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Bibliography Readings/Notes
Unrefined Sources and Materials on Trustworthy Computing>

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As Bill Anderson and I work our way through the tenets and context of Trustworthy Computing, I want to capture references to works that may be valuable to identify and perhaps explore.  

This list starts with unrefined sources from citations and mentions in other works.  The first challenge is to then determine where the materials are to be found.  The idea is to promote the accessibility of these materials for exploration and review by others. 

When such material is consulted, additional notes on their relevance will be captured and the list of sources refined.  New unrefined sources will doubtless arise.

-- Dennis E. Hamilton
2002 February 2

Sources to Check

Recent Trust-Related Materials

Howard, Michael., LeBlanc, David.
Writing Secure Code.  Microsoft Press.  (Redmond, WA: 2002).  ISBN 0-7356-1588-8 pbk.
Poulsen, Kevin.
U.S. Funds Open Source Security Hub.  Technology: Security Forum.  Business Week online.  February 7, 2002.
Mundie, Craig., de Vries, Pierre., Haynes, Peter., Corwine, Matt.  
Trustworthy Computing.  Microsoft white paper.  Prepared for submission to the 31st World Economic Forum.  2002 January 31.  Revised May, 2002.

References in [MacKenzie2001]

Barnes, Barry
Barnes, Barry., Bloor, David., Henry, John.  Scientific Knowledge: A Sociological Analysis.  Chicago University Press (Chicago: 1996); Athlon (London: 1996).
Beck, Ulrich
Risk Society: Towards a New Modernity.  Sage (London: 1992).
     The preoccupation with technological risk is identified here.  MacKenzie sees the historical novelty of high-modern risks as overstated.   For us, it is the political preoccupation with it that is of notable.  [MacKenzie2001: 7-8]
Bijke, Wiebe E.
Pinch, Trevor J., Bijker, Wiebe E.  The Social Construction of Facts and Artefacts: or How the Sociology of Science and the Sociology of Technology might Benefit Each Other.  Social Studies of Science 14 (1984), 399-441.
Bloor, David
Wittgenstein and Mannheim on the Sociology of Mathematics.  Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science 4 (1973), 173-191.
Bloor, David
Bloor, David.  Knowledge and Social Imagery.  Routledge & Kegan Paul (London: 1976).
Bloor, David
Bloor, David.  Wittgenstein: A Social Theory of Knowledge.  Macmillan (London: 1983).
Bloor, David
Barnes, Barry., Bloor, David., Henry, John.  Scientific Knowledge: A Sociological Analysis.  Chicago University Press (Chicago: 1996); Athlon (London: 1996).
Bloor, David
Bloor, David.  Wittgenstein: Rules and Institutions.  Routledge (London: 1997).
Bloor, David
Bloor, David., Edge, David.  Knowing Reality Through Society.  Physics World 11, 3 (March 1998), 23.  Also Social Studies of Science 30 (2000), 158-160.
     MacKenzie draws the "zero-sum" metaphor from this paper, pointing out that he does not see such an impact. 
Boehm, Barry.  
The ACM-IEEE Initiative on Software Engineering as a Profession.  ACM Software Engineering Notes 19, 4 (October 1994), 1-2.
Buxton, J.N.
Buxton, J.N., Randell, B., (eds.).  Software Engineering Techniques: Report on a Conference Sponsored by the NATO Science Committee, Rome, Italy, 27th to 31st October 1969.  NATO Scientific Affairs Division (Brussels: 1970).
Daston, Lorraine
Daston, Lorraine., Galison, Peter.   The Image of Objectivity.  Representations 40 (Fall 1992), 81-128.
     Provides an useful sketch of the emergence of "mechanical objectivity," according to MacKenzie [2001]
Dijkstra, Edsger W.
Structured Programming.  pp. 84-88 in Buxton, J.N., Randell, B., (eds.).  Software Engineering Techniques: Report on a Conference Sponsored by the NATO Science Committee, Rome, Italy, 27th to 31st October 1969.  NATO Scientific Affairs Division (Brussels: 1970).
     MacKenzie borrows the quote: "Program testing can be used to show the presence of bugs, but never to show their absence!"
Fischer, Charles S.
The Last Invariant Theorists: A Sociological Study of the Collective Biographies of Mathematical Specialists.  European Journal of Sociology 8 (1967), 216-244.
Fischer, Charles S.
Some Social Characteristics of Mathematicians and Their Work.  American Journal of Sociology 78 (1973), 1094-1118.
Fischer, Roland
