David. Software Architecture: Perspectives on an Emerging Discipline. Prentice-Hall (Upper Saddle River, NJ: 1996). ISBN 0-13-182957-2.  See [Shaw1996].
Gilb, Tom., Finzi, Susannah (ed.).  Principles of Software Engineering Management.  Addison-Wesley (Wokingham, England: 1988).  ISBN 0-201-19246-2 pbk.  Foreword by Barry Boehm.  Software Engineering
Wyke, R.Allen., Gilliam, Jason D., Ting, Charlton., Michaels, Sean.  Pure JavaScript, ed.2.  Sams (Indianapolis, IN: 2002).  ISBN 0-672-32141-6 pbk + CD-ROM.  See [Wyke2002]
Oskarsson, Östen., Glass, Robert L. An ISO 9000 Approach to Building Quality Software. Prentice Hall PTR (Upper Saddle River, NJ: 1995). ISBN 0-13-228925-3.  See [Oskarsson1996]
Glass, Cindy., Griscti, Jane., Isayeva, Margarita., Kallambella, Ajith., Sierra, Kathy.  Mike Meyers' Java 2™ Certification Passport (Exam 310-025).  Osborne/McGraw-Hill (Berkeley, CA: 2001).  ISBN 0-07-219366-2 pbk + CD-ROM.  Programming Systems and Languages
Glass, Robert L.  The Proof of Correctness Wars.  Practical Programmer column.  Comm. ACM 45, 8 (August 2002), 19-21.  Trust and Trustworthy Computing
Glass, Robert L.  Facts and Fallacies of Software Engineering.  Addison-Wesley (Boston, MA: 2003) ISBN 0-321-11742-5 pbk (recycled paper).  Software Engineering
Glenn, John.  Education is the Key to Future Dreams.  Comm. ACM 44, 3 (March 2001), 137-138.  Computing Milieu
Gödel, Kurt.  The consistency of the axiom of choice and the generalized continuum hypothesis with the axioms of set theory.  Annals of Mathematics Studies, vol. 3.  Lecture notes taken by George W. Brown.  Reprinted with additional notes in 1951 and with further notes in 1966.  Princeton University Press (Princeton, NJ: 1940, 1953, 1966).  Reprinted in pp. 33-101 of [Gödel1990].
Gödel, Kurt., Feferman, Solomon (editor-in-chief), Dawson, John W. Jr., Kleene, Stephen C., Moore, Gregory H., Solovay, Robert M., van Heijenoort, Jean (eds.).  Kurt Gödel: Collected Works, vol.1: Publications 1929-1936.  Oxford University Press (New York: 1986).  ISBN 0-19-514720-0 pbk.  Logic
Gödel, Kurt., Feferman, Solomon (editor-in-chief), Dawson, John W. Jr., Kleene, Stephen C., Moore, Gregory H., Solovay, Robert M., van Heijenoort, Jean (eds.).  Kurt Gödel: Collected Works, vol.2: Publications 1938-1974.  Oxford University Press (New York: 1990).  ISBN 0-19-514721-9 pbk.  Logic
Gödel, Kurt., Feferman, Solomon (editor-in-chief)., Dawson, John W. Jr., Goldfarb, Warren., Parsons, Charles., Solovay, Robert M. (eds.).  Kurt Gödel: Collected Works, vol.3: Unpublished essays and lectures.  Oxford University Press (New York: 1995).  ISBN 0-19-514722-7 pbk.  Logic
Gödel, Kurt., Feferman, Solomon (editor-in-chief)., Dawson, John W. Jr., Goldfarb, Warren., Parsons, Charles., Solovay, Robert M. (eds.).  Kurt Gödel: Collected Works, vol.3: Unpublished essays and lectures.  Oxford University Press (New York: 1995).  ISBN 0-19-514722-7 pbk.  See [Gödel1995]
Joy, Bill (ed.)., Steele, Guy L.,Jr., Gosling, James., Bracha, Gilad.  Java Language Specification.  2.ed.   Addison-Wesley (Boston: 2000).  ISBN 0-201-31008-2 pbk.  See [Joy2000]
Ashenhurst, Robert L., Graham, Susan L. (eds.).  ACM Turing Award Lectures: The First Twenty Years 1966-1985.  ACM Anthology Series.  ACM Press (New York: 1987).  ISBN 0-201-07794-9.  See [Ashenhurst1987]
Graham, Ronald L., Knuth, Donald E., Patashnik, Oren.  Concrete Mathematics: A Foundation for Computer Science.  Addison-Wesley (Reading, MA: 1989).  ISBN 0-201-14236-8. Computer Science
Bell, Gordon., Gray, James N.  The Revolution Yet to Happen.  Chapter 1, pp. 5-32 in Denning, Peter J., Metcalfe, Robert M. (eds.)  Beyond Calculation: The Next Fifty Years of Computing.  Copernicus Springer-Verlag (New York: 1997).  See [Bell1997].
Glass, Cindy., Griscti, Jane., Isayeva, Margarita., Kallambella, Ajith., Sierra, Kathy.  Mike Meyers' Java 2™ Certification Passport (Exam 310-025).  Osborne/McGraw-Hill (Berkeley, CA: 2001).  ISBN 0-07-219366-2 pbk + CD-ROM.  See [Glass2001]
Gulutzan, Peter., Pelzer, Trudy.  SQL-99 Complete, Really: An Example-Based Reference Manual of the New Standard.  R&D Books Miller Freeman (Lawrence KS: 1999).   ISBN 0-87930-568-1 pbk + CD-ROM.  Information Processing
Hacking, Ian.  The Social Construction of What?  Harvard University Press (Cambridge, MA: 1999).  ISBN 0-674-81200-X alk. paper.  Science
Hacking, Ian.  Historical Ontology.  Harvard University Press (Cambridge, MA: 2002).  ISBN 0-674-00616-X.  Philosophy
Halloway, Stuart Dabbs.  Component Development for the Java Platform.  Addison-Wesley (Boston: 2002).  ISBN 0-201-75306-5 pbk.  Foreword by Don Box.   Programming Systems and Languages
Halmos, Paul Richard.  Naive Set Theory.  Springer-Verlag (New York: 1960, 1974).  ISBN 0-387-90092-6.  Undergraduate texts in mathematics.  Logic
Hamming, R.W.  One Man's View of Computer Science.  1968 ACM Turing Award Lecture.  J. ACM 16, 1 (Jan. 1969), 3-12.  Computer Science
Hamming, Richard W.  How to Think About Trends.  Chapter 5, pp. 65-74 in Denning, Peter J., Metcalfe, Robert M. (eds.)  Beyond Calculation: The Next Fifty Years of Computing.  Copernicus Springer-Verlag (New York: 1997).
