orcmid.github.io |
0.1.1 2023-12-05T23:55Z |
You’ve reached Orcmid’s location on orcmid.github.io, a collection of professional and recreational work of Dennis E. Hamilton (a.k.a. orcmid).
The current page is a placeholder. Additional content is under consideration.
The Orcmid’s Lair site and its companions are the source of material that will be refactored/repurposed and curated here as migration to GitHub Pages continues.
Discussion about orcmid.github.io is welcome at the Discussion section. Improvements and removal of defects in this particular documentation can be reported and addressed in the Issues section. There are also relevant projects from time to time.
You are navigating orcmid.github.io material |
originally created 2000-05-07-13:42 +0200 (it) by orcmid |