Restivo, Sal., Van Bendegem, Jean Paul., Fischer, Roland., (eds.).  Math Worlds: Philosophical and Social Studies of Mathematics and Mathematics Education.  State University of New York Press (Albany, NY: 1993).
Fox, Robert
Fox, Robert (ed.).  Technological Change: Methods and Themes in the History of Technology.  Harwood (Amsterdam: 1996).
Galison, Peter
Daston, Lorraine., Galison, Peter.   The Image of Objectivity.  Representations 40 (Fall 1992), 81-128.
Galison, Peter.
Image and Logic: A Material Culture of Microphysics.  University of Chicago Press (Chicago: 1997).  
   Recommended in [MacKenzie2001] (Chapter 1 note 6) for a sophisticated treatment that avoids both naive assertions of the independence of induction and simplistic claims about the nature of its dependence upon theory.
Giddens, Anthony
The Consequences of Modernity.  Polity (Cambridge: 1990).
     The terminology regarding societies of high modernity, and the preoccupations that show up around technology, are from here in [MacKenzie2001: p.7]
Henry, John
Barnes, Barry., Bloor, David., Henry, John.  Scientific Knowledge: A Sociological Analysis.  Chicago University Press (Chicago: 1996); Athlon (London: 1996).
Kuhn, Thomas S.  
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.  ed.2 University of Chicago Press (Chicago: 1970).
Lakatos, Imre
Essays in the Logic of Mathematical Discovery.  Ph.D. thesis.  Cambridge University, 1961.
Lakatos, Imre
Worall, John., Zahar, Elie., (eds.).,  Lakatos, Imre.  Proofs and Refutations: The Logic of Mathematical Discovery.  Cambridge University Press (Cambridge: 1976).
Laprie, J. C.
Laprie, J.C., (ed.). Dependability: Basic Concepts and Terminology in English, French, German, Italian and Japanese.  Springer (Vienna: 1992).
   MacKenzie uses the terminology here:
 1. Failure: when the delivered service no longer complies with the specification, the latter being an agreed description of the system's expected function and/or service.
 2. Error: that part of the system state which is liable to lead to subsequent failure.
 3. Fault: adjudged or hypothesized fault of an error.  
     MacKenzie points out that Failure is too narrow, since it excludes the important case of failures by mistaken specification.  See John Rushby [1994: p.193].
Lamport, Leslie
Letter to editor.  Comm. ACM 22 (1979), 624.
     MacKenzie [2001] draws on the analogy with geometry given here to provide a demonstration of the use of deductive proof rather than exhaustive testing, e.g., for the Pythagoras Theorem.
Livingston, Eric.
The Ethnomethodological Foundations of Mathematics.  Routledge & Kegan Paul (London: 1986).
Livingston[, Eric ?]
Cultures of Proving.  Social Studies of Science 29 (1999), 867-888.
Lolli, Gabriele
Lolli, Gabriele.  La Macchina e le Dimostrazioni.  il Mulino (Bologna: 1987).
     Identified as the closest general historical treatment of the "various technical specialisms bearing upon computing, risk, and proof" by MacKenzie [2001].
MacKenzie, Donald.
The Automation of Proof: A Historical and Sociological Exploration.  IEEE Annals of the History of Computing 17, 3 (1995), 7-29.
MacKenzie, Donald.
How Do We Know the Properties of Artefacts?  Applying the Sociology of Knowledge to Technology.  pp. 247-263 in Fox, Robert (ed.).  Technological Change: Methods and Themes in the History of Technology.  Harwood (Amsterdam: 1996).
MacKenzie, Donald.
Pottinger, Garrel., MacKenzie, Donald.  Mathematics, Technology, and Trust: Formal Verification, Computer Security, and the U.S. Military.  IEEE Annals of the History of Computing 19, 3 (1997), 41-59.
MacKenzie, Donald.
Slaying the Kraken: The Sociohistory of a Mathematical Proof.  Social Studies of Science 29 (1999), 7-60.
MacKenzie, Donald.  
Chapter in Systems, Experts, and Computers: The Systems Approach in Management and Engineering, World War II and After.  Hughes, Agatha C., Hughes, John P. (eds.).  MIT Press (Cambridge, MA: 2000).
Mannheim, Karl
Ideology and Utopia: An Introduction to the Sociology of Knowledge.  Harcourt, Brace & World (New York: 1936).
     MacKenzie observes that Mannheim excluded mathematics and logic from the scope of the field he founded, the sociology of knowledge.
Mendelsohn, Everet  
Mendelsohn, Everett., Weingart, Peter., Nowotny, Helga., (eds.).  The Social Production of Scientific Knowledge: Sociology of the Sciences, Volume 1.  Reidel (Dordrecht: 1977).
Mehrtens, Herbert.