Harbison, Samuel P., Steele, Guy L.,Jr.  C, A Reference Manual.  ed.4.  Prentice-Hall (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: 1995).  ISBN 0-13-326224-3 pbk.  Programming Systems and Languages
Harbison, Samuel P III., Steele, Guy L. Jr.  C, A Reference Manual, ed.5.  Prentice-Hall (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: 2002).  ISBN 0-13-089592-X pbk. Programming Systems and Languages
Hart, Wilbur Dyre (ed.).  The Philosophy of Mathematics.  Oxford University Press (Oxford: 1996).  ISBN 0-19-875120-6 pbk.  Mathematics
Gamma, Erich., Helm, Richard., Johnson, Ralph., Vlissides, John.  Design Patterns CD: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software.  Addison-Wesley (Boston: 1998).  ISBN 0-201-30952-1.  See [Gamma1998]
Henderson, Harry.  Modern Mathematicians.  Facts on File (New York: 1996).  ISBN 0-8160-3235-1.  Mathematics
Holmes, M.Randall.  Elementary Set Theory with a Universal Set.  Université catholique de Louvain Département de Philosophie, Cahiers du Centre de Logique v.10.  Academia Bruylant (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium: 1998).  ISBN 2-87209-488-1 pbk.  Logic
Hopcroft, John E., Motwani, Rajeev., Ullman, John D.  Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation.  ed.2.  Addison-Wesley (Boston, MA: 2001).  ISBN 0-201-44124-1.  Computation Theory
Horton, Ivor.  Beginning Java 2.  SDK 1.4 edition.  Wrox (Birmingham, UK: 2002).  ISBN 1-861005-69-5 pbk.  Programming Systems and Languages
Campione, Mary., Walrath, Kathy., Huml, Alison.  The Java Tutorial: A Short Course on the Basics. ed.3.  Addison-Wesley (Boston, MA: 2001).  ISBN 0-201-70393-9 alk.paper 580pp plus CD-ROM.  See [Campione2001]
Humphrey, Watts S.  A Discipline for Software Engineering.  SEI Series in Software Engineering.  Addison-Wesley (Reading, MA: 1995).  ISBN 0-201-54610-8.  Foreword by Vic Basili.  Software Engineering
Humphrey, Watts S.  Introduction to the Personal Software Process.  SEI Series in Software Engineering.  Addison-Wesley (Reading, MA: 1997).  ISBN 0-201-65809-7 pbk.  Software Engineering
Park, Jack (ed.)., Hunting, Sam (tech.ed.).  XML Topic Maps: Creating and Using Topic Maps for the Web.  Foreword by Douglas C. Englebart.  Addison-Wesley (Boston, MA: 2003).  ISBN 0-201-74960-2 pbk.  See [Park2003]
Illich, Ivan.  Deschooling Society.  Marian Boyars Publishers (London: 1970).  ISBN 0-7145-0879-9 pbk.  Being and Empowerment
Illich, Ivan.  Celebration of Awareness: A Call for Institutional Revolution.  Marion Boyers Publishing (London: 1971, 1972, 1976, 1998, 2001).  ISBN 0-7145-0838-1 pbk. Being and Empowerment
Imai, Masaaki.  Gemba Kaizen: a commonsense, low cost approach to management.  McGraw-Hill (New York: 1997).  ISBN 0-07-031446-2.  Quality Processes
Einstein, Albert., Infeld, Leopold.  The Evolution of Physics: From Early Concepts to Relativity and Quanta.  Simon and Schuster (New York: 1938, 1966).  ISBN 0-671-20156-5 pbk.  A Touchstone Book.  See [Einstein1967]
Glass, Cindy., Griscti, Jane., Isayeva, Margarita., Kallambella, Ajith., Sierra, Kathy.  Mike Meyers' Java 2™ Certification Passport (Exam 310-025).  Osborne/McGraw-Hill (Berkeley, CA: 2001).  ISBN 0-07-219366-2 pbk + CD-ROM.  See [Glass2001]
ISWIM (If You See What I Mean).  Wikipedia Article.  Accessed 2024-02-29.
Jackson, Daniel.  The Essence of Software: Why Concepts Matter for Design.  Princeton University Press (Princeton: 2021).  System Architecture and Design
Jeffrey, Richard.  editor for [Boolos1998].
Boolos, George S., Burgess, John P., Jeffrey, Richard.  Computability and Logic. ed.4.  Cambridge University Press (Cambridge: 2002).  ISBN 0-521-00758-5 pbk.  See [Boolos2002]
Garey, Michael R., Johnson, David S.  Computers and Intractability: A Guide to the Theory of NP-Completeness.  W. H. Freeman (New York: 1979).  ISBN 0-7167-1045-5 pbk. See [Garey1979]
Gamma, Erich., Helm, Richard., Johnson, Ralph., Vlissides, John.  Design Patterns CD: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software.  Addison-Wesley (Boston: 1998).  ISBN 0-201-30952-1.  See [Gamma1998]
Felleisen, Matthias., Friedman, Daniel P.  A Little Java, A Few Patterns.  Foreword by Ralph E. Johnson.  MIT Press (Cambridge, MA: 1998).  ISBN 0-262-56115-8 pbk: alk. paper.  See [Felleisen1998]
Josuttis, Nicolai M.  The C++ Standard Library: A Tutorial and Reference.  Addison-Wesley Longman (Reading, MA: 1999).  ISBN 0-201-37926-0.  Programming Systems and Languages
Cantor, Georg.  Contributions to the Founding of the Theory of Transfinite Numbers.  Translation, Introduction and Notes by Philip E.  B. Jourdain.  Open Court (London: 1915). Unabridged republished edition by Dover Publications (New York: 1955).  ISBN 0-486-60045-9 pbk.  See [Cantor1915]
Joy, Bill (ed.)., Steele, Guy L.,Jr., Gosling, James., Bracha, Gilad.  Java Language Specification.  2.ed.   Addison-Wesley (Boston: 2000).  ISBN 0-201-31008-2 pbk.  Programming Systems and Languages
Glass, Cindy., Griscti, Jane., Isayeva, Margarita., Kallambella, Ajith., Sierra, Kathy.  Mike Meyers' Java 2™ Certification Passport (Exam 310-025).  Osborne/McGraw-Hill (Berkeley, CA: 2001).  ISBN 0-07-219366-2 pbk + CD-ROM.  See [Glass2001]
Kent, William.  A Simple Guide to Five Normal Forms in Relational Database Theory. Comm. ACM 26, 2 (Feb. 1983), 120-125.  Computer Science
Kent, William.  Data and Reality.  ed.2.  The International Online Library.  (Bloomington, IN: 1998, 2000).  ISBN 1-58500-970-9.  Computer Science
Keoh, Sye Loong., Lupu, Emil.  Towards Flexible Credential Verification in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks, pp. 58-65 in Proc. of the 2nd ACM International Workshop on Principles of Mobile Computing, POMC'02, Toulouse, France, October 30-31, 2002.  Trust and Trustworthy Computing
Kernighan, Brian W., Ritchie, Dennis M.  The C Programming Language.  Second Edition.  Prentice-Hall (Englewood Cliffs NJ: 1988) ISBN 0-13-110362-8 pbk. Programming Systems and Languages
   This edition updates the original 1978 publication to entirely employ "ANSI C," also know as C89 (ANSI X3.159-1989) and the identical C90 (ISO/IEC 9899:1990).  The full progression is captured on Wikipedia topic ANSI C.
   This book, affectionately known as K&R, is a testament to the longevity of C Language and how today's Clean C is "unrecognizably different" to borrow a prediction made about the evolution of FORTRAN language.  The examples can be adjusted to Clean C in most cases.  Historically important, in my mind this book is supplanted as a reference by [Harbison2002].
