
T060101d: Hello, What’s Happening Here?

nfoTools tools>t060101>d index.html 0.0.5 2023-06-25
nfotools Work in Progress Hard Hat Area

1. Overall Operation

The overall objective is to convert single-file program, hello.c, into a program, hello.exe, that can be run directly on the computer. There is a simple pattern using the command-line interface that is initiated along with the Developer Command Prompt’s initialization of a build tools environment.

The diagrammatic view, below, parallels the observed command-line operation in Getting to “Hello”. This is a general pattern, using the specific example of hello.c for clarity.

Overall Operation

Two command-line operations are performed.

KEY IDEA hello.exe is repeatedly-usable, while having to be compiled only once. The program can be used by others without building it or even knowing how.

With the simple “>CL hello.c” command, The hello.exe program is automatically produced as a Command-Line Application (CLA). This is the default behavior in the absence of any additional parameters in the command. The resulting program is completely self-contained and structured for operation by command prompt.

EXPERIMENT. From the File Explorer, double-click on the hello.exe entry. A command-line interface will open automatically, the program will run, and the command-line interface will exit. That can happen so rapidly that it might not be observed at all, as if nothing happened.

For now, simply open a command prompt first. Then operate the program with a command. Later, there will be ways to have operation be accomplished more directly and smoothly.

The Build Tools program, CL/exe operates as a precision multi-tool. It has many options and stages of operation. With the simple command-line for “Getting to Hello,” much happens visibly and also under the covers.

An automatic pattern is separation of compiling into two stages: compile and then link. The compile stage converts the source code to a file consisting of (linkable) machine code for that source. The link stage combines modules of such code from many sources, including Standard C libraries, into a single executable, such as hello.exe. The general idea is reflected in the simplified diagram.


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