
T060501d: Selecting Command Prompt Operation

nfoTools tools>t060501>t060501d index.html 0.0.6 2022-06-19
nfotools Work-in-Progress Hard Hat Area

Direct CMD Selection

On Windows 10, CMD can be operated by immediate search, the same as for other application programs.

First, enter “CMD” in the task bar search entry.

Windows 10 Search Entry

Command Prompt will be presented as the best match.

Command Prompt suggestion

Initiate a command-line environment and Command Prompt by pressing Enter on the keyboard or by clicking on the highlighted best match with a mouse.

Command Prompt confirmation

The “prompt” is the beginning of lines up to the “>”, such as “C:\Users\orcmi>” above. The automatic prompt identifies where the command-line operation is taking place.

There are command-line operations for navigating among the computer folders. There are useful ways to initiate the Command Prompt via shortcuts directly to desired places.

Windows 11 also offers immediate access to CMD via search on the task bar.

Windows 11 Command Prompt

Some of the difference in presentation is from searching with “Command” instead of “CMD” in the search field. There are the same options for pinning Command Prompt as on Windows 10.

Other Ways to Launch Command Prompt

The Windows 10 Start Context (Win+X)

Right-clicking on the Windows 10 task bar far-left Windows Symbol will pop-up a list of Windows features options, including Command Prompt.

Windows 10 Context Pop-Up

If there is an option for PowerShell instead of the Command Prompt option shown, turn off the option to Replace Command Prompt in Windows Settings | Personalization | Taskbar.

Turned-off Command Prompt replacement

The same pop-up is available everywhere in Windows 10 by selecting Windows key+X.

The Windows 11 Start Context (Win+X)

Windows 11 replaces the Windows 10 options for Command Prompt and PowerShell with context options for Windows Terminal.

Windows 11 Context Pop-Up

Selecting Windows Terminal provides a command-line environment using Windows Powershell by default. This is also the case for Windows Terminal installed on Windows 10.

Default Terminal with PowerShell

Command Prompt remains available using the “Open a new tab” pull-down of an open Terminal.

Choosing Command Prompt in Terminal

The Command Prompt tab can be used the same as with a standalone setup. The Windows PowerShell tab can be closed if not needed.

Command Prompt in Terminal Tab

Windows Terminal can be configured to start up with the Command Prompt tab instead of PowerShell. Better yet, there are arrangements to launch in different locations and with other options.

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