Gödel, Kurt., Feferman, Solomon (editor-in-chief), Dawson, John W. Jr., Kleene, Stephen C., Moore, Gregory H., Solovay, Robert M., van Heijenoort, Jean (eds.).  Kurt Gödel: Collected Works, vol.1: Publications 1929-1936.  Oxford University Press (New York: 1986).  ISBN 0-19-514720-0 pbk.  See [Gödel1986]
Gödel, Kurt., Feferman, Solomon (editor-in-chief), Dawson, John W. Jr., Kleene, Stephen C., Moore, Gregory H., Solovay, Robert M., van Heijenoort, Jean (eds.).  Kurt Gödel: Collected Works, vol.2: Publications 1938-1974.  Oxford University Press (New York: 1990).  ISBN 0-19-514721-9 pbk.  See [Gödel1990]
Knuth, Donald E.  Minimizing Drum Latency Time.  J. ACM 8, 2 (April 1961), 119-150.  Computer Science
Knuth, Donald E.  Computer Programming as an Art.  1974 Turing Award Lecture.  Comm. ACM 17, 12 (Dec. 1974), 667-673.  Computer Science
Knuth, Donald E.  The IBM 650: An Appreciation from the Field.  Annals of the History of Computing 8, 1 (Jan. 1986), 50-55.  Software Engineering.
Graham, Ronald L., Knuth, Donald E., Patashnik, Oren.  Concrete Mathematics: A Foundation for Computer Science.  Addison-Wesley (Reading, MA: 1989).  ISBN 0-201-14236-8.  See [Graham1989]
Knuth, Donald E. «Literate Programming».  CSLI Lecture Notes Number 27.  Center for the Study of Language and Information (Palo Alto: 1992).  ISBN 0-937073-80-6 pbk. Computer Science
Knuth, Donald E.  Artistic :Programming.  This Week's Citation Classic.  Current Contents, Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences 33, 34 (23 August 1993), 8.  Computer Science
Knuth, Donald E. Selected Papers on Computer Science. CSLI Lecture Notes Number 59.  Center for the Study of Language and Information (Palo Alto: 1996). ISBN 1-881526-91-7 pbk. Computer Science
Knuth, Donald E.  The Art of Computer Programming, vol.1: Fundamental Algorithms. ed.3.  Addison Wesley Longman (Reading, MA: 1997).  ISBN 0-201-89683-4.  Computer Science
Knuth, Donald E.  The Art of Computer Programming, vol.2: Seminumerical Algorithms.  ed.3.  Addision Wesley Longman (Reading, MA: 1998).  ISBN 0-201-89684-2. Computer Science
Knuth, Donald E.  The Art of Computer Programming, vol.3: Sorting and Searching.  ed.2.  Addison Wesley Longman (Reading, MA: 1998).  ISBN 0-201-89685-0. Computer Science
Knuth, Donald E.  Selected Papers on Analysis of Algorithms.  CLSI Lecture Notes Number 102.  Center for the Study of Language and Information (Palo Alto: 2000).  ISBN 1-57586-212-3 pbk. Computer Science
Knuth, Donald Ervin.  Things a Computer Scientist Rarely Talks About.  Foreword by Anne Foerst.  CSLI Lecture Notes Number 136.  CSLI Publications (Stanford, CA: 2001).  ISBN 1-57586-326-X pbk.  Computing Milieux
Knuth, Donald E.  Selected Papers on Fun & Games.  CSLI Lecture Notes Number 192. CSLI Publications (Stanford, CA: 2011).  ISBN 1-57586-584-X pbk. Computer Science
Körner, Stephan.  The Philosophy of Mathematics: An Introductory Essay.  Hutchinson & Co (London: 1960, 1968).  Unabridged and unaltered republication by Dover Publications (New York: 1968).  ISBN 0-486-25048-2 pbk.  Mathematics
Kurose, James F., Ross, Keith W.  Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet.  ed.2, International.  Addison-Wesley (Boston, MA: 2003).  ISBN 0-321-17644-8 pbk. Computer Science
Lakoff, George., Núñez, Rafael E. Where Mathematics Comes From: How the Embodied Mind Brings Mathematics into Being.  Basic Books (New York: 2000).  ISBN 0-465-03771-2 pbk.  Mathematics
Landin, P.J.  The mechanical evaluation of expressions.  Computer Journal 6, 4 (January 1964), 308-320.  This is Landin's initial publication on applicative operations with connection to the λ-calculus.  Functional Programming
Landin, P.J.  The Next 700 Programming Languages.  Comm. ACM 9, 3 (March 1966), 157-164.  Following [Landin1965], this paper became Landin's suggestion that the direction for introduction of programming languages should be as ones that are, in some respect, sugarings of an underlying functional system, namely a proposed ISWIM (If you See What I Mean) programming-language system.
Latzko, William J., Saunders, David M.  Four Days with Dr. Deming: A Strategy for Modern Methods of Management.  Addison-Wesley (Reading, MA: 1995).  ISBN 0-201-63366-3 pbk.  Quality Processes
Lewontin, Richard C.  It Ain't Necessarily So: The Dream of the Human Genome and Other Illusions.  The New York Review of Books (New York: 2000).  ISBN 0-940322-10-2.
Lewis, Harry R., Papadimitriou, Christos H. Elements of the Theory of Computation. Prentice-Hall (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: 1981). ISBN 0-13-273417-6.  Computation Theory
Lifschitz, Vladimir (ed.) Artificial Intelligence and Mathematical Theory of Computation: Papers in Honor of John McCarthy. Academic Press (San Diego: 1991). ISBN 0-12-450010-2.  Computation Theory
DeMarco, Tom., Lister, Timothy.  Waltzing with Bears: Managing Risk on Software Projects.  Dorset House (New York: 2003).  ISBN 0-932633-60-9 pbk.  See [DeMarco2003].
Date, C. J., Darwen, Hugh., Lorentzos, Nikos A.  Temporal Data and the Relational Model: A Detailed Investigation into the Application of Interval and Relational Theory to the Problem of Temporal Database Management.  Morgan Kaufmann (San Francisco: 2003).  ISBN 1-55860-855-9 pbk.  See [Date2003]
Lorenzo, Mark Jones.  Abstracting Away the Machine: The History of the FORTRAN Progamming Language (FORmula TRANslation).  SE BOOKS (Philadelphia: 2019).  Programming Systems and Languages.
