This page demonstrates the layout and Markdown effects supported by the current (default), template’s rendering of pages. This page is rendered at It is authored at
For details of how the default, no-template presentation was experienced and minimum expectations for other templates, see the plain rendering confirmation.
The flow of paragraph text from line-to-line and spacing from one paragraph to the next is presented in this and the next paragraph.
There should be one blank line between these two paragraphs. If the browser view is widened or narrowed, the text flow should change to keep all of the text in view.
The above text and the titles were produced with the following Markdown text.
### Paragraph Flow
The flow of paragraph text from line-to-line and spacing
from one paragraph to the next is presented in this and
the next paragraph.
There should be one blank line between these two paragraphs.
If the browser view is widened or narrowed, the text flow
should change to keep all of the text in view.
Text can be bold, italic, and struckthrough.
There are combinations and altermatives.
### Text Emphasis
Text can be **bold**, *italic*, and <strike>struckthrough</strike>.
There are ***comb**inations* and _altermatives_.
A special text formatting is code-style
or typewriter
Characters used for special markdown purposes can be escaped with “\” to simply appear as text characters:
\ ` * _ # + - . ! ( [ { } ] )
For Markdown pages in the repository (but not GitHub pages) emoji are defined at the emoji cheat sheet, including :smile: :boom: :heart: :kiss: :floppy_disk: :mouse:
### Special Text Features
A special text formatting is `code-style` or `typewriter`.
Characters used for special markdown purposes can be **escaped** with "\\"
to simply appear as text characters:
\\ \` \* \_ \# \+ \- \. \! \( \[ \{ \} \] \)
For Markdown pages in the repository (but not GitHub pages) emoji are defined
at the [emoji cheat sheet](,
including :smile: :boom: :heart: :kiss: :floppy_disk: :mouse:
There are six levels of headers supported in Markdown (and HTML)
The largests header is generally used for the overall title.
Decreasing size and strength reflect hierarchical nesting as desired.
Generally, H4 is the same size as normal text, but still distinguished as a header.
The smallest header levels could use some smaller text.
# H1 Header
The largests header is generally used for the overall title.
## H2 Header
Decreasing size and strength reflect hierarchical nesting as desired.
### H3 Header
#### H4 Header
Generally, H4 is the same size as normal text, but still distinguished
as a header.
##### H5 Header
###### H6 Header
<small>The smallest header levels could use some smaller text.