The Miser Project

hyymmnn Miser Project hybridForm Topic Articles
Article Folio Cover Exemplar (HTML)


0.1.0 2024-02-18 13:39 -0800


The Miser site, is now being transposed and preserved at The Miser Project on GitHub,  The previous repairs that were not yet completed are now subsumed under the latest site-repair activity.  the original domain will be retired at some point.  There is also ongoing refactoring of Miser Project material, involving the juxtaposition of previous text-only materials with the web-based narrative/specification material.  As part of the refactoring, TODOs are blended into Job Jar & Diary pages to have a preserved log of development progression.

5. Related Material


Hamilton, Dennis E.
Miser Project Site Repair Projects.   Construction Material note c071101 0.1.0.  Version of the page available at <>.
Revision History:
0.1.0 2023-11-04T20:46Z Cleaned-up about Refactoring Announcement
0.0.2 2023-08-26T17:05Z Transposition to The Miser Project on GitHub
0.01 2013-10-13 Customize for 2007-04-24 Announcement
The material is customized enough to apply to the Miser Project.  The announcement is placed on selected pages as a caution to those visitors who are looking for current content or to determine what the repaving status is.
0.00 2007-11-11-13:47 Create Initial Folio Cover-Page Skeleton
The folio at ODMdev is cloned as boilerplate for customization to make a Miser Project repaving.

Construction Structure (Hard Hat Area)

You are navigating the Miser Project on GitHub.

created 2024-02-17-17:54Z by orcmid