Keoh, Sye Loong., Lupu, Emil.  Towards Flexible Credential Verification in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks, pp. 58-65 in Proc. of the 2nd ACM International Workshop on Principles of Mobile Computing, POMC'02, Toulouse, France, October 30-31, 2002.  See [Keoh2002].  Trust and Trustworthy Computing
MacKenzie, Donald A.  Computers and the Sociology of Mathematical Proof.  Prepared for Northern Formal Methods Workshop, Ilkley, September 1998.  University of Edinburgh Department of Sociology.  Published on-lineTrust and Trustworthy Computing
MacKenzie, Donald A.  Mechanizing Proof: Computing, Risk, and Trust.  MIT Press (Cambridge, MA: 2001).  ISBN 0-262-13393-8 hard cover, alkaline paper.  Trust and Trustworthy Computing
Bray, Tim., Paoli, Jean., Sperberg-McQueen, C.M., Maler, Eve (eds.).  Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Second Edition).  W3C Recommendation.  2000 October 6.  See [XML2000]
McCarthy, John.  Recursive functions of symbolic expressions and their computation by machine, Part I.  Comm. ACM 3, 4 (April 1960), 184-195.  doi>10.1145/367177.367199 available at
<>.  Functional Programming
McConnell, Steve.  Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction.  Microsoft Press (Redmond, WA: 1993).  ISBN 1-55615-484-4 pbk.  Software Engineering
McConnell, Steve.  Rapid Development: Taming Wild Software Schedules.  Microsoft Press (Redmond, WA: 1996).  ISBN 1-55615-900-5 pbk.  Software Engineering
McConnell, Steve.  After the Goldrush: Creating a True Profession of Software Engineering.  Microsoft Press (Redmond, WA: 1999).  ISBN 0-7356-0877-6 pbk.  Software Engineering
McConnell, Steve.  Professional Software Development: Shorter Schedules, Higher Quality Products, More Successful Projects, Enhanced Careers.  Addison Wesley (Boston, MA: 2004).  ISBN 0-321-19367-9 pbk.  Software Engineering
Stolyar, Abram Aronovich.  Introduction to Elementary Mathematical Logic.  Dover (New York: 1970).  ISBN 0-486-64561-4 pbk.  Unabridged and unaltered 1983 republication of the work published by MIT Press (Cambridge, MA: 1970).  Translation of Elementarnoe vvedenie v matematicheskuiu logiku, Prosveshcheniye Press (Moscow: 1965), with translation from the Russian edited by Elliot Mendelson.  See [Stolyar1970] Logic
Mendelson, Elliott.  Introduction to Mathematical Logic.  ed.4.  Chapman & Hall/CRC (Boca Raton, FL: 1964, 1979, 1987, 1997).  ISBN 0-412-80830-7.  Logic
Albahari, Ben., Drayton, Peter., Merrill, Brad.  C# Essentials.  Programming the .NET Framework.  O'Reilley (Sebastopol, CA: 2001).  ISBN 0-596-00079-0 pbk.  See [Albahari2001]
Denning, Peter J., Metcalfe, Robert M. (eds.)  Beyond Calculation: The Next Fifty Years of Computing.  Copernicus Springer-Verlag (New York: 1997).  ISBN 0-387-98588-3 pbk.  See [Denning1997]
Wyke, R.Allen., Gilliam, Jason D., Ting, Charlton., Michaels, Sean.  Pure JavaScript, ed.2.  Sams (Indianapolis, IN: 2002).  ISBN 0-672-32141-6 pbk + CD-ROM.  See [Wyke2002]
Michalewicz, Zbigniew., Fogel, David B.  How to Solve It: Modern Heuristics.  Corrected Second printing.  Springer-Verlag (Berlin: 2000).  ISBN 3-540-66061-5 alk.paper.  Mathematics
Acar, Tolga., Michener, John.  Risks in Features vs. Assurance.  Inside Risks column.   Comm. ACM 45, 8 (August 2002), 112.  See [Acar2002]
Astels, David., Miller, Granville., Novak, Miroslav.  A Practical Guide to eXtreme Programming.  Foreword by Scott W. Ambler.  Prentice Hall PTR (Upper Saddle River, NJ: 2002).  ISBN 0-13-067482-6.  See [Astels2002]
Monk, Ray.  Bertrand Russell.  The Great Philosophers Series, no. 7.  Phoenix, London; Rutledge, NY (London: 1997, New York: 1999).  ISBN 0-415-92386-7 pbk.  58pp.  Philosophy
Gödel, Kurt., Feferman, Solomon (editor-in-chief), Dawson, John W. Jr., Kleene, Stephen C., Moore, Gregory H., Solovay, Robert M., van Heijenoort, Jean (eds.).  Kurt Gödel: Collected Works, vol.1: Publications 1929-1936.  Oxford University Press (New York: 1986).  ISBN 0-19-514720-0 pbk.  See [Gödel1986]
Gödel, Kurt., Feferman, Solomon (editor-in-chief), Dawson, John W. Jr., Kleene, Stephen C., Moore, Gregory H., Solovay, Robert M., van Heijenoort, Jean (eds.).  Kurt Gödel: Collected Works, vol.2: Publications 1938-1974.  Oxford University Press (New York: 1990).  ISBN 0-19-514721-9 pbk.  See [Gödel1990]
More, Trenchard. The nested rectangular array as a model of data. pp. 55-73 in "APL '79 Proceedings of the international conference on APL: Part 1." doi>10.1145/390009.804440 available at
Mostowski, Andrzej., Robinson, Raphael M., Tarski, Alfred.  II. Undecidability and Essential Undecidability in Arithmetic.  Part II of [Tarski1953].
Hopcroft, John E., Motwani, Rajeev., Ullman, John D.  Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation.  ed.2.  Addison-Wesley (Boston, MA: 2001).  ISBN 0-201-44124-1.  See [Hopcroft2001]
Mueller, John Paul.  .NET Framework Solutions: In Search of the Lost Win32 API.  SYBEX (Alameda, CA: 2002).  ISBN 0-7821-4134-X pbk + CD-ROM.  Programming Systems and Languages
Nelson, Edward.  Predicative Arithmetic.  Mathematical Notes 32.  Princeton University Press (Princeton, NJ: 1986).  ISBN 0-691-08455-6 pbk.  Logic
Astels, David., Miller, Granville., Novak, Miroslav.  A Practical Guide to eXtreme Programming.  Foreword by Scott W. Ambler.  Prentice Hall PTR (Upper Saddle River, NJ: 2002).  ISBN 0-13-067482-6.  See [Astels2002]
Lakoff, George., Núñez, Rafael E. Where Mathematics Comes From: How the Embodied Mind Brings Mathematics into Being.  Basic Books (New York: 2000).  ISBN 0-465-03771-2 pbk.  See [Lakoff2000]
Okasaki, Chris. Purely Functional Data Structures. Cambridge University Press (Cambridge: 1998). ISBN 0-521-66350-4 pbk. Functional Programming Systems
Oskarsson, Östen., Glass, Robert L. An ISO 9000 Approach to Building Quality Software. Prentice Hall PTR (Upper Saddle River, NJ: 1995). ISBN 0-13-228925-3.  Software Engineering
Birrell, N.D., Ould, M.A.  A Practical Handbook for Software Development.  Cambridge University Press (Cambridge: 1985).  ISBN 0-521-25462-0.  See [Birrell1985]
Bray, Tim., Paoli, Jean., Sperberg-McQueen, C.M., Maler, Eve (eds.).  Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Second Edition).  W3C Recommendation.  2000 October 6.  See [XML2000]
Lewis, Harry R., Papadimitriou, Christos H. Elements of the Theory of Computation. Prentice-Hall (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: 1981). ISBN 0-13-273417-6.  See [Lewis1981]
Park, Jack (ed.)., Hunting, Sam (tech.ed.).  XML Topic Maps: Creating and Using Topic Maps for the Web.  Foreword by Douglas C. Englebart.  Addison-Wesley (Boston, MA: 2003).  ISBN 0-201-74960-2 pbk.  Information Processing
Gödel, Kurt., Feferman, Solomon (editor-in-chief)., Dawson, John W. Jr., Goldfarb, Warren., Parsons, Charles., Solovay, Robert M. (eds.).  Kurt Gödel: Collected Works, vol.3: Unpublished essays and lectures.  Oxford University Press (New York: 1995).  ISBN 0-19-514722-7 pbk.  See [Gödel1995]
Graham, Ronald L., Knuth, Donald E., Patashnik, Oren.  Concrete Mathematics: A Foundation for Computer Science.  Addison-Wesley (Reading, MA: 1989).  ISBN 0-201-14236-8.  See [Graham1989]
Paulson, Lawrence C. ML for the Working Programmer, ed.2. Cambridge University Press (Cambridge: 1991, 1996). ISBN 0-521-56543-X pbk. Functional Programming Systems
Gulutzan, Peter., Pelzer, Trudy.  SQL-99 Complete, Really: An Example-Based Reference Manual of the New Standard.  R&D Books Miller Freeman (Lawrence KS: 1999).   ISBN 0-87930-568-1 pbk + CD-ROM.  See [Gulutzan1999]
Evans, A., Perlis, A.J., Van Zoeren, H.  The Use of Threaded Lists in Construction of a Combined ALGOL and Machine-Like Assembly Processor.  Comm. ACM 4, 1 (Jan. 1961), 36-41.  DOR <>.  See [Evans1961].  Computer Science
Russell, Bertrand.  The Problems of Philosophy.  With a new introduction by John Perry.  Oxford University Press (Oxford: 1912, 1997).  ISBN 0-19-511552-X pbk.  See [Russell1997].