Moderne-Sprache-Mathematic.  Eine Geschichte des Streits um die Grundlagen der Disciplin und des Subjekts formaler Systeme.  Suhrkamp (Frankfort: 1990).
Nowotny, Helga
Mendelsohn, Everett., Weingart, Peter., Nowotny, Helga., (eds.).  The Social Production of Scientific Knowledge: Sociology of the Sciences, Volume 1.  Reidel (Dordrecht: 1977).
Paláez, Eloína.
A Gift From Pandora's Box: The Software Crisis.  Ph.D. thesis, University of Edinburgh, 1988.
Pinch, Trevor J.
What Does a Proof Do if It Does Not Prove?  A Study of the Social Conditions and Metaphysical Divisions leading to David Bohm and John von Neumann failing to communicate in Quantum Physics.  pp. 171-215 in Mendelsohn, Everett., Weingart, Peter., Nowotny, Helga., (eds.).  The Social Production of Scientific Knowledge: Sociology of the Sciences, Volume 1.  Reidel (Dordrecht: 1977).
Pinch, Trevor J.
Pinch, Trevor J., Bijker, Wiebe E. The Social Construction of Facts and Artefacts: or How the Sociology of Science and the Sociology of Technology might Benefit Each Other.  Social Studies of Science 14 (1984), 399-441.
Porter, Theodore M.
Quantification and the Accounting Ideal in Science.  Social Studies of Science 22 (1992), 633-651.
Porter, Theodore M.
Trust in Numbers: The Pursuit of Objectivity in Science and Public Life.  Princeton University Press (Princeton, NJ: 1995).
Pottinger, Garrel.
Pottinger, Garrel., MacKenzie, Donald.  Mathematics, Technology, and Trust: Formal Verification, Computer Security, and the U.S. Military.  IEEE Annals of the History of Computing 19, 3 (1997), 41-59.
Randell, B.
Buxton, J.N., Randell, B., (eds.).  Software Engineering Techniques: Report on a Conference Sponsored by the NATO Science Committee, Rome, Italy, 27th to 31st October 1969.  NATO Scientific Affairs Division (Brussels: 1970).
Restivo, Sal
Mathematics in Society and History: Sociological Inquires.  Klewer (Dordrecht: 1992).
Restivo, Sal
Restivo, Sal., Van Bendegem, Jean Paul., Fischer, Roland., (eds.).  Math Worlds: Philosophical and Social Studies of Mathematics and Mathematics Education.  State University of New York Press (Albany, NY: 1993).
Rosental, Claude.  
Les Travailleurs de la Preuve sur Internet: Transformations et Permanences du Functionnement de la Recherche.  Acts de la Recherche en Sciences Sociales 134 (2000), 37-44.
Rosental, Claude.
La Production de Connaissances Certifiées en Logique: Un Processus Collectif d'Accréditation d'un Théorème.  Cahiers Internationalux de Sociologie 91 (2000), 343-374.
Rushby, John.
Critical System Properties: Survey and Taxonomy.  Reliability Engineering and System Safety 43 (1994), 189-219.
Schaffer, Simon.
Shapin, Steven., Schaffer, Simon.  Leviathan and the Air-Pump.  Hobbes, Boyle, and the Experimental Life.  Princeton University Press (Princeton, NJ: 1985).
Shapin, Steven.
A Social History of Truth: Civility and Science in Seventeenth-Century England.  University of Chicago Press (Chicago: 1994).
Shapin, Steven
Shapin, Steven., Schaffer, Simon.  Leviathan and the Air-Pump.  Hobbes, Boyle, and the Experimental Life.  Princeton University Press (Princeton, NJ: 1985).
Turkle, Sherry.
The Second Self: Computers and the Human Spirit.  Granada (London: 1984).
     According to MacKenzie, Turkle points out that computers are "evocative objects."  Previously, "animals ... seemed our nearest neighbors in the known universe.  Computers, with their interactivity, their psychology, with whatever fragments of intelligence they have, now bid for this place."  The computer is an "object-to-think-with," in particular to think about what it is to be human.
Van Bendegem, Jean Paul
Restivo, Sal., Van Bendegem, Jean Paul., Fischer, Roland., (eds.).  Math Worlds: Philosophical and Social Studies of Mathematics and Mathematics Education.  State University of New York Press (Albany, NY: 1993).
Weingart, Peter
Mendelsohn, Everett., Weingart, Peter., Nowotny, Helga., (eds.).  The Social Production of Scientific Knowledge: Sociology of the Sciences, Volume 1.  Reidel (Dordrecht: 1977).
Worall, John
Worall, John., Zahar, Elie., (eds.).,  Lakatos, Imre.  Proofs and Refutations: The Logic of Mathematical Discovery.  Cambridge University Press (Cambridge: 1976).
Zahar, Elie
Worall, John., Zahar, Elie., (eds.)., Lakatos, Imre.  Proofs and Refutations: The Logic of Mathematical Discovery.  Cambridge University Press (Cambridge: 1976).

