Dennis E. Hamilton

GitHub Repository Security Policy/Sandbox

2024-09-28 Status: There are no code releases at the repository/project. Content consists of HTML, Markdown, and text files published as GitHub Pages to Orcmid on GitHub.

GitHub automatically anchors the documentation (docs/) GitHub Pages for other Orcmid on Github projects in subordinate directories, such as for nfoTools and The Miser Project on GitHub.

Distinct projects of Orcmid on GitHub have separate and specific Security Policy statements, vulnerability reports, and instructions for reporting vulerabilities. Consult those repository Security tabs and/or files for specific policies, vulnerability reports, and ways to report a vulnerability for a given repository/release.

Supported Versions

At the top-level there are no code releases whatsoever. There are only materials used to generate static GitHub Pages. Subordinate individual projects have project-specific security policies and the pertinent one should be consulted.

Version Supported
none :x:

Finding Vulnerability Reports

The Security Tabs on GitHub repository pages provide a link to all public reports on resolved vulnerabilities, including their nature, any mitigation, and any actions required by those who are employing vulnerable software versions. These reports are developed privately in response to notification of a vulnerability and not published until any remediation is in place.

Reporting a Vulnerability

IMPORTANT: Please report vulnerability discoveries at the specific GitHub repository for software having the suspected/detected security defect. That is where analysis, resolution, and publication of any vulnerability announcement must occur.

The identification of vulnerabilities and operation in conjunction with a Security Policy is designed by GitHub for use by security researchers. Knowlege of practices around handling and resolution of security issues is expected, including use of the Cybersecurity Vulnerability and Exposures (CVE) identifiers and associated reports, and of the Common Weakness Scoring System (CVSS).

Already-issued vulnerability announcements are found via the Security tab of specific Orcmid on GitHub project repositories.

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To privately report an exploitable vulnerability or exposed threat-surface, please use the GitHub vulnerability reporting provision of a specific project’s Security tab, such as Security, for specifically/overall.

If you are unable to exercise that capability, or prefer private email communication, send a digitally-signed plaintext email to orcmid.

If you have reservations about email security/privacy, enclose an ASCII-armored file PGP-encrypted using the orcmid Apache public key.

If you wish encrypted responses, sign that message before encryption in order for your public key to be available for that purpose.