Petroski, Henry.  To Engineer Is Human: The Role of Failure in Successful Design.  St. Martin's Press (New York: 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985).  ISBN 0-312-80680-9.  Trust and Trustworthy Computing
Petroski, Henry.  Design Paradigms: Case Histories of Error and Judgment in Engineering.  Cambridge University Press (Cambridge: 1994).  ISBN 0-521-46649-0 pbk.  Trust and Trustworthy Computing
Petzold, Charles.  Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software.  Microsoft Press (Redmond, WA: 2000).  ISBN 0-7356-1131-9 pbk.  Computer Milieu
Plato.  The Republic.  The complete and unabridged Benjamin Jowett (1817-1893) translation.  Random House Vintage Books (New York). Classic Edition, March 1991.  ISBN 0-679-73387-6 pbk.  Philosophy
Plato.  The Republic of Plato.  Translated with notes and interpretive essay by Allan Bloom.  Basic Books (1968, 1991).  ISBN 0-465-06934-7 pbk. Philosophy
Plauger, P.J.  The Standard C Library.  Prentice-Hall (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: 1992).  ISBN 0-13-131509-9.  Programming Systems and Languagues
Project Management Institute.  A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge.  2000 Edition PMBOK Guide.  Approved American National Standard ANSI/PMI 99-001-2000.   PMI (Newtown Square, PA: 2000).  ISBN 1-880410-23-0 pbk.  Software Engineering
Polanyi, Michael., Prosch, Harry.  Meaning.  University of Chicago Press (Chicago: 1975).  ISBN 0-226-67295-6 ppbk.  Philosophy
Pólya, George.  How to Solve It.  ed.2.  Princeton University Press (Princeton, NJ: 1945, 1957).  ISBN 0-691-08097-6.  Mathematics
Polanyi, Michael., Prosch, Harry.  Meaning.  University of Chicago Press (Chicago: 1975).  ISBN 0-226-67295-6 ppbk.  See [Polanyi1975]
Putnam, Hilary.  Philosophical Papers, vol. 2: Mind, Language and Reality.  Cambridge University Press (Cambridge: 1975).  ISBN 0-521-29551-3 pbk. Philosophy
Putnam, Hilary.  Philosophical Papers, vol. 1: Mathematics,  Matter and Method.  ed.2.  Cambridge University Press (Cambridge: 1975, 1979).  ISBN 0-521-29550-5 pbk. Philosophy
Putnam, Hilary.  Philosophical Papers, vol.3: Realism and Reason.  Cambridge University Press (Cambridge: 1983).  ISBN 0-521-31394-5 pbk. Philosophy
Putnam, Hilary.  Representation and Reality.  MIT Press (Cambridge, MA: 1988).  ISBN 0-262-66074-1 (paperback). Philosophy
Quine, Willard Van Orman.  Word and Object.  MIT Press (Cambridge, MA: 1960).  ISBN 0-262-67001-1 pbk.  Philosophy
Quine, Willard Van Orman.  Set Theory and Its Logic.  Revised edition.  Harvard University Press (Cambridge, MA: 1963, 1969).  ISBN 0-674-80207-1 pbk.  Logic
Quine, W. V.  Introduction to [Schönfinkel1924] "On the Building Blocks of Mathematical Logic," pp.355-357 in From Frege to Gödel: A Source Book in Mathematical Logic, 1879-1931, 3rd. printing [vanHeijenoort1977].
Quine, Willard Van Orman.  Elementary Logic.  Revised edition.  Harvard University Press (Cambridge, MA: 1941, 1965, 1980).  ISBN 0-674-24451-6 pbk.  Logic
Quine, Willard Van Orman.  From a Logical Point of View: Nine Logico-Philosophical Essays.  Second Edition, revised. Harvard University Press (Cambridge, MA: 1953, 1961, 1980).  ISBN 0-674-32351-3 pbk.  Logic
Quine, Willard Van Orman.  Mathematical Logic.  revised edition.  Harvard University Press (Cambridge, MA: 1940, 1951, 1979, 1981).  ISBN 0-674-55451-5 pbk.  Logic
Quine, Willard Van Orman.  Methods of Logic.  Fourth Edition.  Harvard University Press (Cambridge, MA: 1959, 1972, 1978, 1982).  ISBN 0-674-57176-2 pbk.  Logic
Quine, Willard Van Orman.  Philosophy of Logic.  ed.2.  Harvard University Press (Cambridge, MA: 1970, 1986).  ISBN 0-674-66563-5 pbk.  Logic
Biermann, Alan W., Ramm, Dietolf.  Great Ideas in Computer Science with Java.  MIT Press (Cambridge, MA: 2002).  ISBN 0-262-02497-7 pbk. alk. paper.  See [Biermann2002]
Resnick, Mitchel.  Closing the Fluency Gap.  Comm. ACM 44, 3 (March 2001), 144-145. Computing Milieu
Révész, György E. Lambda-Calculus, Combinators and Functional Programming. Cambridge University Press (Cambridge, 1988). ISBN 0-521-34589-8. Computation Theory
Reynolds, John C. Theories of Programming Languages. Cambridge University Press (Cambridge: 1998). ISBN 0-521-59414-6 hardback.  Functional Programming Systems
Kernighan, Brian W., Ritchie, Dennis M.  The C Programming Language.  Second Edition.  Prentice-Hall (Englewood Cliffs NJ: 1988) ISBN 0-13-110362-8 pbk.  See [Kernighan1988]
Rob, Peter., Coronel, Carlos.  Database Systems: Design, Implementation, and Management, ed.5.  Course Technology (Boston: 2002).  ISBN 0-619-06269-X.  Information Processing
Courant, Richard., Robbins, Herbert.  What is Mathematics, ed. 2.  Revised by Ian Stewart.  Oxford University Press (New York: 1941, 1996).  ISBN 0-19-510519-2 pbk.  See [Courant1996]
Robertson, Suzanne., Robertson, James.  Mastering the Requirements Process. ACM Press.  Addison Wesley.  Pearson Education Limited (Harlow, England: 1999).  ISBN 0-201-36046-2.  Foreword by Gerald Weinberg.  Systems Architecture and Design
Mostowski, Andrzej., Robinson, Raphael M., Tarski, Alfred.  II. Undecidability and Essential Undecidability in Arithmetic.  Part II of [Tarski1953].
