
nfoTools Development Kits>
nfoTools> dev>

0.1.2 2023-12-28T20:31Z

nfoTools dev kits are aids to software projects and their development.


ID Status Started Topic
D230501 0.0.1 2023-05-06 2023-05-06 VCrayMathStudio raymath Exploration
D230202 0.0.0 placeholder 2023-02-18 VCrayVerify Test Harness for Verifying raylib Examples
D230201 0.0.3 2023-02-16 2023-02-14 VCshowDefs: Show Preprocessor Defines in VC/C++
D211101 0.0.21 2023-05-17 2021-09-11 VCrayApp: VC/C++ Command-Line raylib App DevKit
D161101 0.1.14 2021-06-11 2016-11-12 VCbind: VC/C++ Command-Line Setup Script

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created 2021-09-03 by orcmid