References in [MacKenzie1998]

Archer, Margaret S. 1987. "Resisting the Revival of Relativism." International Sociology 2: 235-50.

Barnes, Barry, Bloor, David and Henry, John. 1996. Scientific Knowledge: A Sociological Analysis. London: Athlone.  consolidated with [MacKenzie2001] references.  1998 use not noted.

Bijker, Wiebe E., Thomas P. Hughes and Trevor Pinch. 1987. The Social Construction of Technological Systems: New Directions in the Sociology of Technology. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press. consolidated with [MacKenzie2001] references.  1998 use not noted.

Bloor, David. 1973. "Wittgenstein and Mannheim on the Sociology of Mathematics." Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science 4: 173-91.  consolidated with [MacKenzie2001] references.  1998 use not noted.

Bloor, David. 1976. Knowledge and Social Imagery. London: Routledge.  consolidated with [MacKenzie2001] references.  1998 use not noted.

Bloor, David. 1983. Wittgenstein: A Social Theory of Knowledge. London: Macmillan.  consolidated with [MacKenzie2001] references.  1998 use not noted.

Bloor, David. 1987. Wittgenstein, Rule and Institutions. London: Routledge.  consolidated with [MacKenzie2001] references.  1998 use not noted.

Bloor, David. 1994. "What can the Sociologist of Knowledge say about 2 + 2 = 4." In P. Ernest, ed., Mathematics, Education ands Philosophy (London: Falmer), 21-32.

Boyer, Robert S. and J. Strother Moore. 1984. "Proof Checking the RSA Public Key Encryption Algorithm." American Mathematical Monthly 91: 181-89.

Brock, Bishop and Warren A. Hunt. 1990. Report on the Formal Specification and Partial Verification of the VIPER Microprocessor. Austin, Texas: Computational Logic, Inc.

Cleland, George and Donald MacKenzie. Forthcoming. "The Industrial Uptake of Formal Methods: An Analysis and a Policy Proposal." Accepted for publication in Science and Public Policy.

Cohn, Avra. 1989. "The Notion of Proof in Hardware Verification." Journal of Automated Reasoning 5: 127-39.

Collins, H. M. 1985. Changing Order: Replication and Induction in Scientific Practice. London: SAGE.

Crevier, D. 1993. AI: The Tumultuous History of the Search for Artificial Intelligence. New York: Basic Books, 1993.

DeMillo, R., R. Lipton, and A. Perlis. 1979. "Social Processes and Proofs of Theorems and Programs." Communications of the ACM 22: 271-80.

Fetzer, J. H. 1988. "Program Verification: The Very Idea." Communications of the ACM 31: 1048-63.

Galison, Peter. 1997. Image and Logic: A Material Culture of Microphysics. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Glanz, James. 1995. "Mathematical Logic Flushes out the Bugs in Chip Designs." Science 267 (20 January): 332-33.

Gross, Paul R. and Norman Levitt. 1994. Higher Superstition: The Academic Left and its Quarrels with Science. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Haack, Susan. 1976. "The Justification of Deduction." Mind 80: 112-19.

Harwood, Jonathan. 1993. Styles of Scientific Thought: The German Genetics Community, 1900-1933. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Hayes, P. J. 1987. "A Critique of Pure Treason." Computational Intelligence 3 (1987): 179-185.