Robinson, Abraham.  Non-Standard Analysis.  ed.2.  Princeton University Press (Princeton, NJ: 1965, 1973, 1996).  ISBN 0-691-04490-2 pbk.  Re-issue of the 1973 second edition with a 1996 foreword by Wilhelmus A. J. Luxemburg. Mathematics
Rogers, Hartley, Jr.  Theory of Recursive Functions and Effective Computability.  MIT Press (Cambridge, MA: 1967, 1987).  ISBN 0-262-68052-1 pbk.  Logic
Rosenbloom, Paul.  The Elements of Mathematical Logic.  Dover (New York: 1950).  pbk.  Logic
Ross, Douglas T. The AED Free Storage Package.  Comm. ACM 10, 8 (August 1967), 482-492.  Software Tools & Programming
Kurose, James F., Ross, Keith W.  Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet.  ed.2, International.  Addison-Wesley (Boston, MA: 2003).  ISBN 0-321-17644-8 pbk.  See [Kurose2003]
Royce, Walker.  Software Project Management: A Unified Framework.  Forward by Barry Boehm.  Addison-Wesley (Boston: 1998).  ISBN 0-201-30958-0.  Software Engineering
Russell, Bertrand.  Mysticism and Logic and Other Essays.  George Allen & Unwin (1917, 1963 edition); Barnes & Noble Books (Totowa, NJ: 1981).  ISBN 0-389-20135-9 pbk.  Philosophy
Russell, Bertrand.  The Principles of Mathematics.  ed. 2. George Allen & Untwin Ltd. (London: 1903, 1937).  Logic
Wittgenstein, Ludwig.  Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus.  Translated by D. F. Pears and B. F. McGuiness, with the 1922 Introduction by Bertrand Russell.  Routledge (London: 1921, 1922, 1961, 1974).  ISBN 0-415-02825-6 pbk.  See [Wittgenstein1974]
Russell, Bertrand.  The Problems of Philosophy.  With a new introduction by John Perry.  Oxford University Press (Oxford: 1912, 1997).  ISBN 0-19-511552-X pbk.   Philosophy
Whitehead, Alfred North., Russell, Bertrand.  Principia Mathematica to *56.  See [Whitehead1997].
Cheatham, T. E. Jr., Sattley, Kirk.  Syntax-Directed Compiling.  Proceedings of the April 21-23 1964 Spring Joint Computer Conference (AFIPS: April 1964), 31-57.  See [Cheatham1964].  Computer Science
Latzko, William J., Saunders, David M.  Four Days with Dr. Deming: A Strategy for Modern Methods of Management.  Addison-Wesley (Reading, MA: 1995).  ISBN 0-201-63366-3 pbk.  See [Latzko1995].
Austin, J.L., Urmson, J.O.(ed.)., Sbisà, Marina (ed.).  How To Do Things with Words,  ed.2. Harvard University Press (Cambridge, MA: 1962, 1975).  ISBN 0-674-41152-8 pbk.  See [Austin1975]
Schank, Roger C.  The Computer isn't the Medium, It's the Message.  Comm. ACM 44, 3 (March 2001), 142-143.  Computing Milieu
Schneier, Bruce.  Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms, and Source Code in C. ed.2.  With a Foreword by Whitfield Diffie and Afterword by Matt Blaze.  Wiley (New York: 1966).  ISBN 0-471-11709-9 pbk.  Trust and Trustworthy Computing
Schneier, Bruce.  Beyond Fear: Thinking Sensibly About Security in an Uncertain World.  Copernicus (New York: 2003).  ISBN 0-387-02620-7 (alk. paper).  Trust and Trustworthy Computing
Schoonmaker, Stephen J. ISO 9001 for Engineers and DesignersMcGraw-Hill (New York: 1997).  ISBN 0-07-057710-2 (alk. paper). Quality Processes
Schönfinkel, Moses.  Über die Bausteine der mathematischen Logik.  Mathematische Annalen 92 (1924), 305-316.  Stefan Bauer-Mengelberg English translation "On the Building Blocks of Mathematical Logic" reprinted in [vanHeijenoort1977: 355-366] with an introduction by W.V.Quine [Quine1977].  Logic.


Schwalbe, Kathy.  Information Technology Project Management, ed.3.  Thomson Course Technology (Boston, MA: 2004).  ISBN 0-619-15984-7 pbk + CD-ROM.  Software Engineering & Development
Sedgewick, Robert.  Algorithms.  Second edition.  Addison-Wesley (Reading, MA: 1983, 1988).  1989 reprint with authors corrections.  ISBN 0-201-06673-4.  Computer Science
Shaw, Mary., Garlan, David. Software Architecture: Perspectives on an Emerging Discipline. Prentice-Hall (Upper Saddle River, NJ: 1996). ISBN 0-13-182957-2.  System Architecture & Design
Glass, Cindy., Griscti, Jane., Isayeva, Margarita., Kallambella, Ajith., Sierra, Kathy.  Mike Meyers' Java 2™ Certification Passport (Exam 310-025).  Osborne/McGraw-Hill (Berkeley, CA: 2001).  ISBN 0-07-219366-2 pbk + CD-ROM.  See [Glass2001]
Sierra, Kathy., Bates, Bert.  Head First Java™.  O'Reilly (Sebastapol, CA: 2003).  ISBN 0-596-00465-6 pbk.  Programming Systems and Languages
Agarwal, Ritu., De, Prabuddha., Sinha, Atish P., Tanniru, Mohan.  On the Usability of OO Representations.  Comm. ACM 43, 10 (October 2000), 83-89.  See [Agarwal2000]
Sipser, Michael.  Introduction to the Theory of Computation.  PWS Publishing (Boston, MA: 1997).  ISBN 0-534-94728-X. Computation Theory
Skiena, Steven S.  The Algorithm Design Manual.  Springer-Verlag TELOS (New York: 1998).  ISBN 0-387-94860-0 (book & CD-ROM).  Computer Science
Smith, Brian Cantwell.  On the Origin of Objects.  MIT Press (Cambridge, MA: 1996).  ISBN 0-262-69209-0 pbk.  Philosophy
Smullyan, Raymond M.  Theory of Formal Systems.   Annals of Mathematical Studies 47. Princeton University Press (Princeton, NJ: 1961).  ISBN 0-691-08047-X pbk.  Logic
Smullyan, Raymond M.  First-Order Logic.  Dover Publications (New York: 1968, 1995).  ISBN 0-486-68370-2 pbk.  Logic
Swiderski, Frank., Snyder, Window.  Threat Modeling.  Microsoft Press (Redmond, WA: 2004).  ISBN 0-7356-1991-3 pbk.  See [Swiderski2004]
Gödel, Kurt., Feferman, Solomon (editor-in-chief), Dawson, John W. Jr., Kleene, Stephen C., Moore, Gregory H., Solovay, Robert M., van Heijenoort, Jean (eds.).  Kurt Gödel: Collected Works, vol.1: Publications 1929-1936.  Oxford University Press (New York: 1986).  ISBN 0-19-514720-0 pbk.  See [Gödel1986]
Gödel, Kurt., Feferman, Solomon (editor-in-chief), Dawson, John W. Jr., Kleene, Stephen C., Moore, Gregory H., Solovay, Robert M., van Heijenoort, Jean (eds.).  Kurt Gödel: Collected Works, vol.2: Publications 1938-1974.  Oxford University Press (New York: 1990).  ISBN 0-19-514721-9 pbk.  See [Gödel1990]
Gödel, Kurt., Feferman, Solomon (editor-in-chief)., Dawson, John W. Jr., Goldfarb, Warren., Parsons, Charles., Solovay, Robert M. (eds.).  Kurt Gödel: Collected Works, vol.3: Unpublished essays and lectures.  Oxford University Press (New York: 1995).  ISBN 0-19-514722-7 pbk.  See [Gödel1995]
Sommerville, Ian.  Software Engineering, ed.6.  Addison-Wesley (Boston: 2001).  ISBN 0-201-39815-X.  Software Engineering
Bray, Tim., Paoli, Jean., Sperberg-McQueen, C.M., Maler, Eve (eds.).  Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Second Edition).  W3C Recommendation.  2000 October 6.  See [XML2000]
Spinosa, Charles., Flores, Fernando., Dreyfus, Hubert L.  Disclosing New Worlds.  MIT Press (Cambridge, MA: 1997).  ISBN 0-262-69224-4 pbk.  [Being & Empowerment]
Harbison, Samuel P., Steele, Guy L.,Jr.  C, A Reference Manual.  ed.4.  Prentice-Hall (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: 1995).  ISBN 0-13-326224-3 pbk.  See [Harbison1995]
Joy, Bill (ed.)., Steele, Guy L.,Jr., Gosling, James., Bracha, Gilad.  Java Language Specification.  2.ed.   Addison-Wesley (Boston: 2000).  ISBN 0-201-31008-2 pbk.  See [Joy2000]
Harbison, Samuel P III., Steele, Guy L. Jr.  C, A Reference Manual, ed.5.  Prentice-Hall (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: 2002).  ISBN 0-13-089592-X pbk.  See [Harbison2002 Programming Systems and Languages
Stewart, Ian.  Concepts of Modern Mathematics.  Dover Publications (New York: 1975, 1981, 1995).  An unabridged, slightly corrected republication of the 1981 edition of the work first published by Penguin Books, Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England, 1975.  ISBN 0-486-28424-7 pbk.  Mathematics
Courant, Richard., Robbins, Herbert.  What is Mathematics, ed. 2.  Revised by Ian Stewart.  Oxford University Press (New York: 1941, 1996).  ISBN 0-19-510519-2 pbk.  See [Courant1996]
Stoll, Robert R.  Set Theory and Logic.  Dover Publications (New York: 1961, 1964).  ISBN 0-486-63829-4.  Logic
Stolyar, Abram Aronovich.  Introduction to Elementary Mathematical Logic.  Dover (New York: 1970).  ISBN 0-486-64561-4 pbk.  Unabridged and unaltered 1983 republication of the work published by MIT Press (Cambridge, MA: 1970).  Translation of Elementarnoe vvedenie v matematicheskuiu logiku, Prosveshcheniye Press (Moscow: 1965), with translation from the Russian edited by Elliot Mendelson.  Logic
Strachey, Christopher. A General Purpose Macrogenerator.  The Computer Journal 8, 3 (January 1965), 225-241. Available at <>.  Software Tools & Programming
Stroustrop, Bjarne. The C++ Programming Language. Special edition. Addison-Wesley (Reading, MA: 1985, 1991, 2000). ISBN 0-201-70073-5.  Programming Systems and Languages
Suppes, Patrick.  Axiomatic Set Theory.  D. Van Nostrand (New York: 1960).  Unabridged and corrected republication with new preface and section 8.4, Dover Publications (New York: 1972).  ISBN 0-486-61630-4 pbk.  Logic
Abelson, Harold., Sussman, Gerald Jay., Sussman, Julie. Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs. ed.2. MIT Press (Cambridge, MA: 1996). ISBN 0-07-000484-6 (McGraw-Hill hardcover).  See [Abelson1996]
Abelson, Harold., Sussman, Gerald Jay., Sussman, Julie. Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs. ed.2. MIT Press (Cambridge, MA: 1996). ISBN 0-07-000484-6 (McGraw-Hill hardcover).    See [Abelson1996]
Swiderski, Frank., Snyder, Window.  Threat Modeling.  Microsoft Press (Redmond, WA: 2004).  ISBN 0-7356-1991-3 pbk.  Trust & Trustworthy Computing
Agarwal, Ritu., De, Prabuddha., Sinha, Atish P., Tanniru, Mohan.  On the Usability of OO Representations.  Comm. ACM 43, 10 (October 2000), 83-89.  See [Agarwal2000]
Tarski, Alfred., Mostowski, Andrzej., Robinson, Raphael M.  Undecidable Theories.  North-Holland (Amsterdam: 1953).  Studies in Logic and the Foundation of Mathematics.  Logic
Tarski, Alfred.  Logic, Semantics, Metamathematics: Papers from 1923 to 1938. translated by J. H. Woodger.  Oxford University Press (London: 1956).  Logic
TechRepublic.  IT Professional's Guide to Project Management.  TechRepublic (Louisville, KY: 1999-2001).  ISBN 1-931490-16-3 with CD-ROM.  Software Engineering
Wyke, R.Allen., Gilliam, Jason D., Ting, Charlton., Michaels, Sean.  Pure JavaScript, ed.2.  Sams (Indianapolis, IN: 2002).  ISBN 0-672-32141-6 pbk + CD-ROM.  See [Wyke2002]
Todorov, Branimir.  ISO 9000 required: your worldwide passport to customer confidence: your worldwide passport to customer confidence.  Productivity Press (Portland, OR: 1996).  ISBN 1-56327-112-5 (hardcover).   Translation of ISO 9000: un passeport mondiale le management de la qualité Quality Processes
Sherry Turkle.  Growing Up in the Culture of Simulation.  Chapter 7, pp. 94-104 in Denning, Peter J., Metcalfe, Robert M. (eds.)  Beyond Calculation: The Next Fifty Years of Computing.  Copernicus Springer-Verlag (New York: 1997).
Tymoczko, Thomas (ed.).  New Directions in the Philosophy of Mathematics: An Anthology.  ed. 2.  Princeton University Press (Princeton, NJ: 1986, 1998).  ISBN 0-691-03498-2 pbk.  Mathematics
Hopcroft, John E., Motwani, Rajeev., Ullman, John D.  Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation.  ed.2.  Addison-Wesley (Boston, MA: 2001).  ISBN 0-201-44124-1.  See [Hopcroft2001]
Austin, J.L., Urmson, J.O.(ed.)., Sbisà, Marina (ed.).  How To Do Things with Words,  ed.2. Harvard University Press (Cambridge, MA: 1962, 1975).  ISBN 0-674-41152-8 pbk.  See [Austin1975]
The Unicode Consortium.  The Unicode Standard, Version 3.0.  Addison Wesley Longman (Reading, MA: 1991-2000).  ISBN 0-201-61633-5 with CD-ROM.  [Software Tools]
Aliprand, Joan., Allen, Julie., Becker, Joe., Davis, Mark., Everson, Michael., Freytag, Asmus., Jenkins, John., Ksar, Mike., McGowan, Rick., Muller, Eric., Moore, Lisa., Suignard, Michel., Whistler, Ken.(eds.).  The Unicode Standard, Version 4.0: The Unicode Consortium.  Addison-Wesley (Boston, MA: 1991-2003).  ISBN 0-321-18578-1.  Information Processing

van Heijenoort, Jean (ed).  From Frege to Gödel: A Source Book in Mathematical Logic, 1879-1931.  Harvard University Press (Cambridge, MA: 1967), 3rd (1977) printing.  ISBN 0-674-32449-8 (paper).  Logic
Gödel, Kurt., Feferman, Solomon (editor-in-chief), Dawson, John W. Jr., Kleene, Stephen C., Moore, Gregory H., Solovay, Robert M., van Heijenoort, Jean (eds.).  Kurt Gödel: Collected Works, vol.1: Publications 1929-1936.  Oxford University Press (New York: 1986).  ISBN 0-19-514720-0 pbk.  See [Gödel1986]
Gödel, Kurt., Feferman, Solomon (editor-in-chief), Dawson, John W. Jr., Kleene, Stephen C., Moore, Gregory H., Solovay, Robert M., van Heijenoort, Jean (eds.).  Kurt Gödel: Collected Works, vol.2: Publications 1938-1974.  Oxford University Press (New York: 1990).  ISBN 0-19-514721-9 pbk.  See [Gödel1990]
Van Laningham, Ivan. Sams Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours. Sams Publishing (Indianapolis: 2000). ISBN 0-672-31735-4.  Programming Systems and Languages
Evans, A., Perlis, A.J., Van Zoeren, H.  The Use of Threaded Lists in Construction of a Combined ALGOL and Machine-Like Assembly Processor.  Comm. ACM 4, 1 (Jan. 1961), 36-41.  DOR <>.  See [Evans1961].  Computer Science.