Hoare, C. A. R. 1994. "How Did Software Get So Reliable Without Proof?" Talk to the Awareness Club in Computer Assisted Formal Reasoning, Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, 21 March.

Kleiner, Israel. 1991. "Rigor and Proof in Mathematics: A Historical Perspective." Mathematics Magazine 64: 291-314.

Livingston, E. 1986. The Ethnomethodological Foundations of Mathematics. London: Routledge.

MacKenzie, Donald. 1990. Inventing Accuracy: A Historical Sociology of Nuclear Missile Guidance. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.

MacKenzie, Donald. 1991. "The Fangs of the VIPER." Nature 352: 467-68.

MacKenzie, Donald. 1993a. Negotiating Arithmetic, Constructing Proof: The Sociology of Mathematics and Information Technology." Social Studies of Science 23: 37-65.

MacKenzie, Donald. 1993b. "The Social Negotation of Proof: An Analysis and a further Prediction, " in Peter Ryan and Chris Sennett, eds, Formal Methods in Systems Engineering (London: Springer, 1993), 23-31.

MacKenzie, Donald. 1994. "Computer-Related Accidental Death: An Empirical Exploration." Science and Public Policy 21: 233-48.

MacKenzie, Donald. 1995. "The Automation of Proof: An Historical and Sociological Exploration." IEEE Annals of the History of Computing 17 (3): 7-29.

MacKenzie, Donald. 1996. "Proof and the Computer: Some Issues Raised by the Formal Verification of Computer Systems," Science and Public Policy, 23 (1996): 45-53.

MacKenzie, Donald. Forthcoming a. "Slaying the Kraken: The Socio-History of a Mathematical Proof," accepted for publication in Social Studies of Science.

MacKenzie, Donald. Forthcoming b. "A Worm in the Bud? Computers, Systems, and the Safety-Case Problem," submitted to Thomas P. Hughes, ed., The Spread of the Systems Approach (volume under consideration by Chicago University Press).

MacKenzie, Donald and Pottinger, Garrel. 1997. "Mathematics, Technology, and Trust: Formal Verification, Computer Security, and the U.S. Military," IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, 19 (3) 41-59.

MacKenzie, Donald and Tierney, Margaret. 1996. "Safety-Critical and Security-Critical Computing in Britain: An Exploration," Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 9 (355-79).

Ministry of Defence. 1991. Interim Defence Standard 00-55: The Procurement of Safety Critical Software in Defence Equipment. Glasgow: Ministry of Defence, Directorate of Standardization.

Myers, Glenford J. 1979. The Art of Software Testing. New York: Wiley.

Neumann, Peter G. 1995. Computer-Related Risks. New York: Addison-Wesley.

Nidditch, P. H. 1957. Introductory Formal Logic of Mathematics. London: University Tutorial Press.

Peláez, Eloína, James Fleck and Donald MacKenzie. 1987. "Social Research on Software." Paper presented to workshop of the Economic and Social Research Council, Programme on Information and Communication Technologies, Manchester, December.

Rushby, John. 1993. Formal Methods and the Certification of Critical Systems. SRI International.

Shapin, Steven. 1994. A Social History of Truth: Civility and Science in Seventeenth-Century England. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.  consolidated with [MacKenzie2001] references.  1998 use not noted.

Stoutemyer, D. R. 1991. "Crimes and Misdemeanors in the Computer Algebra Trade." Notices of the American Mathematical Society 38: 778-85.

Thistlewaite, P., Michael A. McRobbie, and Robert K. Meyer. 1988. Automated theorem proving in non-classical logics (London : Pitman).

Thomas, Martyn. 1991. "VIPER Lawsuit withdrawn." Electronic mail communication, 5 June.

Tierney, Margaret. 1992. "Software Enginering Standards: The 'Formal Methods Debate' in the UK." Technology Analysis and Strategic Management 4: 245-78.


MacKenzie, Donald A.  Computers and the Sociology of Mathematical Proof.  Prepared for Northern Formal Methods Workshop, Ilkley, September 1998.  Edinburgh University Department of Sociology Published on-line.
MacKenzie, Donald AMechanizing Proof: Computing, Risk, and TrustMIT Press (Cambridge, MA: 2001).  Inside Technology Series.  ISBN 0-262-13393-8 hard cover, alkaline paper.

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