Gamma, Erich., Helm, Richard., Johnson, Ralph., Vlissides, John.  Design Patterns CD: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software.  Addison-Wesley (Boston: 1998).  ISBN 0-201-30952-1.  See [Gamma1998]
von Neumann, John.  Zur Einführung der transfiniten Zahlen.  Acta litterarum ac scientiarum Regiae Universitatis Hungaricae Francisco-Josephinae, Section scientiarum mathematicarum 1 (1923), 199-208.  Translated with an editorial preface by Jan van Heijenoort as "On the introduction of transfinite numbers" on pp. 346-354 in From Frege to Gödel: A Source Book in Mathematical Logic, 1879-1931.  Jean van Heijenoort, editor.  Harvard University Press (Cambridge, MA: 1967), 3rd (1977) printing.  ISBN 0-674-32449-8 (paper).  See [vanHeijenoort1977]
von Neumann, John.  Eine Axiomatisierung der Mengenlehre (An axiomatization of set theory).  Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik 154, 219-240.  Berichtigung, ibid. 155, 128.  Translated by Stefan Bauer-Mengelberg and Dagfinn Fellesdal with an editorial preface as "An axiomatization of set theory" on pp. 393-413 in From Frege to Gödel: A Source Book in Mathematical Logic, 1879-1931.  Jean van Heijenoort, editor.  Harvard University Press (Cambridge, MA: 1967), 3rd (1977) printing.  ISBN 0-674-32449-8 (paper).  See [vanHeijenoort1977]
The VNR Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics.  W. Gellert, H. Kustner, M. Hellwich, H. Kastner (eds.)  American Edition.  Van Nostrand Reinhold (New York: 1977).  Kleine Enzyklopädie der Mathematik originally published in English as Mathematics at a Glance .(VEB Bibliographisches Institut Leipzig: 1975).  Mathematics.
Campione, Mary., Walrath, Kathy., Huml, Alison.  The Java Tutorial: A Short Course on the Basics. ed.3.  Addison-Wesley (Boston, MA: 2001).  ISBN 0-201-70393-9 alk.paper 580pp plus CD-ROM.  See [Campione2001]
Walsch, Neale Donald.  Conversations with God: an Uncommon Dialog, Book 2.  Hampton Roads Publishing (Charlottesville, VA: 1997).  ISBN 1-57174-056-2.  Being and Empowerment
Watts, Alan Wilson.  The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are.  Pantheon Books (New York: 1966).  Vintage Books Edition (New York: 1989).  ISBN 0-679-72300-5 pbk.  Being and Empowerment
Weinberg, Gerald.  Foreword to Robertson, Suzanne., Robertson, James.  Mastering the Requirements Process. ACM Press.  Addison Wesley.  Pearson Education Limited (Harlow, England: 1999).  ISBN 0-201-36046-2.  See [Robertson1999]
White, Ron.  How Computers Work, ed.7.  Illustrated by Timothy Edward Downs.  Que (Indianapolis, IN: 2004).  ISBN 0-7897-3048-0 pbk.  Personal Computing
Whitehead, Alfred North.  An Introduction to Mathematics.  Oxford University Press (New York: 1911, 1948).  Paperback edition issued 1958.  ISBN 0-19-500211-3.  Mathematics
Whitehead, Alfred North., Russell, Bertrand.  Principia Mathematica to *56.  Cambridge Mathematical Library edition.  Cambridge University Press (London: 1910, 1927, 1962, 1997).  ISBN 0-521-62606-4 pbk.  Logic
Canonical form. 2018-10-10 article available on the Internet at <>.  Mathematics
Structural induction. 2018-09-09 article available on the Internet at <>.  Logic
First-order logic. 2019-01-07 article available on the Internet at <>.  Logic
Williams, Bernard Arthur Owen.  Plato.  The Invention of Philosophy.  The Great Philosophers Series, no. 23.  Phoenix, London; Rutledge, NY (London: 1997, New York: 1999).  ISBN 0-415-92395-6 pbk.  57pp.  Philosophy
Winograd, Terry.  Moving the Semantic Fulcrum.  Linguistics and Philosophy 8, 1 (1985), 91-104.  Cognitive Science
Winograd, T., Flores, F.  Understanding Computers and Cognition: A New Foundation for Design.  Addison-Wesley (Reading, MA: 1986, 1987).  ISBN 0-201-11297-3.  Computing Milieu
Winograd, Terry.  Is Realism for Real? A Response to John Perry's seminar.  CSLI Monthly 2, 5 (February 1987).  Cognitive Science
Winograd, Terry.  The Design of Interaction.  Chapter 23, pp. 149-161 in Denning, Peter J., Metcalfe, Robert M. (eds.)  Beyond Calculation: The Next Fifty Years of Computing.  Copernicus Springer-Verlag (New York: 1997).
Wittgenstein, Ludwig.  Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus.  Translated by D. F. Pears and B. F. McGuiness, with the Introduction by Bertrand Russell.  Routledge (London: 1921, 1922, 1961, 1974).  ISBN 0-415-02825-6 pbk.  Philosophy
Baklarz, George., Wong, Bill.  DB2 Universal Database v8.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Database Administration Certification Guide.  ed. 5.  Prentice Hall Professional Technical Reference (Upper Saddle River, NJ: 2003).  ISBN 0-13-046361-2 pbk + CD-ROM.  See [Baklarz2003]
Wyke, R.Allen., Gilliam, Jason D., Ting, Charlton., Michaels, Sean.  Pure JavaScript, ed.2.  Sams (Indianapolis, IN: 2002).  ISBN 0-672-32141-6 pbk + CD-ROM.  Programming Systems and Languages
Bray, Tim., Paoli, Jean., Sperberg-McQueen, C.M., Maler, Eve (eds.).  Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Second Edition).  W3C Recommendation.  2000 October 6.  Information Processing
Yourdon, Ed.  Review of A Discipline for Software EngineeringThe American Programmer.  April 1995.  Software Engineering
Zermelo, Ernst.  Untersuchungen über die Grundlagen der Mengenlehre I (Investigations in the Foundations of Set Theory I).  Mathematische Annalen 65 (1908), 261-281.  Translation by Stefan Bauer-Mengelberg with introductory note by Jean van Heijenoort  on pp. 199-215 in From Frege to Gödel: A Source Book in Mathematical Logic, 1879-1931.  Jean van Heijenoort, editor.  Harvard University Press (Cambridge, MA: 1967), 3rd (1977) printing.  ISBN 0-674-32449-8 pbk.  See [vanHeijenoort1977]

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